Yea, I did the same thing.

I bought Fire Fades for my PC and played it for a while. Then I ended up jumping between Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls for a variety of reasons (community events etc) and Farron Keep annoyed me enough I just didn't go back (I was just so over poison swamps at that point, a brand new one was argh).

When I finally buckled down with DS3, I bought it for PS4 because I just liked the feel of having so many Soulsborne on console.

I eventually went back to PC when I got a new gaming laptop that was a decent step up from my PC. Some of the scenery is orgasmic at times.

And I can probably tell this same story about a ton of games.

Just like how I started Tales of Berseria on PC, then bought it on PS4 and now I'm probably halfway through it on PS4. Inevitably I'll replay it on PC. I also have another copy of this game for PC from Humble Bundle...