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Thread: Jurassic Park

  1. #1
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    Jurassic Park

    I figure we can use one thread for the upcoming Jurassic Park IV and discussing the first three films.

    My girlfriend's stuck in the hospital, and has been for a couple of days, so whenever she's asleep I've been watching the digital copies/bonus content for the Ultimate Trilogy that came out a little bit ago. One, the little 3-year-old in me is still excited as hell about these movies, and two, it's like I'm watching everything again for the first time, going through all the bonus content - none of which I'd really sat and watched before.

  2. #2
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    I just watched them. Very stupid movies but some good fun no less.

    At one point in the lost world Vince Vaugn said maybe the funniest line in the whole trilogy.

    ::Ian Malcom's daughter is caught stowing away in a trailer, already on the island, she stumbles out and Vaughn, Jeff Golblum and Julianne Moore catch her. an awkward moment ensues::

    Vince Vaughn (gesturing between Goldblum and the little girl): Do I see a family resemblance?

    ::the little girl is Black, Goldblum is not...::

    ???? I know the line is not meant to be ironic, but it comes off so ridiculous because of the casting.. lulz

  3. #3
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    The scene where the children are being attacked by the T Rex in the car is one of my favorite moments in cinema history. There is no music, when I saw it I think the cinema turned the volume up immensely when this scene came on, the floor was shaking, but its just the terrifying sounds of children screaming, metal being crushed to pieces and glass being smashed, loud thunder and a ferocious monster roaring. I found that scene extremely powerful and intense. Spielberg is a master at creating suspense.
    I always thought Ariana Richards should have done more films.

  4. #4
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    Spielberg will not direct JPIV and won't rule out a reboot... I'm all for a reboot if it follows the book more, which is a bit darker
    Last edited by neorev; 01-14-2012 at 12:49 AM.

  5. #5
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    I only truly liked the first film. The others lack at any good tactics that the first had and I found III quite terribly overblown.

    It's been close to what...12 or 11 years since III? It was only a matter of time another sequel would be out.

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    This franchise does not need a reboot, honestly. The dinosaurs are still there on the island, and the three main characters (even four if you count Julianne Moore) are alive and well and ready to go back (as far as screenplay writers are concerned)

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    God no to a reboot. The book is darker but is fundamentally unfilmable since the dinosaurs were just a backdrop, the book was about exploring chaos theory.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    The book is darker but is fundamentally unfilmable since the dinosaurs were just a backdrop, the book was about exploring chaos theory.
    That's a bit of an overstatement, one of the major elements that makes the book so great is that it explores a number of cutting edge subjects in great detail. Genetic technology and the culture of commercial science is explored in just as much detail as chaos theory, and far from being a backdrop, Jurassic Park was the most critical publication in popularising the dinosaur revolution. Despite all the research that had gone into proving that many dinosaurs were active, social, childrearing, perhaps even endothermic and ancestral to birds, the concept of 'dinosaur' in the public consciousness still represented a primitive monster lizard plodding towards obsolescence and extinction. That book, and the film even more so, changed all that.

    The film did water down most of the book's concepts, but I agree, a direct book-to-screen wouldn't work. There's too much detail and complexity for a movie to flow properly, and it's perhaps a bit dark for a family blockbuster.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    What I took away from this article is that for some reason they're making Grown Ups 2. Adam Sandler must be stopped.

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    I want to see JP 3D! So many scenes should be great in the three dimensional vision.

  12. #12
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    ^ Agreed! Should be a good opportunity to polish up the some of the more dated effects work, too.

    Lookin' forward to it.


  13. #13
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    I think I'm most excited for the helicopter descent.

    They're all like "whoa, whoa!"

    It's going to be great in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually I'm just kidding, that's not going to be my favorite scene. My favorite will be that desert scene near the beginning where they're undigging the fossils. Now that, that will be the highlight, seeing those fossils in 3D. Also seeing the amber with the insect inside will be great.

    I'm still just kidding... that won't be the highlight, surely the highlight will be when they come across the gigantic pile of shit. IN 3 D!!!

  14. #14
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    FIRST FUCKING IMAGE FROM JP4! So fucking stoked, I do believe they are going to be covering the story of the barbasol can, much like the recent JP game from TellTale

  15. #15
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    JP 3d not showing in London as far as I know... very jealous as the mrs saw it in hong kong the other week - and apparently there was like 2 people in the cinema gahh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    JP 3d not showing in London as far as I know... very jealous as the mrs saw it in hong kong the other week - and apparently there was like 2 people in the cinema gahh
    For some bizarre reason it's not showing until August 23rd in Britain. The last few weeks have been barren at the box office, I don't know why they didn't release it more or less concurrently to the US. With so much of a major marketing campaign spreading worldwide thanks to the web, it's essentially throwing money down the toilet to have internationally staggered release dates these days.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    For some bizarre reason it's not showing until August 23rd in Britain. The last few weeks have been barren at the box office, I don't know why they didn't release it more or less concurrently to the US. With so much of a major marketing campaign spreading worldwide thanks to the web, it's essentially throwing money down the toilet to have internationally staggered release dates these days.

    It leaked online a few weeks back. The two scenes that stand out are the T-Rex jeep scene and the Velociraptor kitchen scene. They're terrifying again

  18. #18
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    Production has been halted, JP4 = delayed:

    Guests will have to wait a little longer to re-enter “Jurassic Park.”

    Universal Pictures has decided to take the film off its June 13, 2014, release date for the long-awaited sequel to “Jurassic Park 3.”

    In a statement from Universal, the studio says, “Universal has decided to release ‘Jurassic Park 4 ‘at a later date giving the studio and filmmakers adequate time to bring audiences the best possible version of the fourth installment in Universal’s beloved franchise. We could not be more excited about the vision that Colin Trevorrow has created for this film, and we look forward to watching as he and the producers create another great chapter in this franchise’s storied history.”

    Rumblings began to surface last night of a possible delay to the production when several crew members tweeted that the production was being halted.

    The project was already on a tight schedule when the studio dated the film before it tapped a director to come on board. “Safety Not Guaranteed” helmer Colin Trevorrow was eventually selected but as part of his deal had asked the studio if he could re-work the script with writing partner Derek Connolly.

    Even with a script being worked out, the studio had begun meeting with actors and had focused on thesps such as Bryce Dallas Howard and David Oyelowo as front-runners to join the cast. The idea was once a script was done and greenlight given that offers could be given out immediately and production get under way without any worry of getting off schedule due to casting meetings.

    While delays are never a good thing, this is hardly a troubling sign for the production but more of the fact that Universal may have simply gotten too far ahead of itself when setting the original date.

    Trevorrow is rewriting the script with Connelly, whom he worked with on Sundance hit “Safety Not Guaranteed.”

    Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver penned the original script but no plot details have been revealed.

    Frank Marshall is producing with Spielberg exec producing.

  19. #19
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    Yeah, I read about the delay on another news site this morning. It seems like it's more of them flat out terminating the idea than putting a hold on it.

    The other site was speculating that since the 3D re-release of the original only pulled in 40 million, this was the studio's the deciding factor to put a hold on JP4 now, if not terminate the idea altogether.

    Which i'm actually pretty upset about... I was really looking forward to this movie and the thought ofn waiting a whole year has been tourtue for me. I am a HUGE JP fan and have been following the rumors of a sequel for about a decade now.

    I think the studio needs to realize that just because a 20 year old post converted 3D movie only pulled in $40 mil, doesn't mean a brand new movie will do the same. There is a pretty huge difference between an old re-release and a brand new movie. The 4th installment would make it's money back guarenteed. Oh well, what can ya do...
    next summer is jam-packed with amazing releases anyway. (Transformers 4, TMNT reboot and X-men: days of the future past). Would be nice to have JP4 thrown in the mix next summer as well, but on one hand, if they haven't even got a cast together yet, and they are aiming for a June 2014 release, they really should have been SHOOTING by now, it's not gonna make the release date one way or the other unless they start filming now. A movie of this calibre is going to take more than a year to put together, and since all 3 of the movies I named above have already gone into production, and this hasn't that's a sure sign this movie isn't going to make the 2014 summer release schedule.

    I'm all for pushing the release back another year or another 6 months if it means more time to develop the script and get the proper cast together, but I'd really hate to see this project get scrapped altogether.

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    Colin Treverrow has confirmed, just a delay. No re-write. Basically the draft he turned in is probably more epic than Universal anticipated and gave them more time

  21. #21
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    I hope they'll do something about that god awful CGI'd dinosaurs from JP3. Creatures from 1 & 2 looked a million times more real.

  22. #22
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    i've noticed that the cgi technology is moving so fast that movies look dated after a year or two.
    We are fast approaching a point at which it will be possible for ANYTHING to happen in a film and look absolutely real.
    I hope that SOME kind of new JP comes out...part 4, reboot, whatever....just cause i wanna see how real the dinosaurs look. Fuck the plot, i mean, i watch transformers with the volume down more than once.

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    See, I hope they'll keep using practical creatures too, Stan Winston's work is what really makes the JP films look decent even now. I watched JP in 3D on the big screen recently, and when they revealed the sick triceratops I was still blown away by how great it looked.

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    Meh, Jurassic Park 4's title has been changed to "Jurassic World" and gets a June 12, 2015 release date.

    While i'm happy the movie is back on track and has a scheduled release date now, i'm not a fan of the title change.
    Guess it's a minor complaint, but ya need a good title! I would have much rather them kept the "Jurassic Park" name and added a subtitle. Adding a number to the name is so overkill these days, but adding a subtitle would have been better.

    As long as they take their time with the film to do it right, that's really what it all boils down to. While I really want to see this film badly, i'm glad they took it out of the 2014 summer release schedule, it would have been too rushed.

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    Promo/Pitch trailer for "Jurassic World" - This footage will apparently not be in the final film.


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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Promo/Pitch trailer for "Jurassic World" - This footage will apparently not be in the final film.


    This is not part of the movie...this was for a video game that never got made.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    This is not part of the movie...this was for a video game that never got made.


    Not sure what it said when you read it, but it has an "update" now that says:

    "UPDATE: Ryan Turek of is claiming that he saw the test footage from Jurassic World over a year ago in 2012, and is confirming that it's 100% NOT for a video game. He claims that it is pitch footage - a 'proof of concept' for Jurassic World, and that he has been sitting on the title for over a year. Check out his Tweet here and take a look at his other tweets too. We'll keep you updated when more news comes in."

    Here is the twitter conversation:

  28. #28
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    Yeah it's pitch footage... though it is not going to be a scene in the film
    I'm still 50/50 with this movie... it is some sorta remake/sequel mash up
    A fully working park with tourists when everything goes wrong

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post

    Not sure what it said when you read it, but it has an "update" now that says:

    "UPDATE: Ryan Turek of is claiming that he saw the test footage from Jurassic World over a year ago in 2012, and is confirming that it's 100% NOT for a video game. He claims that it is pitch footage - a 'proof of concept' for Jurassic World, and that he has been sitting on the title for over a year. Check out his Tweet here and take a look at his other tweets too. We'll keep you updated when more news comes in."

    Here is the twitter conversation:
    I find it extremely funny that some random guy from a website has been sitting on the title of the film for a year, WHEN the director who came up with the story and wrote the script hasnt even been tied to JP4 for a year...

    And because a person said it on Twitter...makes it true.

    BTW Im Jesus. Because I posted this statement on ETS...IT IS TRUE.

    AND HOW THE HELL, coudld there be pitch footage a year ago when no one was attached to the damn project??

  30. #30
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    And why would you need conceptual pitch footage for a Jurassic Park movie? I'm pretty sure the guys and girls at ILM still know how to do things that look good.

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