Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
Ugh. I am not doing well this summer. I think I was one of the only people on the planet who didn't love Mad Max, and I came in here expecting to see people tear JW to shreds but seems as most people liked that, too.

So yeah, I clearly don't know what's going on any more. And this is coming from someone who generally gives blockbusters a pass for being what they are. I actually don't even mind Michael Bay so it's not as though I'm a popcorn snob by any means.

But I'm sorry this was simply Megalodon vs Godzilla with Dinosaurs, not a scientific exploration into the world of palaeontology and archaeology that I wanted or that it easily could have been. It had some cool elements sure I'll give it that, but the sum definitely did not equal the parts for me. It was a horror movie that wasn't scary, and it was a science fiction movie that wasn't intelligent. Add in mostly bad acting, and a lame duck story? As someone who really wanted to love this film I can only justifying polishing a turd so much. This film did absolutely nothing to advance the JP mythology I had come to know and left me feeling hollow and disappointed. I expected at the least, a slightly more cerebral and well thought out film from Mr. Trevorrow.

It's a shame. Well at least it's making money. Maybe the sequel will be handled better.
It's an action movie about/with dinosaurs. I don't know if anyone should be going into the theater to watch this expecting something cerebral or well thought out.

I saw it today and enjoyed it for what it was. It was definite fan service. If you look deeply into it, it's a movie with a ton of issues, but on the surface it's a fun summer blockbuster. Good times to be had.