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Thread: Facebook

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I am dreading being told I have to dl messenger or I don't get to read my messages.
    I refuse to use it. I don't do many messages on there but now when I do, it has to wait until I can get to a computer

  2. #62
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    Oh, so on the computer we won't need it? I already deleted my FB iphone app a while ago.

  3. #63
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    As far as I know it's only required for the app

  4. #64
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  5. #65
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    even though I constantly choose "most recent stories" my FB feed resolutely shows me old stories, days-old stories I didn't care about to begin with. Just because someone commented on it doesn't qualify it as a "recent story."

    I fucking hate Facebook.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 12-19-2014 at 12:25 PM.

  6. #66
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    Yeah that whole comment bumping that seems to happen is annoying.

    Regarding the iOS app version of FB, what the hell....why did they have to dick with it..........you have to go into the side nav just to get the most recent feed now, doesn't even give you that option to change it RIGHT FROM THE FEED like before.

    They just continue to make navigating the site more and more inconvenient rather than convenient. What's with all these dumb UI changes. Jesus Christ.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    what the hell....why did they have to dick with it..........
    I've been thinking this about the desktop version of FB for years.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I refuse to use it. I don't do many messages on there but now when I do, it has to wait until I can get to a computer
    I just use the mobile version in the browser in my phone.

  9. #69
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    If you hate Facebook, you're doing it wrong.

  10. #70
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    I have an irrational hatred of the new "message received/read" notification on iOS Messenger.

  11. #71
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    FB feels like it's really emptying out. I have like 500+ friends, and between showing me the same old messages over and over and refusing to show me everyone's status updates, and people not posting so much as they did a few years ago, it feels like a lot more static and boring and less vital than it used to. Feels like FB's time has come: and their own arrogance is partly responsible for this.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 01-06-2015 at 06:54 AM.

  12. #72
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    Yep. My friends list is relatively small, but still, 95% of the friend updates that pop up are from the same few people, around 15% of my friends list. And I think it's mostly that they're the only ones still really into Facebook, rather than the site being overly selective about what's shown - they're certainly not the people I interact with the most.

  13. #73
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    i used to LOVE facebook, but i think i wound up adding too many people.
    you get friend requests from everyone you've ever met, ever, and hell, i don't remember half the motherfuckers i went to high school with, but i recognize their names and add them cuz i don't wanna hurt their feelers.

    To me, it is a bad idea to delete facebook though, because it is a way to share news or ask for help from, again, everyone you've ever met.

    For instance, a few years ago, my dvd player quit working on a weekend when i had rented 8 movies.

    So i ask on facebook if anyone has a dvd player i could borrow, and within 2 hours, one is delivered to my house. I still have the motherfucker.
    Now THAT is cool.

    also, what @icklekitty said.
    i don't censor myself on facebook, and i'm the same there as i am here...and people are shocked...and it's fucking funny.

    But as far as a place for discussion and such? For some weird reason i like talking to people that i don't know. Also, the common (nin-ish) interests help.

    It really trips me out. If i ask for advice, or something fucked up happens, more people pay attention here than on facebook.
    SHouldn't it be the other way around?

    I will never delete my facebook though, even though i barely use it. I just can't imagine NOT being able to get in touch with any of the 4 or 500 people i've added any time i want.

    THAT's what i love about it i guess...if you're like, "well fuck me, i wonder what happened to good old Freaky Leroy..,haven't thought about him in years!"

    Well you can just hit him up on facebook!

  14. #74
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    These days I only access it through Tinfoil on my phone. Not out o paranoia or anything but because if I'm logged in through a computer I'd be on it all. I check it once or twice a day now

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i don't censor myself on facebook, and i'm the same there as i am here...and people are shocked...and it's fucking funny.
    I'm in academia, which is by far not the only field where people lose jobs for posting opinions online: so from where I'm coming from FB is basically a bunch of people fronting, bragging, whining, being passive aggressive, not saying what they really think, changing their names, etc. It can get depressing as fuck: I have many friends on silent because I am sick of their bragging/whining (I call it "brining"). "OMG poor me I have jet-lag" (from all the international travelling I am doing). I have envy problems too, which is an issue that has been written about in regards to FB. But it's misplaced envy, because everyone's projecting these awesome lives, but it's a projection, a carefully crafted image. Or they're venting, which is even worse.
    In short, you get to see the shitty side of people you like, and that's depressing.

  16. #76
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    I deleted my Facebook account because the ADVERTISING and because of Facebook's creepy disregard for my privacy, even though I had my account locked down like Fort Knox, was too much and it had to go. I was IN advertising for years, so I probably have a lot more tolerance for advertising than most people, but I just couldn't tolerate it anymore. And the "suggested friends" at the top, where they were mining my contacts without my permission, and I assume they were also suggesting ME to others even though I had my profile on lockdown, pissed me off.

    When a person I knew in Michigan from 6th grade was able to hunt me down and find me on Facebook and send me a message, that pretty much sealed the deal that FB sucks.

    I don't WANT lots of friends. I didn't like high school, THEN, why the fuck do I want to talk with those assholes, now?

    I was FB friends with my oldest childhood friend but she had such crazy conservative views that I didn't even KNOW about (Obama is really a muslim from Africa and has ruined the country, why did SCOTUS overturn the gay marriage ban in Michigan when voters voted it in? voters shouldn't be trumped by the US Supreme Court, etc., what in the living fuck), I unfriended her and she's stupid enough to think I deleted my FB account, and I almost unfriended her in real life, too, until my husband said that FB is a "friendship killer" and to blow it off. I did, we're still friends.

    But then I realized that I had whittled down my "friends" list to just the people who shared my exact same views, and then it was like a political echo chamber full of people spewing the same shit or talking about their kids' lives over and over and over and my aunt posting really fattening recipes 400 times per day, and in between that THE FUCKING ADS and then, really, this is all not for US, this is to make Mark Zuckerberg et al very very very rich with advertising revenue from the information he has mined from all FB users. So, yeah, not worth it. I have old school email and texting that works just fine, thanks.

    Since the BBS days, I much more enjoy being an anonymous pseudonym and conversing in the forum type of environment. I don't like too much personalization, I don't want people in my business, I don't want to know too much about theirs. Privacy is important enough to me that I like preserving it; I've seen the FBI and lawyers hunt through peoples' personal online crap (I've seen FB files successfully subpoenaed and used against them in lawsuits), and being anonymous suits me just fine, thanks.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-06-2015 at 09:22 PM.

  17. #77
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    I still enjoy the shit out of it. And really, it seems to be the only way people in my generation know how to plan and organize events.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I deleted my Facebook account because the ADVERTISING and because of Facebook's creepy disregard for my privacy, even though I had my account locked down like Fort Knox, was too much and it had to go. I was IN advertising for years, so I probably have a lot more tolerance for advertising than most people, but I just couldn't tolerate it anymore.
    I have to say anyone with Chrome should have Adblock as a mandatory extension. I saw YouTube with ads for the first time in years the other day and wanted to cry.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I have to say anyone with Chrome should have Adblock as a mandatory extension. I saw YouTube with ads for the first time in years the other day and wanted to cry.
    Have it. Still too many fucking ads; not just on the sides, but in between. FB is smart enough to feed them to you in ways where you can't get rid of them. Bastards.

    My husband still has his FB account so if something happens among his work friends, I can see it on his account (he tells me to look). If they plan something (retirement parties, band gigs), they often now plan it via FB but I don't care, somebody can send me a fucking email. Otherwise, my close friends primarily email and text. But my 70-year-old Aunt uses FB all fucking day, as does nearly all of my husband's retired friends; we joke "what do you do when you retire? you hang out all day on FB, evidently."
    Last edited by allegro; 01-07-2015 at 05:01 PM.

  20. #80
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    I have a couple friends who have just announced they will be deleting FB this year to start the year off fresh. It kinda sucks. I can look past the advertising and see a generally useful tool. If not for keeping in touch with people, it acts as an up to date news feed for music/movie news and other stuff I have "liked" so I can keep track of all that stuff in one place. It's my goto site for news. I usually find out a local breaking news story from the trending topics on Facebook than I would in the news elsewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I still enjoy the shit out of it. And really, it seems to be the only way people in my generation know how to plan and organize events.
    And this 100%

    I find it is still the most useful way of group messaging people to plan events and get togethers. It's a one stop shop. You message everyone you want to attend and you can see their reply's in real time etc. I just used it to plan a get together with about 6 friends coming up on Jan 17th. Everyone had an answer for me within a few hours. Very convenient. Not playing phone or e-mail tag.

    I just couldn't imagine deleting it. And to be honest with you, one of those friends I mentioned above... posts and likes all day long. I am not sure how he is going to quit. I think he's addicted.

    But on the other hand, Facebook has become less personable as someone mentioned above. Gone are the days of your friends updating their status on how they feel or showing off something they bought etc. Now it's moreso people just sharing news links and articles and silly memes and stuff. People rarely ever post stuff about themselves anymore, which is basically what Facebook was originally designed for. It somehow morphed into an RRS feed of random news.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 01-06-2015 at 12:12 PM.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I just couldn't imagine deleting it.
    Deleting mine had a few drawbacks for me; for instance, a few of the old people I was "friends" with on FB, like my old retired boss (76 years old) doesn't do anything BUT Facebook, and I was friends with his son, so each time he went into the hospital, I'd know via FB so he could be DEAD now and I wouldn't know about it. Ditto for my other retired boss who's wife I was friends with, they live in Vegas. My cousins and aunt live in Michigan, but only my aunt ever posted anything, and it was nothing but dumb quaint jokes and fattening recipes so now we all email, at least she knows how to use email and my one cousin does, too, the other one is an idiot and can only figure out Facebook. That's the thing about Facebook; I had a Twitter account, I still have an Instagram account, but most of the people I knew on Facebook found everything except Facebook too "complicated." I ended up reinstating a Twitter account just for a news feed, but realized that I was sitting there on my Twitter feed on my phone all the time watching news so I got rid of it again. This shit just sucks you in. My Instagram feed contains Chefs and Photographers so it's pretty snoozy, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I'm in academia, which is by far not the only field where people lose jobs for posting opinions online
    My best friend is a college professor and she doesn't even HAVE a FB account, somewhat for this reason but also because she stays "off the grid" to avoid wasting precious time. We're both not huge social types, though; when we socialize, we do so it very small, like two couples. We're introverts, so needing FB to send out group invites to tons of friends is a big not-necessary for people like us, who always had ways to get in touch with a small number of people whose schedules are so busy, we can't do anything on short notice, anyway. The majority of time, we end up rescheduling a few times.

    edit: Here's what I don't get, though: I use email professionally. I receive a minimum of 200 emails per day. I coordinate and schedule millions of dollars worth of commercial and residential real estate sale closings per month, all via email, sometimes scheduling only TWELVE HOURS LATER with a lot of people involved: Seller's attorney, 3 people at the Sellers' office (a BIG COMMERCIAL BANK), Buyer's attorney, Buyer's lender (usually at least 3 people), Seller's real estate broker, Buyer's real estate broker, title company, etc. and, somehow, we make this work with no problems, and GIANT funds are being wired, MORTGAGE documents are being EMAILED, we have to order and receive loan payoff statements, condo or homeowner association payoff letters, transmit Seller's closing documents, request releases of liens from Villages, request copies of recorded documents from title companies, get proof of a clear-to-close from Buyer's lender, the title company transmits the HUD for signatures, transmits the final signed HUD, transmit proof of the wired net proceeds after we've closed, ALL KINDS OF THINGS, all within a few days, sometimes within one day, all via that pesky email.

    Go figure.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-07-2015 at 05:00 PM.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I have envy problems too, which is an issue that has been written about in regards to FB. But it's misplaced envy, because everyone's projecting these awesome lives, but it's a projection, a carefully crafted image.
    oh, good god, THIS. and i'm glad you said what you said.

    I look at facebook and EVERYONE is doing better than me...WAY better! It's seriously fueled self actualization issues for me quite a bit.
    I never really thought of it that way though...that people are showing you what they want you to see.

    Now that i think about it, my friend shannon had recently kind of lost contact with the "crew" i grew up with, and we have all stuck together a LOT longer than most people, it seems.
    I thought it was because she was doing BETTER than us, and of course, better than me specifically.
    She posted pictures of her being at these lovely parties with healthy, pretty people, or doing noble things like going on 5k runs for noble causes and such.

    But then she fucking killed herself! With alcohol! And before that, she had been drinking a half gallon of whiskey a day for a LONG damned time.
    So, hey, yeah, she was doing a HELL of a lot worse than i am.

    You saying what you said catalyzed my realization about that chick, and now it all makes more sense...i feel a little better.

    oh and yeah, @allegro ...your friend with the ideas about obama...i have, over the past three years or so, had the startling realization that about 80 percent of the people i know are ultra right wing homophobic pricks. And a lot of these people are dope smoking, long haired musicians.
    Only in Texas.

    I like talking to people in forums better too. You don't even have to know the gender of the person with whom you are speaking.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-06-2015 at 07:00 PM.

  23. #83
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    My friend smokes dope, too, @elevenism !! For many years! And I don't think she's a homophobe, she's just (sadly) stupid when it comes to basic Civics and American government. But holy fuck, if I saw her asshole cousin type "libertard" one more time, I was gonna go OFF on the stupid sonofabitch.

    I just couldn't hack the meanness and arguing and stupidity. It was depressing. Maybe it's boring for me to stick to a forum mostly filled with liberals so I don't have to argue, but life is short and nothing comes from all that arguing, anyway; nobody changes their minds.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-06-2015 at 07:21 PM.

  24. #84
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    Libertard! ha! Hot damn, i'm gonna use that one.

    "That muslim darkie's gunna take are GUNS!"

  25. #85
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    i just had to get up from the show i was watching to clarify something.

    I have gotten really fucked up and posted things here that upset people.
    And for those things i apologized, and even deleted posts.

    I'm CERTAINLY not saying shit like that is funny, by any stretch of the imagination.
    I didn't want anyone to think that, in reality, i thought it was funny, and if i had to apologize, that the apology was insincere.

    (i've also on occasion revealed waaaay too much about personal situations. eating handfuls of xanax and posting on ets don't mix too well)

  26. #86
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    I think we've all drunk posted and said stupid shit on forums at some point in our lives. And the old ETS board didn't allow us to delete posts!

    Which is why anonymity is a wonderful thing.

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  28. #88
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    I have always had a show and tell type of personality, when i was a kid it was check out my new action figures or the army i have amassed of plastic men and now some of it's just moved to an online environment it's check out my new video games and listen to this awesome new music i found.. or check out some video/photos i took of this gig i went to.

    Is that really narcissism? or just innocent sharing?

    I guess there are SOME people who really take it to the extreme, i have to hope I'm not one of those lmfao

  29. #89
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    I don't take FB seriously, never really did to begin with. Even less so anymore. A guy at work was telling me about some go-pro Falcon video a couple months back that he was watching that someone had posted to his FB which led to a brief discussion on the merits of FB. What he said basically boiled down to this. He basically said, "I've blocked or unfreinded most of the idiots and now my feed is pretty much awesome videos of birds attacking other birds with go-pro's attached to them. Stuff like that." Which is how i sort of look at FB anymore as well. I think it's a good way to keep in contact with a few people whom i otherwise probably wouldn't due to life stuffs, and as a (admittedly) shitty sort of RSS feed. I'm getting old though too so i don't worry too much about posting stupid shit to my wall etc. Not to say that i am blind to how FB is/could be a really bad source of potential shit storms of various types. At the end of the day i still like ETS better.

  30. #90
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    I have an account under pseudonym, only to keep in touch with a few friends from abroad, follow news of my favorite TV series, and keep an eye on several NIN fan groups -- that's all I need from it. Eventually Facebook gave up trying to figure out who I went to kindergarten with. But boy, did it try hard at first.

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