I keep having to remind myself that nothing could have "tricked" me into depicting myself as a girl & disliking having a penis, I didn't have to know I was a girl since I was 4 to be trans (doesn't help that I was very obsessed with being "normal" in every way as a kid and probably stopped myself from even considering it), and I have to offer myself the same level of basic respect I offer other people. If anyone said to me half the things I said to myself, they'd be slapped for harassing an autistic trans girl - sometimes I have to look around and realize I have enough internalized hatred that I'm probably more transphobic and ableist than most respectable cis neurotypical people. Even my "vaccine-skeptic" mother is supportive of me (& understood pretty quickly I'm not a transvestite and am not even particularly interested in dresses) since she's done her reading on Aspergers, though she wants me to have gender counseling before I explicitly label myself. I'm really glad this thread exists, and I'm glad I didn't wait too long after puberty (comparatively speaking) to consider whether I'm trans.

Though if anything here sounds like a red flag, or if I really am just a dumb confused kid, I'd really rather be told sooner rather than later. Now I need to stop waiting for 10 more minutes before deciding whether or not to send this.