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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #151
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    A couple of things I noticed from the trailer.
    Biggs doesn't look like I imagined.
    Did they steal Adam Jensen's sunglasses and give it to Barret?
    Barret's voice acting is horrible.
    Then again all the voice acting in most Squeenix games are sub par just like Advent Children.
    I don't mind the combat changes. Everyone else is livid about it. I just hope the Materia system is still being used.

    The game is still in early development so maybe they just threw together what they had for the presentation.
    I just hope the voice acting is a simple placeholder for the game trailer.
    If not I hope they include a Japanese voice track and English subtitles when the game releases.

  2. #152
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    I mean, it pretty much looked the way I expected. I went in thinking "the voice acting will likely miss the mark, the gameplay will probably be completely unrecognizable in comparison to the original game, and it'll be real pretty."

    So far, all those have been true, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...My expectations could be totally blown out of the water between now and launch (76 years from now) but hey, who am I kidding? I'll probably buy it even if it's a turd sandwich in a box with "FF7 Remake" imprinted onto it.

  3. #153
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    Double post for new page!

    Quote Originally Posted by spiralout View Post
    I'll just leave this here.

  4. #154
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    Well, Barret sounds awful, it's been established that Nobuo Uematsu isn't back. But I'll be very surprised if they don't just rerecord his score.

    Otherwise? I'm masturbating to this right now, true story

  5. #155
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    They've made a lot of progress, it seems. Maybe it won't take too long for then to finish. By "too long" I mean a decade long development cycle like FFXV.

  6. #156
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    I'm not gonna lie, more than the announcement trailer, that gameplay made me VERY excited. I picked up the 'remaster' and played a good couple of hours, and more than any other game, FFVII gives me that nostalgia blast like Star Wars.

    Good to see see the combat looks a bit like FFXV too, it really works in Episode Duscae, and looks like the same engine too. The crappy voice acting kinda suits its 90's anime origins too.

  7. #157
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    From an avid FF VII player, and fan, they hit the mark on everything here in my opinion. the voice acting I would expect to be a bit cheesy since it kind of is already. I can only imagine what Knight Of The Round and the Wall Market will look like. Man, so many things to look forward to with this! Plus, the classic music still goes with the visuals and brings back the immediate nostalgia factor. So awesome that we are getting two new, and hopefully proper FF games. It's still surreal to me .

  8. #158
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    I never played FFVII (Yeah yeah shoot me) so I'll pick this up on prestige alone.

  9. #159
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    prepare to wonder what all the fuss is about!

  10. #160
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    It's a great game. But, I think it's a bit overhyped. It's not the best FF game. I'm all for the remake though. It looks great.


    In a BNB voice (some will get it): I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS!

    This is also on Kotaku and a few other sites. This sounds awful.
    Last edited by Piko; 12-06-2015 at 09:46 PM.

  11. #161
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    It depends how they go about it. It's a massive undertaking so it's...kind of...understandable. I don't think this precludes the existence of a world map or anything.

  12. #162
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    The way they are handling this is so weird.

    I could have handled a few changes.... Like a way to reduce the obnoxiousness of encounters, reduce grinding, make save points more practical....

    It really just needed some upgraded character models and maybe some voice acting.

    And it just looks weird. This is weird.

  13. #163
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    I wonder how far apart the episodes will be from one another. Episodic games have continuity issues, imo. At least they do to me. Waiting 2-3 months, if not more, to continue. I wandered away from some games because of the long waits in between.

  14. #164
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    Edit: oops looks like I didn't see the previous posts. sorry.

    Looks like Squeenix is going the episodic route with the remake.

    Somehow I knew this was coming and the huge divide it would make with the fans .
    I understand why but, at the same time, it seems to me like they might be trying to squeeze every penny out of the remake.
    As long as they adapt and accept feedback throughout the releases I wont mind as much.
    If it means we get to play it sooner than I thought and we don't have to wait long between episodes I'll give it a fair shot.
    It somewhat works with Taletell games and RE revelations 2.
    I just hope that if they do adopt this model that they actually release the episodes in a timely manner.

    I like to add that there is a rumor that Final Fantasy X/X2 and VI is coming to steam.
    I just bought X/X2 for the PS4 but I might pick it up it again if its goes on sale for the release.
    I'd definitely pick up VI without a second thought.
    Last edited by ziltoid; 12-07-2015 at 10:25 AM.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I never played FFVII (Yeah yeah shoot me) so I'll pick this up on prestige alone.
    Hmmmm... well, chances are that now, at this point, you're going to have a hard time navigating your way to enjoy it as much as it deserves to be enjoyed. It would be like if you were a fan of horror games, and yet had never played the original Resident Evil. You'd have to REALLY love survival horror games at this point to truly love that original game and see past its faults, and all the ways that it has aged badly.

    One of the reasons people have been begging Square to remake FF7 is because it has aged VERY badly in some really obvious ways... they're mostly related to aspects that the game helped pioneer and revolutionize, but nonetheless, they crash and burn by modern standards. The art direction and ideas are great, but the graphics are laughably bad now.

    Playing through FF7 for the first time now would probably feel, at least at first (before the world map opens up), like it was an unfinished Lego Final Fantasy game. It's really frustrating, because it's for this reason that you constantly hear people bitch and moan about how overrated the game is. The truth is, Final Fantasy 7 is NOT overrated at all, in fact, at this point (after all the bitching and moaning), it may be underrated. It's certainly better than FF9, even if many aspects of it haven't aged as well. Actually, almost every game in the series has aged better than 7.

    The irony is that's because 7 was pushing harder to do new things at the time that were ACTUALLY new. I don't know, if you never played the game when it came out, there's a good chance that you won't "get" what was so magical about it at this point.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Hmmmm... well, chances are that now, at this point, you're going to have a hard time navigating your way to enjoy it as much as it deserves to be enjoyed. It would be like if you were a fan of horror games, and yet had never played the original Resident Evil. You'd have to REALLY love survival horror games at this point to truly love that original game and see past its faults, and all the ways that it has aged badly.

    One of the reasons people have been begging Square to remake FF7 is because it has aged VERY badly in some really obvious ways... they're mostly related to aspects that the game helped pioneer and revolutionize, but nonetheless, they crash and burn by modern standards. The art direction and ideas are great, but the graphics are laughably bad now.

    Playing through FF7 for the first time now would probably feel, at least at first (before the world map opens up), like it was an unfinished Lego Final Fantasy game. It's really frustrating, because it's for this reason that you constantly hear people bitch and moan about how overrated the game is. The truth is, Final Fantasy 7 is NOT overrated at all, in fact, at this point (after all the bitching and moaning), it may be underrated. It's certainly better than FF9, even if many aspects of it haven't aged as well. Actually, almost every game in the series has aged better than 7.

    The irony is that's because 7 was pushing harder to do new things at the time that were ACTUALLY new. I don't know, if you never played the game when it came out, there's a good chance that you won't "get" what was so magical about it at this point.
    Agreed, but I think someone who has played other FF games, at least 10.. and maybe the older sprite ones, would be right at home, I downloaded the ps4 remaster and was impressed how quickly I got through to Wall market, plus you can just turn encounters off if they are getting annoying, and speed the game up 3x when grinding/travelling. You can also click one of the sticks to get health and limit breaks. While that robs some time/challenge, it good for people who just want the story.

    I think peoples first FF will often be the 'special' one, and beyond the series, 7 really did lay out the template for what epic gaming was in the PSX generation, with its impact being felt through the PS2 era too, it was only really as game budgets soared and the cinematic game fest that characterised the end of the PS2 and PS3/360 era that FF7 really started to look dated.

    I'm pretty pleased the remake will be split up, we might actually get to play (some of) it before the PS5/Xbox2 or whatever...

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    plus you can just turn encounters off if they are getting annoying, and speed the game up 3x when grinding/travelling.
    This was amazing, and the best "improvement" to the new version. I love it, and really, it saves the game from many aspects which would drag it down in a modern context.

    You can also click one of the sticks to get health and limit breaks.
    And I'm sorry, but this was bullshit. They really shouldn't have done this. I don't even want that temptation. They should have made it a "mode" you could play it in... called "story mode" or something. Putting that ability as an accessible right stick click? It's almost like I'm worried I'll do it by accident.

    Also, I agree about how people will have a fondness for the "first" game they play in a series... but my first FF game was FF1. I was also really into the Dragon Warrior games. I loved FFVI and played it religiously when it came out. I still love that game, and in a lot of ways it has aged much better than 7. But FF7 was something really amazing to me. It checked all the boxes. The dystopian sci-fi world, the eerie damp sunless world, the way it transitions away from it... the story was one of the only stories I've actually waded through in a video game that felt ultimately rewarding. All of its imperfections are forgiven.

    I don't know how I feel about the "episodic remake" thing. I'm just crossing my fingers at this point.
    I'm not a fan of episodic games in general. I just got done playing the Game of Thrones game, and I am PISSED at how long that took to play out. I wish I had just waited until I could have played it all in one sitting. I found myself struggling to remember what the hell was even going on with some of the details.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-07-2015 at 11:58 AM.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Playing through FF7 for the first time now would probably feel, at least at first (before the world map opens up), like it was an unfinished Lego Final Fantasy game. It's really frustrating, because it's for this reason that you constantly hear people bitch and moan about how overrated the game is. The truth is, Final Fantasy 7 is NOT overrated at all, in fact, at this point (after all the bitching and moaning), it may be underrated. It's certainly better than FF9, even if many aspects of it haven't aged as well. Actually, almost every game in the series has aged better than 7.

    The irony is that's because 7 was pushing harder to do new things at the time that were ACTUALLY new. I don't know, if you never played the game when it came out, there's a good chance that you won't "get" what was so magical about it at this point.
    FFVII was a gaming masterpiece in 1997, and it still is today. It’s a testament to the heart and soul its creators poured into it. In no way is FFVII overrated. Not then. Not now. Some today may not appreciate the literary works of William Shakespeare or the many renaissance works of Michelangelo, but regardless they are still masterpieces.

  19. #169
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    If I'm understanding correctly, they're splitting the remake into full length games (like the FFXIII series). They say it's due to the size. I'm not buying that. But, I can see why them wanting to get something out by 2017. I'm iffy on it. It's like The Hobbit films. Do we really need more than one?

  20. #170
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    Worth looking at. He raises a few valid points.

  21. #171
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    Nah, not separate games. Episodic, like Life Is Strange.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    In a BNB voice (some will get it): I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS!

    This is also on Kotaku and a few other sites. This sounds awful.
    Uh-oh… ain’t that just ballsackular!

    I feel my heart sinking a bit. But as long as they get around to releasing it as a complete physical package, I can be patient, I guess. Although I have a feeling we’re going to get soaked good on this.

  23. #173
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    Picked up the FF7 PS4 port and there are sound bugs running rampant. The map BGM resets from the beginning after every fight. :/

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Picked up the FF7 PS4 port and there are sound bugs running rampant. The map BGM resets from the beginning after every fight. :/
    Picked it up earlier today. So far, so good. A lot of things look smoother. But, maybe it's just me, but the environments don't seem as good as the ps1 version. Like I said, maybe it's just me.

  25. #175
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    the BG images are scaled up from the original PSX resolution while the models etc are rendered in native HD, so it blurs the background whilst making the 3d models sharper. The fights look great.. just a shame they didn't add any border art or offer variable ratios.. still.. I love the skip fights and 3x speed option.

  26. #176
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    I feel like the cheats for the port are Square's way of saying "we know you're replaying this just to relive the story and hear the music" which is exactly what I'm doing, and I'm really enjoying doing so. 3x speed is great. I'm going to try my best not to use the max HP/MP/Limit.

  27. #177
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    It would be great if more remasters/re-releases/remakes what have you have similar features, like DVD menus to skip to parts, super easy/super hard modes. There is a great little piece by Dara O'Brien where he talks about how games are the only medium that block you out of story if you are not good enough. Books don't snap shut until you have understood the events of the previous chapters, nor should a narrative game place blocks to prevent you getting further because of a lack of skill. I'm sure someone could say you don't deserve the story (I'm looking at you Dark Souls) if you don't meet the games challenge, but also what about people who don't physically have the ability to play the game? Should they be left out? Challenge is something we can add if we want it and its great to be more inclusive rather than holding tight saying "you can't have it until you can beat it". Note I'm just talking about story here, not levels, gameplay, etc.

  28. #178
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    Anyone catch the Uncovered event yesterday? They announced a bunch of stuff including pre order packages, an anime, full length movie and demo that is available now. The demo is definitely presented in an interesting way, havent got to play it through yet....probably will do so tonight. I'm so ready for this game. We still have quite some time until 9/30.

  29. #179
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    Jesus Christ square, we just need ONE game. Not an anime, not a movie, not a bunch of sub games. These people are so weird. How did it get like this?

  30. #180
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    That's what they always do. Usually japan exclusive though. For XIII, they had their own soda (Elixir, I think?). They've always made a big deal when promoting their main games. Might be the first time they do it internationally though. Usually, japan gets the crazy promotional stuff, and we just get the game nine months after. This time were actually getting what they are, and not having to wait for them to localize. Pretty awesome, imo. Probably won't bother with the anime though.

    Played the demo this morning. Pretty cool. Still feels rough around the edges though.

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