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Thread: Biden 2021 - "Listen, Jack."

  1. #211
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    which is fucking stupid because trump ruined existence as we know it while biden has to be everything to everyone for people to give him a teeny bit of credit for his attempts to clean up what trump has fucked. i really hate politics.

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Biden has historically low approval numbers.
    First, your link headline says this: "Biden says Trump running in 2024 would "increase the prospect" of him seeking re-election"

    Second: Biden hasn't even been in office for a YEAR.

    And, he hasn't had historically low approval numbers. A few times, his approval numbers were REALLY HIGH. 59% in March.

    Look at that headline ^^ in the link: "48% of Americans Disapprove of the President." -- THEN LOOK AT THE GRAPH for December 10. See what it ALSO says? 48% of Americans APPROVE OF THE PRESIDENT.

    So, of course, which headline do they choose? The one YOU instantly bought.

    The highest approval rating Trump ever got was 49%. Biden had 51% in OCTOBER.

    There have been a TON of positive things from the Biden administration and Congress this year.

    Stock prices.

    The housing market: Hotter than the last 10 years.

    Unemployment claims: At their lowest in decades.

    499 Million Americans have received Covid vaccines; 203 Million Americans are fully vaccinated against Covid; 61.7% of Americans are fully vaccinated against Covid.

    People are bitching about the price of food, but it's been like that all during Covid! For nearly two years! This shit ain't new!

    Yes, gas prices are up. But, that isn't due to President Biden! Gas prices are NEVER due to ANY President, low OR high.

    High prices are being attributed to "inflation." I still say it's due to GOUGING. Supply and demand, and sellers are demanding prices that the market will pay.

    There SHOULD be price controls on gas and groceries. And medicine. PERIOD.

    Joe Manchin screwed up the ability to pass BBB before the end of 2021.

    80,000 union coal miners didn't like that (the Fed Black Lung fund is set to expire next year, and BBB includes a provision to extend it for four more years, plus the coal miners want job training for new careers).

    Also, question, perhaps better suited for an admin or @sweeterthan etc.

    Why is all of this in "RANDOM GENERAL HEADLINES?"
    Last edited by allegro; 12-23-2021 at 01:17 PM.

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    First, your link headline says this: "Biden says Trump running in 2024 would "increase the prospect" of him seeking re-election"

    Second: Biden hasn't even been in office for a YEAR.

    And, he hasn't had historically low approval numbers. A few times, his approval numbers were REALLY HIGH. 59% in March.

    Look at that headline ^^ in the link: "48% of Americans Disapprove of the President." -- THEN LOOK AT THE GRAPH for December 10. See what it ALSO says? 48% of Americans APPROVE OF THE PRESIDENT.

    So, of course, which headline do they choose? The one YOU instantly bought.

    The highest approval rating Trump ever got was 49%. Biden had 51% in OCTOBER.

    There have been a TON of positive things from the Biden administration and Congress this year.

    Stock prices.

    The housing market: Hotter than the last 10 years.

    Unemployment claims: At their lowest in decades.

    499 Million Americans have received Covid vaccines; 203 Million Americans are fully vaccinated against Covid; 61.7% of Americans are fully vaccinated against Covid.

    People are bitching about the price of food, but it's been like that all during Covid! For nearly two years! This shit ain't new!

    Yes, gas prices are up. But, that isn't due to President Biden! Gas prices are NEVER due to ANY President, low OR high.

    High prices are being attributed to "inflation." I still say it's due to GOUGING. Supply and demand, and sellers are demanding prices that the market will pay.

    There SHOULD be price controls on gas and groceries. And medicine. PERIOD.

    Joe Manchin screwed up the ability to pass BBB before the end of 2021.

    80,000 union coal miners didn't like that (the Fed Black Lung fund is set to expire next year, and BBB includes a provision to extend it for four more years, plus the coal miners want job training for new careers).

    Also, question, perhaps better suited for an admin or @sweeterthan etc.

    Why is all of this in "RANDOM GENERAL HEADLINES?"
    Good points, all. And I'm damn sure not BLAMING Biden for ANY of the negatives. It's just that, something good happens, the president is blamed. Something bad happens, the president is blamed.

    And THIS president inherited one of the worst jumblefucks in American history.

    As far as why it was in Random General Headlines originally, though?
    Well, it was the first headline bit of news I watched that morning.
    I also thought a president suggesting ANY possibility of not running for a second term was newsworthy.
    It's not very common.

    Is my editorializing the issue?
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-25-2021 at 03:02 AM.

  4. #214
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    So hey, ok. NBC ran some shit where someone said 'let's go brandon" during the NORAD Santa Claus tracking thing...I THINK that's what it was.
    ANYWAY, it said "Biden didn't appear to get the reference."


    Trump is raising funds with "Let's Go, Brandon" merch.

    And I can ALMOST guarantee that Biden was made aware of the phrase as SOON as it took off. It was likely part of his daily briefing, for fuck's sake, considering it's being used by far right groups.
    I just couldn't believe the implication, that Biden is understand the reference.
    What it IS, is that he has POISE. He said "Let's go Brandon, I agree," sporting that impish smile, without missing a beat.

    It surprises me that this came from NBC. I'd expect it from fox news.

    Edit: i REALLY want you guys to see this shit- TELL me Biden didn't get the reference. Like, what the fuck. It legitimately angered me.

    What he DID, was act with INTEGRITY.

    Last edited by elevenism; 12-25-2021 at 02:43 PM.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Biden might not run in 2024.

    Idk what to think. Biden has historically low approval numbers.

    But who's gonna take his place? PROBABLY Harris, or Klobuchar, or Buttigeig, but I don't think ANY of those could beat trump.

    WE NEED A NEW OBAMA, to come out of nowhere: a young wunderkind; a youthful phenom with a new message.

    Because I'm sorry, y'all. Biden ain't beating Trump in 24.
    Biden was a bad choice all along. He represented the status quo & always has. Don't like the credit card rules? Biden was instrumental in getting that crap passed. He's owned by the big banks & Wall St. I think Bernie Saunders was our last best, hope. I don't agree with everything he says but a lot more than anyone else who was running. He's going to be too old next cycle & he's disheartened. I don't see anyone out there. I hate to wish ill on anyone but maybe we'll get lucky & health will preclude another Trump term. His junk food obsession could catch up with him at any time at his age. At this point, democracy as executed in our capitalist society is a failed experiment. Greed has conquered all. I feel bad about what younger folks are going to be dealing with. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be around to see much more of it though.

    PS: Harris has been a huge disappointment, too. I think she may be laying low in hopes of not alienating potential voters. Not a good sign.
    Last edited by chuckrh; 12-25-2021 at 04:05 AM.

  6. #216
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    it really depends on whether or not Trump runs. This is a counter campaign. If Trump tries to run in 2024, Biden will run against him. And he'll win.

    Biden is the milquetoast response to Trump's extremist nonsense insanity. Trump never should have become president. Now, nobody sane wants that again. The GOP knows this, and knows it's a liability. The GOP honestly doesn't want this either. If the GOP presents a good candidate, maybe Biden will back down.

    Trump and Ben Shapiro can sell all the "let's go Brandon" merch they want. The only losers here are the assholes who wear that and advertise what losers they are.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-25-2021 at 12:45 PM.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    it really depends on whether or not Trump runs. This is a counter campaign. If Trump tries to run in 2024, Biden will run against him. And he'll win.

    Biden is the milquetoast response to Trump's extremist nonsense insanity. Trump never should have become president. Now, nobody sane wants that again. The GOP knows this, and knows it's a liability. The GOP honestly doesn't want this either. If the GOP presents a good candidate, maybe Biden will back down.

    Trump and Ben Shapiro can sell all the "let's go Brandon" merch they want. The only losers here are the assholes who wear that and advertise what losers they are.
    See man, i'm afraid Trump WILL win, and a big ass part of it is the GOP's SUCCESFUL attempts at voter suppression.

    The gerrymandering in the new Texas district map, for instance, is just...BLATANT. EVERY Dallas/Houston/San Antonio...EVERYWHERE "cool," is now tied to the three nearest redneck right wing strongholds. At least the DOJ sued over that, but i'm not sure what will come of the suit.

    And weren't there like, 300 new voter suppression laws enacted, nationwide?

    As far as the GOP not wanting trump to run, well, i agree. They know better. But their CONSTITUENTS want it, and they're (the lawmakers et al) are still terrified of losing favor with Captain Asshole the Right Wing Messiah who is just as Bigly as Jesus.

    I hope to god you're right, @Jinsai , about Biden beating Trump. From that link i posted, i KIND of get the impression that he "might not run"...UNLESS Trump runs, because he wants to beat that ass again, one more time, for good measure.

    But i'm honestly REALLY scared that we've got until the midterms, and then we wind up with a lame duck president and 4 more years of trump insanity.

  8. #218
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    This mother fucker right here. And Biden just grinned and said "Merry Christmas" because he's not a bully.

    Mostly I just really wanted to post that flag that I found in that thread. It's great.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    This mother fucker right here. And Biden just grinned and said "Merry Christmas" because he's not a bully.

    Mostly I just really wanted to post that flag that I found in that thread. It's great.

    Last edited by allegro; 12-27-2021 at 04:48 PM.

  10. #220
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    More like Schmuck, amirite?

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    This mother fucker right here. And Biden just grinned and said "Merry Christmas" because he's not a bully.

    Mostly I just really wanted to post that flag that I found in that thread. It's great.
    Did you guys see the NBC video I posted above that said "Biden didn't recognize the right wing phrase" or something like that?

    Also, regarding the Don't Tread On Me flag?
    I LIKE that fucking flag. I've liked it since I was a little kid. I like the metallica song, even.
    These awful bastards aren't taking it from me.

    Don't tread on US, motherfuckers. We need to reclaim that one.

  12. #222
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    Ooooooo hooo hoooo hooo omg


  13. #223
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    Nothing is shocking anymore. That guy is such a dumbass I’d almost feel bad for him if he wasn’t also such a dickbag.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ooooooo hooo hoooo hooo omg

    I was following some of this yesterday during my boring training and wow.

    The best response was the one talking about how the honey pot ended up being full of vinegar hence the divorce.

  15. #225
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  16. #226
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    We were ALL President Biden at some point.

    I’ve yelled at my TV for Peter Doocy to shut the fuck up too many times to count.

  17. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    We were ALL President Biden at some point.

    I’ve yelled at my TV for Peter Doocy to shut the fuck up too many times to count.
    I can tolerate FOX NEWS for 30 seconds, if that. No one would call Steve Doocy an intellectual or thoughtful, but at least he isn't obnoxious--just kind of a dumbass. Peter Doocy on the other hand. I wonder how he got that gig? Spoiler: nepotism.

  18. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I can tolerate FOX NEWS for 30 seconds, if that. No one would call Steve Doocy an intellectual or thoughtful, but at least he isn't obnoxious--just kind of a dumbass. Peter Doocy on the other hand. I wonder how he got that gig? Spoiler: nepotism.
    This is all over Twitter today, and I’ve watched it on repeat:

  19. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ooooooo hooo hoooo hooo omg


    Is this tweet trying to imply current day Russia is communist?

  20. #230
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  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Is this tweet trying to imply current day Russia is communist?
    The implication is that Madison Cawthorn apparently thinks it is so he’s really the “Commie.”

    Putin laments the loss of Soviet Russia, so he’s a wanna-be.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2022 at 03:15 PM.

  22. #232
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    By the late Soviet period, though, K.G.B. officers like Putin were nearly as dismissive of Communist ideology as the dissidents were. “The Chekists in his time laughed at official Soviet ideology,” Gleb Pavlovsky, a former adviser to Putin, told me. “They thought it was a joke.” Putin, in 1999, admitted that Communism had been a “blind alley, far away from the mainstream of civilization.”
    I shouldn't be surprised that a tweeter who thinks the Republicans are Russian agents also believes Putin is a communist.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    I shouldn't be surprised that a tweeter who thinks the Republicans are Russian agents also believes Putin is a communist.
    But yet …

    Likely because the USSR wasn’t truly “communist.” Primarily due to massive corruption.

    Which is still there:

    Bottom line is that Cawthorn is a dangerously stupid politician calling others “communists” and she used dumb and inartful language to point out that he was hanging out in a formerly-communist and now-autocratic country and was suckered into a honeypot that may have compromised any intelligence he had, yet refers to the Russian Federation as “Mother Russia.”
    Last edited by allegro; 01-26-2022 at 11:35 AM.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But yet …

    Likely because the USSR wasn’t truly “communist.” Primarily due to massive corruption.

    Which is still there:
    Putin is a nationalist, not a communist. Instead of posting the same basic article twice, perhaps you should read them past the headlines?
    Primarily due to corruption? Uh...yeah... I guess if you're talking about corrupt capitalist nations undermining their existence from day one.

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  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Putin is a nationalist, not a communist. Instead of posting the same basic article twice, perhaps you should read them past the headlines?
    Primarily due to corruption? Uh...yeah... I guess if you're talking about corrupt capitalist nations undermining their existence from day one.
    Putin is an autocrat who is shifting to a dictatorship. He's doesn't even argue against being called an autocrat.

    If you study Marxism in depth, particularly academically, you are presented with a lot of data pointing to human nature and corruption being the enemy of socialism and communism. Marxism is a great idea, on paper. I love it, sounds great. Particularly in Russia after the monarchy ruled from the mid-9th century through 1917 and robbed the working class blind. But corruption and greed and the desire for power is human nature among men that poisons the well of pure socialism and communism.

    President Vladimir Putin has lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago as the demise of what he called "historical Russia" and said the economic crisis that followed was so bad he was forced to moonlight as a taxi driver.
    Here is Putin lying through is teeth; the true "historical Russia" was centuries of Tsars that stole from the working class, keeping them in poverty, which led to the Russian revolution of 1917. This was followed by abject poverty where the people of the CCCP suffered, which Putin is denying with his "oh, but we had it so good, before" comment. No rich Russian has money IN Russia; the Panama Papers is just a PIECE of how wealthy Putin is, and he's not that far from the Romanovs. Meanwhile, the ordinary Russian citizen is broke or unemployed. Russia is basically a giant gas station. Russia's GDP is only 1.483 trillion USD (2020), and consists pretty much solely in the export of oil and gas. It's GDP isn't diversified at all. And the wealthy people don't care, because all their investments are offshore.

    For those of us who were alive back then during the USSR, and KNOW people who lived in communist Russia, Poland, etc., we know Putin is full of shit. Waiting in bread lines for hours, waiting for years to get a telephone, never mind a washing machine; those are not the "good times" that Putin describes. But, because Putin was at the top of the heap, and KBG, he had it much differently than the lower and working class. So, of course his story is different.

    This isn't to say that this means "socialism" = bad. That's not necessarily true. Again, on paper, it's a great idea. Plenty of what Marx said makes total sense, and capitalism really does suck in many forms, particularly kleptocracies and cronyism. I've read Anna Karenina THREE TIMES. I absolutely support the proletariat. But Russia has always been a shithole of corruption and abuse of the poor and working class.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-26-2022 at 07:51 PM.

  27. #237
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    Amen to all of that. Spot on. The only thing about USSR Putin and his cronies really miss are being a superpower country with much bigger control in many parts of the world (Eastern Bloc and the such) which they don't have anymore and having 30% bigger territory.

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Amen to all of that. Spot on. The only thing about USSR Putin and his cronies really miss are being a superpower country with much bigger control in many parts of the world (Eastern Bloc and the such) which they don't have anymore and having 30% bigger territory.
    They’re still pissed off about the Magnitsky Act.

    We can remove Russia from SWIFT, which will really fuck them up.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-26-2022 at 08:03 PM.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Putin is an autocrat who is shifting to a dictatorship. He's doesn't even argue against being called an autocrat.
    That doesn't negate him being a nationalist.

    If you study Marxism in depth, particularly academically, you are presented with a lot of data pointing to human nature and corruption being the enemy of socialism and communism. Marxism is a great idea, on paper. I love it, sounds great. Particularly in Russia after the monarchy ruled from the mid-9th century through 1917 and robbed the working class blind. But corruption and greed and the desire for power is human nature among men that poisons the well of pure socialism and communism.
    I have and do, thanks. Thankfully, not academically. Amazing how liberals and conservatives use the same fallacious "human nature" deflection, as if material conditions and culture aren't the biggest driving factors of human behavior. One has to ignore the entire human history of cooperation and collaboration to begin to entertain such drivel. Are enlightened academics like yourself immune to human nature, and therefore are the exception and explanation as to why a select few should have power over the masses? What is your definition of "works" when it comes to capitalism? Poverty and a dying planet that won't be able to sustain human life if the current system keeps going?

    For those of us who were alive back then during the USSR, and KNOW people who lived in communist Russia, Poland, etc., we know Putin is full of shit. Waiting in bread lines for hours, waiting for years to get a telephone, or even a washing machine, etc., those are not the "good times" that Putin describes. But, because Putin was at the top of the heap, and KBG, he had it much differently than the lower and working class. So, of course his story is different.
    Nothing like ageism and anecdotes to make a case. Oh the horror, they couldn't get telephones and washing machines immediately?! I'm convinced. I won't even bother linking to videos of elderly Russians talking about how they regret the end of communism, nor the multiple polls that have been taken showing a majority of former Soviet Union citizens feel the same. Nevermind the millions of people that were pulled out of poverty and given an education and shelter and food, it clearly was a complete failure because of the lack of gadgets available.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    .Thankfully, not academically.
    Oh, so personally? You live in Russia? In Maoist China during the Great Leap? Where people starved to death?

    I already said I’m not against Marxism. I’m dubious of pretty much ANY government or structure. Whether it be under capitalism or Marxism. Because people suck. I’m not an academic. I’m a misanthrope. It’s interesting that a guy using technology to post this is saying it’s no big deal to have to wait two years for a telephone in what was the modern age. Like, in the 80s. I don’t know any “elderly” Russians or Poles. I lived around a whole bunch of Poles and Russians and Ukrainians in Detroit, and now here in Chicago who lived in the USSR and hated it. They either escaped to the U.S. or moved here after the fall due to poverty. The U.S.S.R dissolved in 1991.

    Yes, the economy post-U.S.S.R. has sucked. Because of a whole bunch of reasons, and corruption is one big reason. But that same corruption was there even before the fall of the Soviet Union. And if you were in Poland or Ukraine and forced to speak Russian and lost your own country to another country, you’re not going to be first in line waiting for that to happen again.

    All the rest of your post is just full of fucking long-winded bullshit. I mention I studied Marxism academically (meaning extensively in college), you immediately assume I’m an “academic.” In reality, I’m at home caring for my elderly Mom who has dementia, I’m a full-time caregiver.

    Go fuck yourself, fake hippy asshole.

    Attachment 649

    Now I’m putting you on ignore again.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-27-2022 at 01:39 AM.

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