Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
yeah he said some funny stuff. he just wasnt taking his vocal performance seriously during the earlier part of the set, then he spit on the camera as if thats cool, etc. overall he was fine. that was a fucking short set though. would MUCH rather wait to see a full set than deal with the nonsense at something like Coachella. streaming the whole thing is a really really cool idea though.
Yeah I do kind of agree about him half assing his vocals during the first song or two, but I don't know, the sheer excitement of being able to watch that made me not really care. The set was unbelievably slow though. I would have been so upset to be at Coachella and get that short of set. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Refused's HEADLINE set on Friday was way longer. And I love both of those bands immensely, but I feel it should have maybe been the other way around?

I bought my Lolla tickets the other day and I'm really hoping ATDI get's a full headline slot like they're billed for. That'd make my year.