(I want something other than a news thread to discuss how life is changing for our nInternnet community)

Hi, how are you doing?

Personally, my disabled lifestyle hasn't been modified all that much (already practiced good hygiene and tended to go to places during less busy times [too much stimuli during peak times... don't like that]) but the local hoarding of supplies I tend to use is a concern (I already usually went through one box of tissues daily... told ya, disabled... many issues). My partner (and also primary care giver) has been working from home off and on for the past two years, so that isn't a big adjustment either.

I can still get my medicine the same way as before (same day delivery) and lot of places I like to eat are still doing limited in-store service, which I really appreciate. That's been pretty much my only daily exercise and way to get food independently of my partner (for me, I can either make food or eat food... doing both is rarely a good idea), so that part of life can continue. I suspect we'll be switching to delivery more soon, but we live in an urban area with lots of options.

My usual monthly socializing with friends is, understandably, put on hold indefinitely... but then this is over, it'll be nice to see them in person again.

I am a bit more anxious over all, but that mainly has to do with the other people than with probability of catching it.

I'm definitely going to say that my disabled geek life has helped train me to adapt to the social distancing life.

I also don't trust the numbers coming out of certain countries known for influencing media... I kind of expect that the Italy numbers are closer to the truth than others (with relative demographics).

I'm thinking of joining that "feel good" initiative of putting up colourful lights in the some windows at night.

Anyways, stay safe, stay clean... hope nothing tragic happens.