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Thread: The COVID-19 coping thread

  1. #631
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    I'm probably overreacting though... I'll hope the studies from South Korea are correct when they say kids under ten shouldn't be carriers. Though, given that a 9 year old recently died from COVID... Who knows what's true.

  2. #632
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm probably overreacting though... I'll hope the studies from South Korea are correct when they say kids under ten shouldn't be carriers. Though, given that a 9 year old recently died from COVID... Who knows what's true.
    Considering that it could have been trained in a laboratory on adult tissue, the early strains may indeed have spared children. But viruses mutate and adapt to new environments. The more people are infected, the higher the mutation rate...

    also interesting and related: & https://www.independentsciencenews.o...-a-lab-origin/ &

    educate yourself
    Last edited by baudolino; 07-24-2020 at 02:31 PM.

  3. #633
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post
    Considering that it could have been trained in a laboratory on adult tissue, the early strains may indeed have spared children. But viruses mutate and adapt to new environments. The more people are infected, the higher the mutation rate...
    Oh fer fucks sake.
    Adult tissue = human tissue. Viruses don't "train" on a tissue. It's ALL human mammalian cells.
    And viruses are highly recombinant, so repeats are common. There's no evidence this was engineered - I'm not even sure humans are intelligent enough to engineer this shit.

    You do realize that 20% of human DNA is junk DNA - developed to cope with EONS of viral insertions into the DNA?
    And 90% of all DNA in the ocean is viral. It's mostly bacuolovirus and archaeal-related viruses... Unless you have some graduate training in molecular genetics, please sit the fuck down and quit reading shit on the internet thinking YOU FOUND THE CONSPRIACY.

    Ok, I'll see myself out now.
    Last edited by Magnetic; 07-24-2020 at 11:50 PM.

  4. #634
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    The COVID-19 coping thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Oh fer fucks sake.
    Adult tissue = human tissue. Viruses don't "train" on a tissue. It's ALL human mammalian cells.
    And viruses are highly recombinant, so repeats are common. There's no evidence this was engineered - I'm not even sure humans are intelligent enough to engineer this shit.

    You do realize that 20% of human DNA is junk DNA - developed to cope with EONS of viral insertions into the DNA?
    And 90% of all DNA in the ocean is viral. It's mostly bacuolovirus and archaeal-related viruses... Unless you have some graduate training in molecular genetics, please sit the fuck down and quit reading shit on the internet thinking YOU FOUND THE CONSPRIACY.

    Ok, I'll see myself out now.
    didn‘t want to imply that there is definite evidence that this came out of a lab, but ACE2 receptor expression differs between adults and children.

    Coronavirus research is not a conspiracy, but a well established scientific endeavor.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by baudolino; 07-25-2020 at 12:10 AM.

  5. #635
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    Well, that's kind of a given, considering ACE2 receptor expression varies by tissue type, or would you like to educate the world on that as well?

  6. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Well, that's kind of a given, considering ACE2 receptor expression varies by tissue type, or would you like to educate the world on that as well?
    i have the feeling you got me wrong. i only want to educate myself.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #637
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    to be fair, "educate yourself" is a rallying cry of certain individuals on the Internet so that's going to put some hackles up right there.

  8. #638
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    "educate yourself" = I read it online so it must be true, even though I don't have the fundamental education to understand what I read on the internet.

    This is how we have anti-vaxers proliferating and Trump in office.

    For ONCE I would love for people to realize that it takes more than 6-7 nights of reading shit on the internet to understand molecular physiology.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    "educate yourself" = I read it online so it must be true, even though I don't have the fundamental education to understand what I read on the internet.

    This is how we have anti-vaxers proliferating and Trump in office.

    For ONCE I would love for people to realize that it takes more than 6-7 nights of reading shit on the internet to understand molecular physiology.
    okay, got it. please esxcuse my choice of words. wasn't meant to sound paternalizing or anythjing like that.
    I simply wanted to state that there is a possibility that this virus escaped a lab and that it would have implications on its behaviour. That isn't too far feteched considering the furin site on its spike protein for example.

  10. #640
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    What I don't get though is how they apply results from studies with children that were done during lockdown to a situation with schools being open. Like, "kids don't have an increased danger of spreading the virus" . Yeah, thanks, but it doesn't take an increased chance. A normal chance will do if you put 25 students in a room without distancing and masks during autumn or even winter. Wtf?

  11. #641
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    That stuff should probably be in the actual Covid thread vs the coping with Covid thread? Just a thought.

    I was shocked to learn that boat sales are through the roof. Until I realized that people are kinda worried that they might die tomorrow, so YOLO, plus boats are outdoor and they can get out of the house. Debt is gonna be through the roof when this is over.

    I was also surprised at how well our marina is handling Covid. Masks aren’t required in the City of Kenosha (presently), but no more than 4 people at a time are allowed in the restrooms at the marina (they’re within gated areas), showers are closed, there’s a GIANT container of hand sanitizer wipes on the counter in the ladies’ room by our little boat, the little gym is closed, nobody is allowed to just hang out in the marina office, and there are signs everywhere encouraging social distancing. People are actually doing that. While also enjoying the outdoors and Lake Michigan. I still avoid anyone where I can’t maintain a comfortable distance, it’s easier to do inside the marina gates than on the lakefront area where families walk 6-abreast on the sidewalk and we have to walk on the grass and risk stepping in dog shit to avoid Coronavirus.

    They’re having dingy parties in the marina where they raft up the dingys and turn some music on and hang out; they’re all socially distanced by the width and length of the inflatable dingys. People getting creative.

    Yesterday, I removed some non-performing geraniums from a big planter and planted a much of zinnia as their replacement. My cherry tomato plant is EXPLODING a crop this year, with green tomatoes all over the plant getting ready to ripen.

    Last year, my husband bought me a 58” blue kiddie pool from Jewel supermarket, because I said “oh honey look, buy me a pool!!” So this year, we actually got that pool out, inflated it, put it on our backyard patio, got a tarp to cover it when not in use, and IT’S BEEN AWESOME! I ordered a mini pool vacuum and mini pool pump (to siphon water into the nearby garden to replace the water every week) from Amazon, which was hard because EVERYONE IS SOLD OUT OF THIS STUFF. KIDDIE POOLS are sold out. Everyone is doing this same thing.

    My kiddie pool cost us TEN BUCKS. Amazon is selling it for $58.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-26-2020 at 03:59 PM.

  12. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    I was shocked to learn that boat sales are through the roof. Until I realized that people are kinda worried that they might die tomorrow, so YOLO, plus boats are outdoor and they can get out of the house. Debt is gonna be through the roof when this is over.
    Well, how else are you going to join the shitty Trump 2020 Boat Parade!!!!

  13. #643
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    Boating is HUGELY popular in Chicago, since we are on a Great Lake. The Chicago harbors were closed and then extremely limited (2 person limit per boat) until last week. They opened the marinas, but Chicagoans are already violating the rules by rafting up big boats and exceeding capacity limits, so they’re talking about shutting it all down again. The younger crowd who just wanna drink and DGAF.

  14. #644
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    was it a post on here talking about how a bunch of rednecks were all buying super nice trucks because they figured that all debt was going to be forgiven as part of one of the stimulus packages? I know I read it somewhere. I just wonder if the same thought is pushing the boat sales.

    my hobby of fixing up crappy craigslist bikes has netted me just under $1k this summer. we're also doing home improvements so it's helping offset that.
    Last edited by allegate; 07-25-2020 at 06:41 PM.

  15. #645
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    I have FAFSA loans and I haven’t had any direct deposits come out of my accounts since, like, April. It was all suspended. And interest was frozen.

    @allegate , no I think boat sales is just a YOLA sale. You can finance a boat for 15-20 years. It’s projected that many of these boats will be for sale within one or two years. Boats TANK in value so these people have no idea that they’ll likely be upside-down if they sell these boats in the next few years.

    I took my Mom for a haircut today, she uses my husband’s barber who’s a good family friend, my Mom loves him. She hasn’t had a haircut since the shutdown in mid-March, and it’s been harder and harder for her to care for herself. We finally determined that it was safe enough to take her, that they are using proper precautions. We took her neighbor, Jim, the one we are caring for who has Lewy Body Dementia with Parkinson’s. We all wore masks in our SUV. They had a nice ride back to my husband’s old neighborhood, Mom’s hair turned out great. Then we went to Sonic for lunch.

    I brought my old metal Pac Man lap tray for Jim, since he has dexterity issues and I didn’t want Sonic all over my leather seats. It worked great! My Mom and Jim had the BEST time. It was such a treat for them, something so simple and stupid as sitting in the car and eating hot dogs and onion rings, and going for a ride, and catching up with the old guys in the barber shop.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-25-2020 at 09:54 PM.

  16. #646
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    not mine, hence the quotes:
    Due to Covid-19 regulations the seven dwarfs have now been told that they can only meet in groups of six.

    One of them isn’t happy.

  17. #647
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    I mentioned we're doing some work on the house and with the COVID thing we've been keeping it as cheap as possible and using Craigslist for supplies. As such I've been keeping a keen eye on the "free stuff" page because what's cheaper than free?

    Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has noticed it but I definitely see that there are a LOT of people moving suddenly. It's not explicitly being said in the ads but there are some obvious ones. The not-so-obvious ones are when you show up and they outright tell you "yeah we have to move soon" and they're giving away things that people usually take with them. Or the one where you show up for A and they're like "we also have this, go ahead".

    And maybe I'm looking into this too much, you know? It's summer, it's a lot easier to move now than in December and there's no school so it's easier to transfer kids.

  18. #648
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    I noticed people in my area moving around in recent months as well. Kind of odd.

  19. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I mentioned we're doing some work on the house and with the COVID thing we've been keeping it as cheap as possible and using Craigslist for supplies. As such I've been keeping a keen eye on the "free stuff" page because what's cheaper than free?

    Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has noticed it but I definitely see that there are a LOT of people moving suddenly. It's not explicitly being said in the ads but there are some obvious ones. The not-so-obvious ones are when you show up and they outright tell you "yeah we have to move soon" and they're giving away things that people usually take with them. Or the one where you show up for A and they're like "we also have this, go ahead".

    And maybe I'm looking into this too much, you know? It's summer, it's a lot easier to move now than in December and there's no school so it's easier to transfer kids.
    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    I noticed people in my area moving around in recent months as well. Kind of odd.
    I work customer service for a company that supplies Internet, phone and TV to customers, and we have been getting tons of calls about people moving. Like, every other call. One day I think I placed 5 in a row.
    And I just want to ask them "Why are you moving during COVID?" Like... that is the last thing I would be doing right now... Well, 2nd last. The very last thing I would be caught dead during right now is riding an airplane...
    Not sure why people are still doing that either. Every day, in the news, it's reported at least 3 flights came in with COVID... Who is flying!?!?!

    I have a friend, he lives in a different part of the country than his parents. He has 2 young kids, and he said his parents are flying out next month for his son's birthday. His parents are in the demographic that should be avoiding this at all costs, I think his dad is in his 70s. The city he lives in has the highest COVID cases out of anywhere in Canada right now. When I asked him if he thought it was a good idea for his parents to be flying out at a time like this, he said "They are concerned. But they want to see the grand kids"

    Why are people so selfish!? STAY.AT.HOME.

    This shit is never going to end.

    Circling back to the moving thing for a minute. Girlfriend and I are stuck both working from home in a 1 bedroom condo, and we realized this is not ideal, so we wanted to upgrade to a bigger place. But there is no way in hell I am going to go house shopping and put this place on the market and have people coming inside and looking at it all day long, lol. As much as it would help our living situation, it ain't worth the risk and or hassle to buy and sell right now.

  20. #650
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    I wasn’t sure if this should go in Little things that cheer you up, Outbursts of joy or here. But I figure it will get more coverage here so I’ll post it... here.

    I was out buying some grilled fish last night and got talking to a lady customer in there who mentioned her order wasn’t actually for her; one night a week she doesn’t eat and said she's taking this food to a homeless guy around the corner. Said she actually thinks there is more good in the world than bad, you just have to find it. She also mentioned another homeless person minded her purse for her and didn't take anything. It was really inspiring. I said god bless you and it's very admirable what you're doing.

    She went on to mention that she asked another homeless person prior to this one if they’d like a meal and they kindly refused, presumably because someone else got to them first earlier and got them fed.

    If you guys need anything to help you cope during this time, I hope this little anecdote of mine assists in some way.

  21. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post

    And though evictions are postponed right now, I’ll bet a lot of people are worried about backlogging rent in either overstaying lease-/reluctantly resigned expiring lease-situations in places they can no longer afford without reliable income.
    Urgh, tell me about it. Still waiting for the FUCK downstairs to be kicked out. He rents below us (we own) and he has an illegal pet and the strata said he isn't allowed to be here anymore, but they can't kick him out right away because of COVID. This guys smokes weed all day long and then chases it with a cigaratte. Like, literally... all day long. And it blows into out suite. We don't have A/C so keep the balcony door open with the windows and his garbage keeps coming into the suite and it's so hot, we can't get the smell out... We cannot wait for him to be kicked out. I Hope he's gone on August 1st. I really do. back in May he said he will be here for a "couple more months" we've tried talking to him about his habits and he said he was only going to do it on the balcony on crappy weather days, but then he just got lazy and kept doing it on nice days too. Now, he slams him balcony door all the time and shakes the place.

  22. #652
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    for some reason this came to mind. I personally only heard of it happening once and that was after boot camp, not during.

  23. #653
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    Hospital appt for routine test on Friday. I've been to stores as required during lockdown so I'm not worried about being out and about. I did notice how I struggled with conversation when I spoke to a neighbour recently and I'm slightly anxious about the social aspect of this appt. I haven't really had a lot of verbal conversation, not as much as I'm used to anyway, since quarantine began. It felt really surreal to talk and be talked to on that polite social level. Not something I've experienced since 2003 when I had depression.

  24. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah_Munn View Post
    Hospital appt for routine test on Friday. I've been to stores as required during lockdown so I'm not worried about being out and about. I did notice how I struggled with conversation when I spoke to a neighbour recently and I'm slightly anxious about the social aspect of this appt. I haven't really had a lot of verbal conversation, not as much as I'm used to anyway, since quarantine began. It felt really surreal to talk and be talked to on that polite social level. Not something I've experienced since 2003 when I had depression.

    I can't do small talk right now.... not very well at all. I've actually developed a minor stutter while trying to bullshit answer people when they ask me "how you doing?" type questions. That's new.

    I freeze. I used to be able to bullshit talk about stuff. I don't know though, I'm on a mission when I'm going to stores or talking to people in general now. I'm not there for a social call, as much as I really wish I could have some more social company.

  25. #655
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    yeah, we had a lot of people go home and when they came back three - four months later they had no idea how to interact face to face anymore. it was weird.

  26. #656
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    For me it's 50x easier. On the phone I don't have to worry about eye contact. Normally I spend 50% of the conversation wondering how much eye contact I should be making/ freaking out that I don't have the right resting face/ etc. With video chat, it's generally easier because people don't expect you to look right at the camera. some eye avoidance is to be expected as you're looking at the person talking, not at the camera. AND, I can see how much I'm fidgeting and correct it.

    I hate having to make prolonged eye contact, so this has been great for me.

  27. #657
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    annnd i tested positive for covid. groovy.

  28. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    annnd i tested positive for covid. groovy.
    Best wishes! I hope you it goes as well as it can.

  29. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    annnd i tested positive for covid. groovy.
    oh fuck. i'm so sorry. please stay safe and take care of yourself!

    i'm really starting to have a hard time with this. it ebbs and flows but right now i just want to be able to hug a friend and snuggle on the couch with them and watch a spooky movie and talk about shit and i can't and it's killing me. i'd settle for hugging my mom and i can't even do that right now.

    have a new single coming out next friday (i'll post details here when it's released) as it's another bandcamp day.
    working on two new songs (both just need lyrics/vocals, one of them i have lyrics half-done) for a split album with three other DIY metal friends from twitter (all of us queer!) so that's exciting

  30. #660
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Best wishes! I hope you it goes as well as it can.

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    oh fuck. i'm so sorry. please stay safe and take care of yourself!
    thanks dudes! im actually over it already, thanks to the 2.5 waiting period for my results..

    has any other member tested positive?

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