Re: the LIFAD demos, just got around to organizing them all, finally. Did it like this (some of the stuff in Miscellaneous overlaps, but meh):
How does Manson get away with such terrible performance...
p. s.
Cheers to Ryan for Win XP and Winamp!
Good to see you got my other upload. Thought it was overlooked here.
I´ve heard that they recorded the performance before the show, because the channel feared Manson might do something they wouldn´t like..
Compared to the rest of the show it was highly controversial, lol.
But I get what you mean, Manson is never going to be again like for example on the MTV Awards
Holy CRAP! Ok, been listening to this in this order on my iPod to and from work today, and I like it WAY more than the original LIFAD album. The isolated "DUNKELHEIT!" at the end of the Seid Bereit demo; the end of Augen Zu, and I've only gotten up to "Halt (Demo)" so far...
Here is how I have them tagged if you like the way I have them arranged:
ugh seriously not the full version? damn hoarders
Kinda surprised that a demo for Vergiss Uns Nicht hasn't leaked.
btw, what is the difference between the two versions of the Buck Dich MIG tour intro mp3 files you provided?
And, speaking of that, along with the MIG tour intro mp3, are those fan-made? If so, how the hell did they make them?!
Yes fan made. Made in fruity loops. I am trying to find patches, but no luck.
The difference is there is a Techno beat to the 2012 version. Which is what we might hear when the come state side.
When it comes to fan made stuff, if its fucking good like those intros and such, ill praise it and keep it in my library. If its half assed like the extended versions, then ill scorn them.
Ok, after re-re-re-listening to Stirb Nicht demo version... we need to pretend to be some online Russian escort or something and find some conniving way to get the proper demo version out of the Russkies. We NEED it.
Thing is trying to find the source would be hard. That community is hush hush about it.
So me and my girlfriend have decided against hitting up the Tacoma concert as well for financial reasons.
We will be hitting up the Vancouver show still, as it's where we live, so we don't need to worry about travel espenses and hotel charges. The only Hotel in town jacked up the prices to $200 a night for the night of the show...
So, I have 2 tickets up for grabs to the Tacoma, WA show on May 14th.
They are seats, not bad seats.
Section 7A, Row 20 Seats 29-30
These cost be $150 together, $75 each. I'm not looking to make a profit, in fact im willing to take a hit, I'll sell the 2 together for $100 if someone wants them. Please PM me, or reply here or something. Thanks alot!
general question to anybody (non-german speakers) - do you know meaning of every song or do you just enjoy them without knowing how (most of) it translates?
Yeah, I don't know any german, just something about the sound is awesome. I don't have a clue what is being said, but I guess that's part of why I like it.
It's like mystifying. They could be saying anything, for all I know they aren't even real words, they are just made up sounds put to the music, and that's good enough for me!
If the songs were sung in English, they wouldn't be half as good. Those english translated songs like Engel and Du Hast are downright terrible.
I guess the german language just packs a punch when it's sung.
I speak a bit of German, so I understand a good bit of the lyrics. I just seem to love everything about them. Fanboy alert.
Whoever translated the lyrics for the English versions of Engel and Du Hast should be shot, though.
till speaks english, so I figure he did the translation. changing the lyrics to make the song make sense in english. I hate the english verisions, especially Amerika.
I took German in college (first year) but dropped it, because I figured if you want to learn a language you should do it as an isolated task so you take it all in and truly learn it properly. I'll take it up again one day, that's the plan anyway.
Having said that, I did learn bits and pieces, and I've read all of the translations online [of the R+ songs] and have memorized most of the English lyrics, so pretty much know what every R+ song is about, and certain words and contexts stand out to me. So for me, I semi-understand every song.
Ya'll were right, I'm in love. I have all the main albums except for Rosenrot, which is sitting in my cart right now. Advice please!!!
-Which DVDs to buy? Looks like there are at least 2 live ones, and one with the music videos, yes?
-I didn't notice the special editions of some of the albums when I first ordered them (LIFAD, for example). Are they worth repurchasing?
Side note: Took 4 years of German in high school but don't really remember all that much (just enough to get annoyed when people mispronounce a local German themed bar's name). Listening to all this Rammstein makes me want to take it back up again though!
Um. Get em all LOL. Live aus Berlin being the number one choice
Special edition of LIFAD is nice to have. I'm in love with "Donaukinder" and "Liese" as of late.
Volkerball would be my recommended DVD, personally.
well if he gets the deluxe edition that comes with the extra dvd, then yes. But I feel that Live Aus Berlin is the definitive live dvd for the band.
Live aus Berlin all the way! Since there's no DVD for Mutter that's pretty much as it good as it gets although Völkerball has it's highlights and the bonus DVD's great aswell.
Live aus Berlin should also be the starting point for everyone who doesn't own anything by Rammstein IMHO. It serves as a pretty good best of of their first two records and a great introduction on what this band is all about. So if you like/love those albums, then get it!
You guys are making me break my poor bank account! 3 dvds, Made In Germany, LIFAD special edition, and Rosenrot all heading my way.
Did you get the ultra mig? If so, you should have waited. The official store is getting a fresh new batch in soon. Defect free.