Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
From my understanding, as of a couple of days ago, so it definitely could have changed since then - is that incomes over $75k would still get it, but then come tax time next year they would have to pay it back via reduced return or or on top of what they owe if they have to pay in. Anyone know if this is still the case?
Oh I'm gonna be fucking pissed if that happens. Last year, I took on some tours that paid extra due to the extreme circumstances surrounding them, and for the first (and probably only) time, it pushed my pay to juuuuuuust above that. Like, by a couple hundred bucks. (The extra went to capping off the down payment on my house and making up for over a decade of not saving for retirement.) This year, I'm basically unemployed.

So if they look at last year's taxes to see my income and base it on that, I'm getting absolutely shit on.