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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #1441
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan_NIN65 View Post
    Always just have to be rude,damn guys. Tons of medicine has mutiple uses. Sarah, sounds like you could use another dose of your anxiety meds.
    Yes, some do...after years of trials and verification and without a conman filling the airwaves with disinformation. The last part is uncalled for and you should be fucking ashamed of it.

  2. #1442
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    Last part was a joke duh, she was being a smartass, cause she don't like me or what I said.
    Last edited by bryan_NIN65; 04-08-2020 at 02:43 PM.

  3. #1443
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Did you even read that article, or just the headline? It's literally pointing out that it's almost certainly not the reason he's promoting the drug, as it would be a woefully inefficient way to make any money whatsoever.

    Look, I hate the orange man as much as the next guy. But the financial stake article is about him having somewhere between $100-1,500 in it as part of a larger fund (talks about other possible exposure is speculation). I've got a bigger fucking stake than that in several companies, and I am by no measurable statistic "wealthy".

    All this said, I still think it's fucking stupid that he keeps pushing it publicly, because it's doing notable harm to people who actually need the drug right now. If he has good reason to suspect it might be useful, have research and testing fast-tracked, but do it quietly and then release information as it becomes relevant.
    I think the claims are more related to the connections point, where the guy who runs the company paid to get into Trump's inner circle, and that's just kinda how it seems like Trump works.

    Who knows though. It seems like a red herring to me, and we have bigger problems.

  4. #1444
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan_NIN65 View Post
    Always just have to be rude,damn guys. Tons of medicine has mutiple uses. Sarah, sounds like you could use another dose of your anxiety meds. I'll wait for the next comeback or you could just stop haveing a smartass remark.
    An alternate option is you could fuck off and/or stop being a huge piece of shit. But I'm betting that is unlikely to happen.

  5. #1445
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan_NIN65 View Post
    Last part was a joke duh, she was being a smartass, cause she don't like me or what I said.
    Jokes are supposed to be funny.

    You know what would be real funny? Banning you from ETS forever. Fuck around some more and find out.

    That's a real warning. I will delete your account and every last one of your 256 posts.

  6. #1446
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I will delete your account and every last one of your 256 posts.
    I hope you decide to avoid that. This place is already so damn tribal it's extremely disturbing. While I agree that trollish crap can be quite annoying, difference of opinion (and the associated strong emotions) should be tolerated in an open forum.

  7. #1447
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    ...difference of opinion (and the associated strong emotions) should be tolerated in an open forum.
    That wasn’t a difference of opinion nor was it trolling.

    Edit: it wasn’t fucking tribal, either.
    Last edited by cdm; 04-08-2020 at 07:03 PM.

  8. #1448
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    Forecast for Covid-19 peak hospital resource usage in USA is April 11. Website linked below will also show projections for other countries and individual states.

    COVID-19 Projections

  9. #1449
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    I woke up today thinking...

    the "positive signs" are BS. i think they're just saying that to bring a sense of calmness, to help the stock market, and to make it feel like things will be turning back to normal soon. doesn't help that I'm essentially in the epicenter of it in NJ.

    hope I'm wrong.

  10. #1450
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I woke up today thinking...

    the "positive signs" are BS. i think they're just saying that to bring a sense of calmness, to help the stock market, and to make it feel like things will be turning back to normal soon. doesn't help that I'm essentially in the epicenter of it in NJ.

    hope I'm wrong.
    That's where my head is at right now. Our county is at 600+ cases and rising with over 50 deaths - not staggering numbers on their own, necessarily, but given the incubation time, the ability to be an asymptomatic carrier, and the complications of living with someone who would be very likely to require intensive care if'll forgive me if I'm not sold on the notion of skipping off for takeout or heading to the store just to get some beer even though my grocery supply is fine. That might just be me though.

  11. #1451
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  12. #1452
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    ^ one of my co-workers knew him personally

  13. #1453
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    There are plenty more instances of that. This isn't a new development that the virus is getting worse or anything. But it is one of the reasons I get so pissed off whenever young people are like "lulz whatever it can't get me". (That and the whole "think about others, you selfish twat" aspect.)

  14. #1454
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    ^ one of my co-workers knew him personally
    Very sorry to hear that.

  15. #1455
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    Pence is blocking top health officials from appearing on CNN unless they start airing the daily briefings in full.

    Vice President Mike Pence's office has declined to allow the nation's top health officials to appear on CNN in recent days and discuss the coronavirus pandemic killing thousands of Americans, in an attempt to pressure the network into carrying the White House's lengthy daily briefings in full.

    Pence's office, which is responsible for booking the officials on networks during the pandemic, said it will only allow experts such as Dr. Deborah Birx or Dr. Anthony Fauci to appear on CNN if the network televises the portion of the White House briefings that includes the vice president and other coronavirus task force members.

  16. #1456
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    I know it's been going on for a long time now, but this feud between CNN and Fox News has to fucking stop.

  17. #1457
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    maybe some positive news. I take it with a giant grain of salt:

  18. #1458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Pence is blocking top health officials from appearing on CNN unless they start airing the daily briefings in full.
    Pence's office, which is responsible for booking the officials on networks during the pandemic, said it will only allow experts such as Dr. Deborah Birx or Dr. Anthony Fauci to appear on CNN if the network televises the portion of the White House briefings that includes the vice president and other coronavirus task force members.
    I'm good with this. No trump, no pillow guy, etc. as close to the facts as this administration is going to get.

    NPR's attempt at projecting state by state peaks.
    Last edited by ekrekel; 04-09-2020 at 12:09 PM.

  19. #1459
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekrekel View Post
    I'm good with this. No trump, no pillow guy, etc. as close to the facts as this administration is going to get.

    NPR's attempt at projecting state by state peaks.
    I'm not good with this. I'm good with the part about CNN not airing that press briefing bullshit, but I'm not okay with the United States government censoring its employees and holding their critically necessary and informed opinions hostage in exchange for propaganda time. That's beyond fucked up in my book.

  20. #1460
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I'm not good with this. I'm good with the part about CNN not airing that press briefing bullshit, but I'm not okay with the United States government censoring its employees and holding their critically necessary and informed opinions hostage in exchange for propaganda time. That's beyond fucked up in my book.
    Pretty much exactly what I was about to say. I think it's disturbing.

  21. #1461
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    Nine cases of Covid-19 in my mom's seniors' residence, now including one on her floor. I've warned her to wear a mask at all times and not to leave her room.

    I am trying to keep calm, but I'm very, very nervous.

  22. #1462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Nine cases of Covid-19 in my mom's seniors' residence, now including one on her floor. I've warned her to wear a mask at all times and not to leave her room.

    I am trying to keep calm, but I'm very, very nervous.
    I know it's not soothing, but...I would be nervous too. Thinking happy thoughts for both of you.

  23. #1463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Nine cases of Covid-19 in my mom's seniors' residence, now including one on her floor. I've warned her to wear a mask at all times and not to leave her room.

    I am trying to keep calm, but I'm very, very nervous.
    Can you take her out of there and let her stay with you? If you take the proper precautions, she might be better off.

  24. #1464
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Can you take her out of there and let her stay with you? If you take the proper precautions, she might be better off.
    I've offered to bring her to her brothers' , but she's adamant that she doesn't want to leave her things behind as they told me they might put someone in her room while she's away. She's very nervous and hypertensive like that. She won't budge unless I void the entire place.

  25. #1465
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I woke up today thinking...

    the "positive signs" are BS. i think they're just saying that to bring a sense of calmness, to help the stock market, and to make it feel like things will be turning back to normal soon. doesn't help that I'm essentially in the epicenter of it in NJ.

    hope I'm wrong.
    I've suffered from incredible depression for like 20 years, but I went to bed feeling optimistic with some of the news and modeling I was reading. Thought "Yeah, all this does look like it'll be over by June/July. I can do this" and I actually felt good about this for the first time in months. Today, I woke up to new articles from Canada saying this will be going on til spring 2021 and we will peak in July or October at the latest and we will need to hide inside at least for a year and our PM won't reopen concerts, sports and dining until there is a vaccine.

    Fuck this rollercoaster shit. I'm sick of reading the back and forth optimistic and pessimistic posts from the media. So depressing...

    Starting to feel like the only way out is to catch the damn virus, and I know it'll be fatal for me because my lungs are fucked, so I wouldn't even make it so that's another depressing thought. *sigh*

    However... with that said....

    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    That's where my head is at right now. Our county is at 600+ cases and rising with over 50 deaths - not staggering numbers on their own, necessarily, but given the incubation time, the ability to be an asymptomatic carrier, and the complications of living with someone who would be very likely to require intensive care if'll forgive me if I'm not sold on the notion of skipping off for takeout or heading to the store just to get some beer even though my grocery supply is fine. That might just be me though.
    As much as I want to get back to "normal" I feel like it's going to take myself time to even want to work up the courage to do certain things. Like, going on an airplane and going on a vacation somewhere? Gonna be years before I can work up the courage to do that. Right now, would just be nice to be able to freely go out and about on transit and to go eat and stuff. I haven't rode public transit in about 3 weeks. I walk everywhere now. Walked for 45 mins each way yesterday and lugged a week's worth of food home. I'm not gonna chance it on the bus, no way. That's one of the most infected areas these days. I rely on transit too, I don't have a car or a license, so to me... it's essential to get around, but I don't trust a bus now, so I'm kind of stuck within a 45 min walking radius of my place... and there isn't a whole heck of a lot around my place so it's getting pretty boring around here.

    So for me, getting "back to normal" would just be nice to be able to start taking the bus again and going outside and enjoying stuff, going to a store without having to wait in a 30 min line to get in and put on a mask and gloves every time you go in. Having to disinfect my mail... I just want all that nonsense to be over.

    To quote Tom Petty: "The waiting is the hardest part"
    If I could go into a cryogenic sleep for the next 2 years and wake up when this is all over, I totally would.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 04-09-2020 at 03:53 PM.

  26. #1466
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    As much as I want to get back to "normal" I feel like it's going to take myself time to even want to work up the courage to do certain things. Like, going on an airplane and going on a vacation somewhere? Gonna be years before I can work up the courage to do that. Right now, would just be nice to be able to freely go out and about on transit and to go eat and stuff. I haven't rode public transit in about 3 weeks. I walk everywhere now. Walked for 45 mins each way yesterday and lugged a week's worth of food home. I'm not gonna chance it on the bus, no way. That's one of the most infected areas these days. I rely on transit too, I don't have a car or a license, so to me... it's essential to get around, but I don't trust a bus now, so I'm kind of stuck within a 45 min walking radius of my place... and there isn't a whole heck of a lot around my place so it's getting pretty boring around here.

    So for me, getting "back to normal" would just be nice to be able to start taking the bus again and going outside and enjoying stuff, going to a store without having to wait in a 30 min line to get in and put on a mask and gloves every time you go in. Having to disinfect my mail... I just want all that nonsense to be over.
    I feel ya. I don't have as much of a choice. As soon as the tour starts back up I'll be spending 5-15 hours in the air each week, with dozens more in security lines, gates, taxiing, etc. Just gonna have to be as careful as I can and hope for the best.

  27. #1467
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    Coronavirus - COVID-19

    I saw this and started crying
    Last edited by allegro; 04-09-2020 at 07:05 PM.

  28. #1468
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Feeding America has a perfect 4 out of 4 rating at and they really seem to be doing what they can to help. Donated $250.

  29. #1469
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    Feeding America has a perfect 4 out of 4 rating at and they really seem to be doing what they can to help. Donated $250.
    OH my God, bless you!

  30. #1470
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    I donated.

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