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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #931
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    We've finally got a lockdown of sorts in the UK, however in London there are still people cramming into the tubes like fucking sardines. When people all take this seriously and stay home then hopefully we can start to see this thing pass.

    I was working from home until my boss called and said we have to close the company for now. I'm positive when it's all blown over we'll reopen, however it's a few weeks or months off now for 80% pay so I'll get by.

    On the good side - Disney+ just launched in the UK today, masterful timing with everyone staying in, lots of stuff to watch!

  2. #932
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jord View Post
    We've finally got a lockdown of sorts in the UK, however in London there are still people cramming into the tubes like fucking sardines. When people all take this seriously and stay home then hopefully we can start to see this thing pass.

    I was working from home until my boss called and said we have to close the company for now. I'm positive when it's all blown over we'll reopen, however it's a few weeks or months off now for 80% pay so I'll get by.

    On the good side - Disney+ just launched in the UK today, masterful timing with everyone staying in, lots of stuff to watch!

    We've got Showtime for free for a month. Probably good advertising for them except I'll have seen all that is worth watching soon.

  3. #933
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    I'm furious that I live in a state with goddamn Drump brown-noser who refuses to listen to experts. Florida should be shut down, and still that asswipe lingers about doing nothing. The population dynamics set this state up for hospitals to be overwhelmed so easily, and we have people flying from NYC, the current COVID-19 epicenter, down here in droves.

    I just want to scream.

  4. #934
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    Our county is officially on “stay at home” orders as of midnight last night, which naturally meant that while I was walking my dog (which is perfectly acceptable as per the order) at 12:15 am, it only made sense for a police officer to hover around me in his car repeatedly shining his blinder on me. Yes, way to uphold the law. You’re really making a difference, intently watching me while I watch my dog poop and then pick it up in a bag, instead of tending to literally anything else in town. What is this, martial law? I can’t take my dog to poop?

    The effect this virus is having on people’s heads is worrying me more than the actual virus at this point.

  5. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I'm furious that I live in a state with goddamn Drump brown-noser who refuses to listen to experts. Florida should be shut down, and still that asswipe lingers about doing nothing. The population dynamics set this state up for hospitals to be overwhelmed so easily, and we have people flying from NYC, the current COVID-19 epicenter, down here in droves.

    I just want to scream.
    Partner's parents live there. Mom is extremely high risk. Like, imagine every single different risk factor, both the common and uncommon, all rolled into one person. If this gets anywhere near her it's likely to be a death sentence. So yeah, I am fucking livid with the way your shitbag excuse of a governor (and all the dickhead frat bros) are treating this.

    On the bright side, relatives on my side who are split between here and FL have decided to stay down there for now, since they think traveling home would introduce them to more issues than isolating where they are. Given the length of the trip and the fact that they have older high risk people they'd be tempted to visit back home, I think that's actually a responsible course of action for them right now.

  6. #936
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    Yah. My mom is over 65 + hypertension managed by drugs. Thankfully I've had her on a zinc + copper supplement combo since last December when she couldn't shake a really nasty cold/ cough. I'd like to keep her locked to the house, but she's allowed to play golf only if she pushes her own cart/ keeps the 6ft rule with her golfing partners/ doesn't touch anything (including the damn flag pole) and wipes her hands down with clorox wipes after touching anything.

    Thankfully, I think with the warm weather we have less of an environmental transference of the virus (80F+ temps, lots of UV on surfaces), but the person-to-person/ airborne droplets are still viable.

  7. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    Our county is officially on “stay at home” orders as of midnight last night, which naturally meant that while I was walking my dog (which is perfectly acceptable as per the order) at 12:15 am, it only made sense for a police officer to hover around me in his car repeatedly shining his blinder on me. Yes, way to uphold the law. You’re really making a difference, intently watching me while I watch my dog poop and then pick it up in a bag, instead of tending to literally anything else in town. What is this, martial law? I can’t take my dog to poop?

    The effect this virus is having on people’s heads is worrying me more than the actual virus at this point.
    "Do you see anyone else out walking their dog at 12:30 am? Let me ask you: why do you think I stopped you?" *shines flashlight in your eyes while eyeing you up and down*

    You're not doing anything wrong. Hopefully, they'll see you enough and eventually get the hint.

  8. #938
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    Well, starting at 5pm the city of Denver will be on stay-at-home "until the 10th", essentials only, so I'm unemployed until my start date at the Amazon warehouse on the 3rd. Part of me doesn't want to take the job offer, but they are following guidelines (gloves, masks, distance, even staggering clock in and out) and paying like whoa ($2/hr bonus, overtime is double that pay) and since I just moved there's no way I could afford to not be homeless (even if I got unemployment, it wouldn't be enough unless they halted all bills and rent). So it's work and maybe die or don't work and surely die. Cool system ya got, Merica.
    My guess is the rest of the state will go into at least mostly-shutdown by next week.

  9. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I'm furious that I live in a state with goddamn Drump brown-noser who refuses to listen to experts. Florida should be shut down, and still that asswipe lingers about doing nothing. The population dynamics set this state up for hospitals to be overwhelmed so easily, and we have people flying from NYC, the current COVID-19 epicenter, down here in droves.

    I just want to scream.
    That's how it's been with Parsons here in Missouri. That old fuck is already an acting replacement for Governor Grietens who had to resign for shady ass embezzlement and harassment shit. Both are Trump stooges, and Parsons has been dragging his feet like a motherfucker. Kansas City's Mayor went over Parsons head and placed measures on the city that Parsons refuses to put the entire state under. Definitely very fucking infuriating.

  10. #940
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    As we all know, oversight is truly effective against corruption, it's a good pelosi didn't hold out for anything of substance

  11. #941
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    I called it:
    Warm, humid weather could slow coronavirus, new research finds

  12. #942
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    soooo how does that explain Florida?

  13. #943
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    There's two components WRT to transmission. The biggest is person-to-person via airborne water droplets. That is a huge deal, and while things have been warm, they haven't been extremely humid. It's actually really windy right now.
    In a high temp, high humid environment, it might lead to the water droplets falling faster.

    The second component is environmental transmission: someone coughs onto a handrail, you touch the handrail, touch your nose, etc. In this case, high temp, high humid environments may not be very preferable to this virus, so instead of living on the surface for 2-5 days, it could be a few hours, especially if you have UV involved.

    I think the title is poorly chosen. I don't think it will slow the virus, but warm temps may help reduce the environmental transmission.

  14. #944
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    So the crazy Cheetos says that it all will be back to normal for Easter because Easter is a beautiful thing and Easter will take care of everything because Easter is magical this way, bitches!

    You Americans are all going to die before Easter. It was nice knowing you!

  15. #945
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    Unless you grew up in Canada, or had access to Canadian TV, you may not get this... but this is awesome.

    Bit of backstory, in the early 90s we had these public broadcast commercials in between TV shows here in Canada, like a PSA.
    This video used to be called "Don't you put it in your mouth" where it tried to encourage children to not stick unknown pills or meds found around the house in their mouth or they could get really sick.
    Someone in Vancouver re-recorded new vocals over the video to go along with the new COVID19 crisis and well, this is gold!

  16. #946
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    So the crazy Cheetos says that it all will be back to normal for Easter because Easter is a beautiful thing and Easter will take care of everything because Easter is magical this way, bitches!

    You Americans are all going to die before Easter. It was nice knowing you!
    Reese's eggs came out in January, so it's all good. I don't know how you feel about stuff that isn't smothered in cheese curds and gravy.

  17. #947
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    All NY had to do was order tens of thousands of ventilators two years ago and there would be no problem.

  18. #948
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    Right. Perfectly sound reasoning there.

  19. #949
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    TODAY, students at two of our campuses got told they have until THURSDAY to move out.

    From what I can tell, it is a State directive, and they will be taking over our dorms for hospital space.

  20. #950
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    Random thought, but it feels like a cop-out for the hand-full of musicians like Lady Gaga and HAIM (I am admittedly not a fan of either) to postpone the release of their albums that were coming out soon. Like, you're telling me that you think that your fans who are all currently under stay at home orders can't properly enjoy your new music unless they are out spending money at concerts and shit? HAIM's fans can't listen to the new music because you three privileged asses can't go on your stupid Deli Market tour to promote the album?

    Fuck outta here. Release your music and fucking engage with your fanbase about the material.

    I'm cranky and cooped up. Sorry yall.

    /end rant.

  21. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I called it:
    Warm, humid weather could slow coronavirus, new research finds
    This happened with the Spanish Flu, then it mutated and came back WORSE in the Fall.

    He warns that the susceptibility of the population to the new virus is so high that even if it’s less transmissible during the warm season, it would still spread significantly even in warmer and more humid areas.

    David Heymann, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who was not involved in the MIT research, said the statistical studies don’t hold up compared to how the virus is behaving so far.

    “The virus is transmitting quite easily in Singapore and in Hong Kong where it is now late spring. There is nothing better than observation — if the virus has any characteristics that impede its transmission in hot and humid climates, it has not yet manifested them in the tropics,” he said.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-25-2020 at 12:08 AM.

  22. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    All NY had to do was order tens of thousands of ventilators two years ago and there would be no problem.
    What in the FUCK is Gonorrhea Grandpa talking about? Hospitals are in charge of their own inventories, not state or federal governments. But this is unprecedented. Meanwhile, he’s worked up about bailing out the hotel industry because he OWNS A BUNCH OF HOTELS.

    He’s such an immoral greedy dumb fuck.

  23. #953
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  24. #954
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  25. #955
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    “It’s really hard to feel like you’re saving the world when you’re watching Netflix from your couch. But if we do this right, nothing happens. A successful shelter-in-place means you’re going to feel like it was all for nothing, and you’d be right: Because nothing means that nothing happened to your family. And that’s what we’re going for here.”

    - Emily Landon, chief infectious disease epidemiologist at University of Chicago Medicine

  26. #956
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    31 Post(s) just a one time payment of $1,200? that's not going to last long for many. especially if this goes on longer. sounds like the Dems cave in in the end.

  27. #957
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    Prince Charles of England has the virus:

  28. #958
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    Before and after photos of locations here in Australia before and after the outbreak:

  29. #959
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Prince Charles of England has the virus:
    I would imagine the Queen was in contact with him - I highly doubt her body will cope well with it if she is infected. And then there’s her husband who is 98(!).

  30. #960
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    and that basic one time check payment of $1,200 per adult is not expected until "at least" May. wow. there is going to be a lot of suffering and more between now and then...

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