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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by tricil View Post
    As do I and @ninlive

    We actually have a pretty decent “ETS South” vibe going here. We’d all hangout but we’re all people with jobs and families. And now we literally can’t.
    Sending love to all ets-ers. Someday we’ll meet again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #842
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think she lives in Atlanta.
    Ha, yeah sometimes you forget you’ve no idea really where anyone comes from!

  3. #843
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    It's starting in Florida. There's three counties around Miami where all non-essential businesses must close.
    My mom wanted to go to Walmart to see if they had eggs (they didn't). I had to go with her to make sure she followed the protocols I established for leaving the house.

    People still don't get the 6 ft distance rule, or they don't care. I told my mom to hold her breath when people walked close to her. We have clorox wipes we keep in the trunk. Hands get wiped down before getting back into the car. Once home, it's wash hands, wipe down door handles, wipe down plastic surfaces of things we just bought (if we can), then wash hands again. I'm more worried about her than me.

  4. #844
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    @Magnetic Don’t forget to take your shoes off at the door! I forgot to do this yesterday at my Mom’s and remembered after I left and now she has to mop her kitchen floor with disinfectant. Gahhhhhh!!

  5. #845
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    NY has now passed the 10,000 confirmed cases mark with over 6,000 of those in NYC. At his press briefing this morning, Cuomo said our current guidelines are likely to last several months.

  6. #846
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    They’re being really pricky here in Australia about keeping schools open. Given that we’re heading into Autumn and the flu season it ought to be a no-brainer. Not sure how much longer we are comfortable with sending our five year old to school.

  7. #847
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    WHAT? It hasn’t even gone into effect! Holy shit. What did they say to you?

    I saw moms out walking babies in strollers today.

    Where do you live?
    I'm in East Peoria.

    I didn't have any problems running around during the day; I'm not sure how it is there, but this past week everything has been clearing out around 7-8 pm. To be fair, I didn't even see a vehicle on our street besides patrol cars, so I can see how I might have been "suspicious". Both times they asked if I had ID, somewhere to go, and knew that there was a "lockdown" going into effect tomorrow. I was stopped about 35 minutes apart from each other. I'm really glad I didn't decide to go and walk along the riverfront like normal.

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think maybe they’re going to look for people doing things they’re not supposed to be doing?

    Like checking out cars at the car dealer? Or bike-riding for fun. Or ... whatever?

    They’re not doing checkpoints so far. There’s just a much bigger police “presence” than I’ve seen in a while. Maybe they’re worried about TP insurrection.

    I’ll tell you one thing: There’s a hell of a lot less traffic out there, already.
    No doubt:

    those pictures are wild.

  9. #849
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @Magnetic Don’t forget to take your shoes off at the door! I forgot to do this yesterday at my Mom’s and remembered after I left and now she has to mop her kitchen floor with disinfectant. Gahhhhhh!!
    We don't wear shoes in the house, so that was easy.
    I wouldn't worry too much about floors, unless you're on your hands and knees on the floor. Then, maybe yah.

  10. #850
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    also all this talk about people trying to protect Trump...maybe it's the puppeteer they're protecting? everyone keeps going on about how he's not the kind of person to inspire this kind of blind devotion so what if it's a very interested but unknown 3rd party? and no, not Putin - that would be tin foil stuff - but someone very connected to politics.

  11. #851
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    hope the weather holds out for them, I suppose at least this is happening in the Spring, if it was mid Winter it would be even more depressing.
    I donno about that, I think it would be easier to swallow if it were winter time. I hate the cold and wouldn't mind just hiding from the world in the months anyway.
    Now that it's getting warmer, I feel that people aren't taking this ban seriously. Last few days here have been warm and sunny and people are still everywhere despite 90% of businesses closed.
    People playing tennis, basketball, walking along the seawall in groups, hanging at the beach... It's only going to get harder to keep people inside as the weather gets nicer.
    We'll be stuck inside for the nice months, and then winter will hit and we'll be allowed to go out again, but nobody will want too... lol.

  12. #852
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    We don't wear shoes in the house, so that was easy.
    I wouldn't worry too much about floors, unless you're on your hands and knees on the floor. Then, maybe yah.
    Her cat is on the floor, and jumps up onto surfaces that Mom touches, so that's what worries me. AND, Mom sometimes touches the kitchen floor when she's spot-cleaning it.

    I ordered 100 disposable booties from Amazon, so we can put those on top of our shoes.

  13. #853
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I'm in East Peoria.

    I didn't have any problems running around during the day; I'm not sure how it is there, but this past week everything has been clearing out around 7-8 pm. To be fair, I didn't even see a vehicle on our street besides patrol cars, so I can see how I might have been "suspicious". Both times they asked if I had ID, somewhere to go, and knew that there was a "lockdown" going into effect tomorrow. I was stopped about 35 minutes apart from each other. I'm really glad I didn't decide to go and walk along the riverfront like normal.
    They must not know the definition of "lockdown" because it's NOT a lockdown, it's "shelter in place," and the Governor has made it REALLY clear that people are allowed to go for a walk. Is the virus more prevalent at night or something? wtf.

    This is a lockdown. You're literally not allowed to leave your house. For anything. Ever.

    Course, it isn't like you wanna argue with a cop at night.

    They'll probably get more specific orders as it becomes more clear.

    I'm in Highland Park, not exactly a hotbed of crime. The biggest worry we have at night is coyote.

    These numbers in Italy are staggering.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-21-2020 at 05:31 PM.

  14. #854
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    Very moving and timely ... made me cry ...

  15. #855
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    Of the more than 1.5 million people who work in the state’s restaurant and hotel industry, only between 200,000 to 400,000 are still employed
    Dept of Labor asks states to delay release of form unemployment numbers
    Jesus H. Christ.

    I presume the stock market has not yet begun to defile itself.

  16. #856
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    Just went to a neighbors house because his dog has been baying all day. he's an older guy, thought he has people living with him but he's a dick neighbor so we're not close. However this is not the time to be petty so in the interest of the greater good (the greater good) I went over and knocked. Twice. No one answered so I called the county's non-emergency line. They took it very seriously and they're going to send someone over. I hope he's ok.

    My other neighbor though, the one who would (and has) lied to a judge about me - fucking long story, that - he and his wife can figure it out. They have a young-ish son who may or may not visit them in-between drug deals, he can check on them.

  17. #857
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  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    pretty much all courts have shut down
    As a parole agent, I wish this were true. Until my state supreme court says otherwise, I am still doing investigations and testifying in sentencing and violation hearings. Regarding public safety, cat is indeed out of the bag at this point, as it is becoming evident that the focus is indeed shifting to high risk offenders and crimes that present a clear and present danger to the public. We have to maintain supervision on those folks and how I will be able to continue doing that and keep myself and family safe and healthy in the coming months are open questions. I personally am hoping that for now, the virus will act as a deterrent as even most criminals value self-preservation. Domestic and other abuses inside the home will sadly increase. Many of my clients are already on the margins with regards to stability, housing, employment, positive family/friend support, chemical dependency, etc. etc. Community resources that can be an alternative to incarceration were already scarce, now they too are shutting down. If there is staffing shortages and/or riots in the prisons we will be sent in to help. Triage is the new normal.

  19. #859
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    As a parole agent, I wish this were true.
    The way I see this virus is like cockroaches.

    If you’ve ever lived in an apartment building where they exterminate for cockroaches, they can’t just exterminate in the 3 apartments where they saw cockroaches; EVERY apartment and every hall, every nook and cranny, attic and basement of the entire building, including inside every wall has to be exterminated.

    Because the roaches move around.

    This virus is like lethal cockroaches. You can’t close off a few cities and think the country is safe, no more than you can spray 3 apartments and think the building is safe.

    It looks like your apartment will start getting exterminated on Monday:
    Last edited by allegro; 03-22-2020 at 02:02 AM.

  20. #860
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    I had a really bad bout of allergies today. My throat hurts and I know it's probably from my allergies and post-nasal drip. I also started my adderal trial run for my memory and Dr. Google says it can cause panic attacks.

    put these two together and

  21. #861
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    This is me at Target yesterday morning, heading for the toilet paper aisle.

  22. #862
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    Update to my situation about work. I am not able to work from home. I had tues-thurs off and called my manager on Friday dreading our conversation thinking I was going to have to file for an unpaid leave of absence or something since I didn't want to risk my life riding public transit, but they were setting up the employees with a "Work from home kit" which included a cell phone, a monitor, a power bar, ethernet cable and a mini pc/drive with all the software installed. Got everything set up and finally had my first full work from home day today. It was odd... I also don't have the best setup... I cleaned out my storage closet and I just the the computer/make shift office up on a shelf and pulled up a chair... It's not ideal, but it works for now. I might take the shelving out of the closet and go to staples and try and get a mini desk or something. Won't have much time to think it over, staples is open for now as it is deemed an "essential service" to supply home office supplies, but that could change with the drop of a hat obviously.

  23. #863
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    This 39 yr old woman filmed herself from an ICU to warn people to take it seriously:

    And look at all these fucks practicing their "social distancing" here in Vancouver... this was filmed on Friday, March 20th!!
    We currently have the highest cases out of anywhere in Canada here, and this is why:

    Last edited by ManBurning; 03-22-2020 at 03:31 AM.

  24. #864
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    This 39 yr old woman filmed herself from an ICU to warn people to take it seriously:

    And look at all these fucks practicing their "social distancing" here in Vancouver... this was filmed on Friday, March 20th!!
    We currently have the highest cases out of anywhere in Canada here, and this is why:

    Same thing is happening in Seattle. I live near Alki Beach & Friday it was crowded like everyone didn't have a care in the world. The bike rental place was even open. In the meantime, hospitals are making plans on what to do if they start having to do triage on patients like what has been going on Italy. Frightening.

  25. #865
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    Washington state preparing for triage:

  26. #866
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    If you know someone who still isn't taking this seriously, please send this story from a doctor who is on the front lines. And please don't read it yourself if you're the kind to get anxious...I kind of regret reading it myself.

    Woke up a little after midnight with a sore throat. Nothing else - just a sore throat; like there was something caught in the back or something, because it only really seemed to be agitated when I swallowed. So naturally, despite knowing that I had no other signs of being remotely sick, I freaked the hell out. Thankfully, I still had one lozenge floating around in the bottom of my backpack, and by the time that was through I felt pretty much back to normally and eventually got back to sleep. So far, so good. (And STILL waiting on the better half's test, which was done Tuesday or Wednesday...but symptoms are subsiding, so I'm pretty confident that it's a different bug that just mimics the symptoms.)

  27. #867
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    I hear you. Friday I had a swollen lymph node in my throat. I was this IT? By yesterday I was fine.
    This shit scares the hell outta me.

  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    Of the more than 1.5 million people who work in the state’s restaurant and hotel industry, only between 200,000 to 400,000 are still employed.
    Nice... My wife does HH for a place on the weekends, and they are still open, plan on staying open the whole time here in IL. In fact, hotels are considered shelter, so there's no reason to close your business. The Salvation Army is paying for rooms, on a case by case basis, for women and families that are homeless or currently misplaced. We've called several other Wyndham properties in the area, and they're open here and doing the same thing.

    Last edited by Jon; 03-22-2020 at 10:14 AM. Reason: godzilla tp

  29. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I hear you. Friday I had a swollen lymph node in my throat. I was this IT? By yesterday I was fine.
    This shit scares the hell outta me.
    I had one of those on Thursday and it actually hurt to touch and yawn. however that particular node does that all the time so I long ago stopped listening to it as a harbinger of doom.

  30. #870
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    Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

    The intelligence brief, marked for official use only, noted the white supremacists “suggested targeting … law enforcement and minority communities, with some mention of public places in general.” According to the document, the extremists discussed a number of methods for coronavirus attacks, such spending time in public with perceived enemies, leaving “saliva on door handles” at local FBI offices, spitting on elevator buttons and spreading coronavirus germs in “nonwhite neighborhoods.”
    well at least they're tracking these shits.

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