Man, people will gripe about whatever Trent does. As an artist, I say charge what you want and release how you want and let people take it or leave it. This isn’t the golden days of music, where everyone is getting millions for nothing. Notice how there aren’t any big-budget music videos anymore. There is a reason. Physical media and merch and tours and soundtracks are how you pay the bills and even that’s tough. I am HAPPY to pay money to keep my favorite artists focusing on their art instead of how they are going to pay the bills. Happy. Recently I was begging Saul Williams to release his new album on vinyl so I could fork over some cash to him and see him able to create more. I love what we get for the money we pay to great artists. Art is such a key part of my life and i would rather these guys get my money than Jeff Bezos or Zuckerberg or Trump or whatever other greedy a-hole is vacuuming up all the wealth.