I think its super duper rad that vinyl is making a huge comeback. I also fully agree with Trent releasing music on vinyl and not CD anymore. Why release it on a superior audio format like CD when you can listen to the cool clean *CLICK* *CLICK* *POP* *CLICK* of vinyl...It illuminates the listening experience man..Like when you feel the vinyl in your hands and caress the sleeve and just sit back and let your record player do the work. *CLICK* *CLICK* *POP*....So much better than a crystal clear sounding CD.....Its just so stupid to release your art on a superior format when you can release it on an outdated format that was rendered obsolete by 1983. I think movie studios should follow Trent's lead. Why release movies on blu ray or 4KHD anymore when you can release them on VHS and Betamax instead?