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Thread: Parasite

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    Anyone see this yet? I want to discuss this movie, but we need to be really careful b/c people that haven't seen it yet will get more out of it not knowing what is coming.

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    I want to see it but there's no sign of a UK release yet...fuck ton of Bollywood films though

  3. #3
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    How about now?

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    I saw it a month or so ago, and I went in not knowing anything about it (other than I liked the director's other works) and it was brilliant! I'm also happy to report that I saw it in a fully packed theater, which is a huge deal for a foreign language/subtitled movie in the States... this doesn't happen often.

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    Best movie for me this yeah. It is a real pity that so far I have failed to convince any of my friends to watch it. The movie being foreign and needing subtitles to watch is just too much of a hard sell. Which is annoying, because unlike my other favorite, The Host, this one is quite mainstream. The first half of the movie is mostly clever fun mixed with some anxiety and curiosity. It's like all those dumb american infiltration combedies, except this one is done right and avoids most of the clichés. Then by the time it gets weird, you are already invested.

    Also, I've been dying to argue with some folks about what they think the message was. I've read so many opinions stating that this movie is about Spoiler: the good, poor people battling the bad rich people, which to me is complete bs. The Kim family is quite vicious, while their rich employees are quite nice people. They are not perfect, but are far from your typical "evil rich family" cliché. We also don't know their story; there is no telling whether they got lucky, or actually worked hard for their fortune. Meanwhile the Kim's are possibly destroying lives, because they want their job. I think at the end there are very good arguments for both sides, and I can't take seriously any review site or person who claims that this movie is about showing how bad rich people are.

  6. #6
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    Doesn't look like we're getting it til next feb FFS!

  7. #7
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    This was a crazy good film. Went into it knowing next-to-nothing and enjoyed the hell out of it. It was nice to be surprised by a film again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Doesn't look like we're getting it til next feb FFS!
    I highly suggest you obtain it via other methods. You can always watch it in the theater in February for a second time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post

    Also, I've been dying to argue with some folks about what they think the message was. I've read so many opinions stating that this movie is about
    Spoiler: I definitely didn't get that it would be about good poor people vs bad rich people, it was much more nuanced. The way I understood it, it was about the lack of upward mobility between classes. No one came out looking particularly good at the end, but that wasn't the point. The poor people literally were so invisible that they could live under your kitchen and you wouldn't notice them!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    Spoiler: I definitely didn't get that it would be about good poor people vs bad rich people, it was much more nuanced. The way I understood it, it was about the lack of upward mobility between classes. No one came out looking particularly good at the end, but that wasn't the point. The poor people literally were so invisible that they could live under your kitchen and you wouldn't notice them!
    To me, Spoiler: the protagonists were the rich people. They had misguided preconceptions, but they were not bad people. Talking about "that smell", or getting aroused by the thoughts of being like them is not nice, but nothing malicious. Everyone they fired, they did for very good reasons. Everyone they hired they paid and treated well. I believe they would have even helped them out, if they were to ask. Whether it's getting into a fancy school for the children, or starting up a new business for the dad. But the Kim family never even bothered to get on their good sides with honest ways, because in their minds, rich people were inherently bad. One really great scene was when they were staying over the house, and the mother said sth along the lines that the father is stupid or pathetic or sth. I think that violent reaction encompassed him really well. A bitter man, who never had the life he wanted. He played it off as a joke, but if it wasn't clear the first time, the same thing happened at the end when he grabbed the knife. The thought that he is supposed to humiliate himself as a native american for the joy of the rich folks was just too much for his pride. Which is silly, because he was promised to be paid extra, and even the rich father was participating in it. The difference is, the rich father did not think twice about the implications. Yeah, he is a stupid native american, who will get conquered and everyone will laugh at him. So? It's all fun, and I do think it was all fun. But it wasn't how the Kim father saw it - sure, the final nail in the coffin was the rich guy's reaction to the murder and the murder itself.

    Btw shall we keep this thread black? I know not knowing the plot is half the fun, but like, we could write it as a disclaimer or something. People should avoid spoilers to begin with if they are really interested in a movie.

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    Spoiler: I think seeing the film in terms of "good versus evil" is a mistake. The only real villain in the film is desperation and greed. In my opinion, it's a story about fucked up human beings and the lengths they will go to in order to preserve the appearance of having their shit together. Both groups are convinced that they're better than the other for various reasons (money, intelligence, etc.), but at the end of the day, they're both flawed and make mistakes and end up paying the price for their arrogance.

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    Spoiler: The rich people seemed normal to me. They treated the Kim family fairly, even trusted them with their property. The people they fired, they did it with very good reasons. We even saw that the rich guy actually works, and not just some kingpin who's swimming in money without actually doing anything. They cared for their children. Whether its hiring personal teachers so they can get the best education possible (yeah, the mother's "background check" was wacky), they made a tent for their boy who suffered from PTSD and monitored him closely, etc. The biggest flaw of the rich family was being rich. They had everything, and to most of us, who don't enjoy that level of luxury (even if some of us are well of), it comes across as something negative.

    Sth. else: I loved the cinematography. People coming down and up the stairs was such a great visual. I also liked the image of the boy holding the rock while the light flickered and the house was being soaked by sewage. I know that a flickering light is a very simple tool and hardly subtle, but it just worked. It was just good and powerful enough, that it didn't come across as artsy.

    Also, what do you guys think happened at the end? I've read many theories and I am not actually sure myself. By end I mean what happened to the boy. Did he die, did he stay in a coma, did he actually reach his goals, did he recovered but still just planning his actions?

  13. #13
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    Wooohooo, best picture nomination! It'll probably "only" win the best foreign picture award, but goddamn, what an honor.

  14. #14
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    FINALLY seeing this tomorrow after Birds of Prey (it's got a very limited UK release, so i either see it tomorrow straight after BoP or not at all) I am excited!

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    Is this movie really worth it? Or is this one of the hollywood suck off films that they hype up during award season?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Is this movie really worth it? Or is this one of the hollywood suck off films that they hype up during award season?
    I don't understand the hype behind the film. It's ok, but the climax scene ruined the movie for me. YMMV.

  17. #17
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    The hype is definitely not real... it's a fun little flick, has some nice twists and loveable characters, but I wouldn't shell out more money than for any other movie like I did anymore. Rent it if you have patience.

    It's still nice to see a movie like this being recognized during this award season though and it's as deserving of some nods like all the other nominees.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Is this movie really worth it? Or is this one of the hollywood suck off films that they hype up during award season?
    It's a damn fine movie.
    But, I honestly don't get the hype.
    I fancy myself as a bit of a cinephile, and I don't see how this one got the best picture nod, while A Beautiful Day, Uncut Gems, and The Lighthouse were snubbed.

    STill, it's a fun movie that's well written and acted and shot.

    But, I don't understand the hype.

  19. #19
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    you guys are nuts. Movie was incredible and is my favorite of the year. LOVED Uncut Gems, but this is better. It has more to say, the directing/writing/editing is incredible, i loved the twists & turns, i loved the signature weirdness at times from the director & left me thinking about it for days after.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    you guys are nuts. Movie was incredible and is my favorite of the year. LOVED Uncut Gems, but this is better. It has more to say, the directing/writing/editing is incredible, i loved the twists & turns, i loved the signature weirdness at times from the director & left me thinking about it for days after.
    Yeah. This was exactly what I worried about, and I think even mentioned in some thread here. This movie is so fucking good, that it was bound to attract good publicity, and when everyone and their mother says that this is a must watch, 10/10 movie, then some people will immediately look at it through the lens of trying to disprove the hype. Which is understandable.

    @Conan The Barbarian anyway, this movie is REALLY worth it, and while I am surprised it actually got a best picture Oscar nomination, it is not at all undeserved. Just don't expect anything explosive, as it is very much a character oriented dramedy, with the plot being quite simple. It's beautifully shot, the pace is great, the acting is top notch and it doesn't want to tell you what to think about the moral of the story. You can interpret this movie and chatracters many ways, and that's the most fun of it all.

    This movie disgustingly finds balance in its own ingredients. It's appealing to a wider audience, but at the same time, there are small details throughout the whole movie you can enjoy if you pay closer attention. It's funny and it's sad. It's a lighthearted family comedy, and it's a constant lump in your throat, because the movie gives off a certain tension, and you keep expecting... something.

    Whether you will like this movie or not, the hype is most definitely real, and if you were familiar with the director, you knew this was going to be a hit once the end credits rolled in. Trust me, the biggest obstacle this movie has is that it's Asian. If Marriage Story, which has some high highs, but low lows as well got the fan craze it did despite it's many flaws, then I can confidently say that if Parasite was an American movie, it would slaughter the Oscars. Cho Yeo-jeong would be a guaranteed winner for best actress, just to begin with. Then again, we can't blame anyone for cultural differences, so I can totally understand everyone who are turned off from this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Whether you will like this movie or not, the hype is most definitely real, and if you were familiar with the director, you knew this was going to be a hit once the end credits rolled in. Trust me, the biggest obstacle this movie has is that it's Asian. If Marriage Story, which has some high highs, but low lows as well got the fan craze it did despite it's many flaws, then I can confidently say that if Parasite was an American movie, it would slaughter the Oscars. Cho Yeo-jeong would be a guaranteed winner for best actress, just to begin with. Then again, we can't blame anyone for cultural differences, so I can totally understand everyone who are turned off from this.
    At least I wasn't trying to disprove the hype, and I didn't think that the movie being Japanese was an obstacle. That was never a factor for me, I thought that the dialogue and general feel of the movie was universal but like I said, the over the top violence scene was too much for me, it didn't fit with the rest of the tone of the movie, and ruined the resolution of this film. Sure, it was trying to transmit the anger of the lower class towards the upper class but this is something that wouldn't happen in real life, at least not like this. A different climax scene and I would had been raving about this movie.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    At least I wasn't trying to disprove the hype, and I didn't think that the movie being Japanese was an obstacle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    My bad, sorry. I got confused with the similarly hyped Japanese movie from last year, Shoplifters. Too much of a slow burn for me, I liked it ok but didn't understand the hype behind it.

  24. #24
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    Hey @Volband i'd just like to thank you for recommending this film to me, i just saw it and it was FUCKING INCREDIBLE! Easily one of the best films this year and last, just such a really fucking well made and executed piece of cinema!

    Hype is a weird thing, as it tends to snowball and get people to see things they wouldn't normally see, like me. Sometimes this is great, but other times it can have a negative reaction as some will (not wrongly) be expecting something to knock their socks off. Hype shouldn't factor into a film like this, but it's fine of it's not your bag. I'm just glad the hype allowed it to get a cinema release in the UK, as i'd probably have missed this in that case.

  25. #25
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    Saw it tonight, great flick.

  26. #26
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    Wow. The Oscars actually got it right for once.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Wow. The Oscars actually got it right for once.
    More than you think and on a lot of fronts. It would have been so easy to give best director and best picture to 1917, the kind of movie the Academy is loving, usually, and a visual feast to boot. Instead, they looked outside the box.

    Parasite absolutely deserves everything it gets.

  28. #28
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    1917 while a masterpiece was in no way the best movie of 2019. If you strip it off the soundtrack, good actors and the camera-work it is indeed just well made war movie. While I don't necessarily agree Parasite (personally I enjoyed the Irishman and Jojo Rabbit more) is a rightfull winner when you look for a movie that has everything and that didn't try to blind you with A-list actors. And if one looks at Bong Joon-ho's body of work he's a good choice to get one of these awards anyway. Congrats.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    1917 while a masterpiece was in no way the best movie of 2019. If you strip it off the soundtrack, good actors and the camera-work it is indeed just well made war movie.
    If you took away the camera work, soundtrack and replaced Brando, Pacino, De Niro, etc. with bad or avarage actors the first two Godfather movies wouldn't be that great either.

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    Yet they would have had more to do then run from A to B. You catch my drift. 1917 while excellent is somewhat of a one trick Pony while Parasite has more facettes to it.

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