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Thread: Joker

  1. #151
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    Nah, the fridge scene was probably just random idea that was thought up on the spot; someone thinking it was properly deep. It seems to have taken on much more significance than it should. Kinda reeks of film school symbolism.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Nah, the fridge scene was probably just random idea that was thought up on the spot; someone thinking it was properly deep. It seems to have taken on much more significance than it should. Kinda reeks of film school symbolism.
    Or maybe he thought he was hiding from his problems?

  3. #153
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    It's obviously a reference to Indiana Jones.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    It's obviously a reference to Indiana Jones.
    Hey, Mimic 3 did it first - complete with the "surviving an explosion" part. Hate how Crystal Skull been pinching all the glory for a decade now. Credits where credits dude, please.

    I took it as him hiding from his problems as well, especially with the cops on the phone.

  5. #155
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    He went in there after he killed his mom right? Going back into the womb symbolism.

  6. #156
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    Im going to take a stab and say since the radiator is in the shot, its was just his safe space from being abused?

  7. #157
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    There's a lot of talk about how people are now visiting the stairs - when they should really be careful because it's in a sketchy neighborhood of the Bronx. Hopefully this new tourism will help improve the area.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    There's a lot of talk about how people are now visiting the stairs - when they should really be careful because it's in a sketchy neighborhood of the Bronx. Hopefully this new tourism will help improve the area.
    So you're saying I should go alone and at night to beat the traffic?

  9. #159
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    This movie made me cry, laugh, cry, then smirk through the rest of his unraveling. I haven't had a movie pull my emotions around like a rag doll in a longgg time; amazing work.

    I really wish it would have ended with him just saying she wouldn't get the joke, but it still worked for me.

  10. #160
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  11. #161
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    I just saw this yesterday, confirming my suspicion that I posted about on the previous page.

  12. #162
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    Did this Joker remind anyone of Brandon Lee's Crow?

  13. #163
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    It's funny I seem to have perceived this film in a much different way than most.

    I think this film was the perfect comic book villain origin story, something that had not been done before (or at least successfully - the Thanos in Infinity War is probably the only other respectable comparable), and given the failures of the genre concerning villains, this movie's biggest crime is that it will not live on outside of itself. How awesome would a Phoenix Joker performance be where he actually gets to be who he is at the end of the film for the entire two hours, battling Batman no less? Instead we have all this praising of this self contained movie that requires no world building. Where is the fun in that? This Joker dies now, and we are robbed of getting the see the brilliance of the character live on when all this exposition was put in to building him up to that point, which is even more depressing since we thought we couldn't get to this point after Ledger's performance, and here we are, only to start all over again, since Joker won't be able to be touched now for a while for its failure to live up to Phoenix's performance.

    As far as all the incel commentary, I wanted to shoot it down so badly and write it off as nothing but an overreaction. And for the most part, that is very true throughout. But the one scene I could not help but acknowledge felt extremely dangerous to me was the car crash sequence. You can have frustration and reaction of the people, and that bubbling up in the background works so well for the film, but then you had hundreds (thousands?) of people holding this guy up as their saviour after shooting someone point blank in the face on TV? One maniac doing maniacal things works, even one team of psychos rescuing him from the transport, but inferring/suggesting that there is this following of many regular normal people who are like "yes, this makes sense to me as justice" and lets hold him up as this jesus like figure was highly concerning for me. I still don't think it would have any impact, in the same way music and video games don't make people violent, but with all this conversation this would have felt disingenuous to ignore, and I could have done without that.

    Todd Philips also needs to keep quiet right now. Every time he speaks about the film or the reaction about it it does not do him any favours and makes people question his achievement. He made a masterpiece and people are loving it, both critically and financially. Enjoy it, man. Speak about the comic book tropes you nailed, that you clearly found so interesting. Batman and Joker being two sides of the same coin, and connecting that on the day Joker was created, Batman was also created, while having it be a film that had nothing to do with Batman, was nothing short of genius. It was the perfect homage to The Dark Knight, and in a lot of ways it's a spiritual prequel, playing off the idea that they are destined to do this forever. Because there is no Joker without Batman. And now there is no Batman without Joker. That was powerful.

    Celebrating this as a non comic book comic book film is to shit on all that was achieved within the genre. If you wanted to do this film without any connection to that, you could have made the same movie, took out the Wayne backstory, and not called it Joker, and it basically would have worked just the same, but that's not what happened and there is a reason why. DC has struggled so hard to create what Marvel has captured with its properties, and oh what a tragedy it is that they finally nail something Marvel has never been able to do, and now they have zero inability to capitalize on that success. In that sense, it is a true stand alone film. A great one. It's just a shame that's all it will be, when you have The Batman right around the corner.

  14. #164
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    Favorite line--"You're awful Murray..."

  15. #165
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    I saw this yesterday and loved it. What a performance by Phoenix (as usual). I can see how some people absolutely hated it, like comic book nerds that probably don't like the way the story tied in.

  16. #166
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    I love that this is a standalone movie. I think this world-building thing is a bit overrated. I mean, you have what? 20 Marvel movies where a villain tries to conquer Earth and there's the beam in the sky and we are on the verge of extinction multiple times but it's all fine, Avengers are joking and having fun and being pretty. There's no sense of danger. Some movies are basically the same from a structural point of view.

    I mean, after the 3rd supervillain wrecking havoc does Earth even care about it anymore? If anyone dies, you simply build a time travel machine in a week and everyone's telling jokes and being charming and handsome and having no personality again.

  17. #167
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    that's literally what comic books are though so...ok?

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balthier View Post
    I love that this is a standalone movie. I think this world-building thing is a bit overrated. I mean, you have what? 20 Marvel movies where a villain tries to conquer Earth and there's the beam in the sky and we are on the verge of extinction multiple times but it's all fine, Avengers are joking and having fun and being pretty. There's no sense of danger. Some movies are basically the same from a structural point of view.

    I mean, after the 3rd supervillain wrecking havoc does Earth even care about it anymore? If anyone dies, you simply build a time travel machine in a week and everyone's telling jokes and being charming and handsome and having no personality again.
    This is basically what Scorsese was saying.

  19. #169
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    Thought this was kinda cool to watch:

  20. #170
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    There could be a Joker 2.

    The article states that the film is close to grossing a billion dollars WW.

  21. #171
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    It crossed a billion.

    Todd Phillips said he would do it if the sorry was right. But I hope they don’t. Let’s leave things the way they are.

  22. #172
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    Made a billion without China, that's impressive.

  23. #173
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    Looks like being the most profitable movie ever and hittin' a billy will change a lot of minds...

    A Joker sequel is now 'in the works' with Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix 'likely to come back'.

  24. #174
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    the worst thing they could do is make a sequel to a movie that doesn't need it. but that's what Hollywood excels at, I guess.

  25. #175
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    I dont know how I feel about this.

  26. #176
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    As long as the studio doesnt interfere too much (doubtful) I'm all for it.

  27. #177
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    Apparently there were no such meetings and no sequel has been negotiated.

    So as for right now, this movie is still a one off

  28. #178
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  29. #179
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    Next to The Lighthouse and CLIMAX, this was easily my favorite film of the year.

  30. #180
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    Finally saw this, and my overall takeaway is: what's all the hype about?

    Phoenix's acting was fantastic. I will not deny that for a second.

    But the movie itself just did absolutely nothing for me. For what it's worth, I'm not a superhero movie person and couldn't care less about Marvel or DC or whatever "universe" this is. So I went into this for the sole purpose of just seeing a highly acclaimed standalone movie. And I finished without understanding what was so amazing or groundbreaking about it. A lot of people have praised it for taking a deep look at mental health, but I don't get it. Sure, the main character has a mental disorder. And they show that he's losing his support system. But they're doing so in a highly unbelievable way in which he gets away with murder, gets invited on TV for no reason (the reason they gave was nonsense), then once he finally gets arrested he gets saved by bunch of vigilantes who apparently steal an ambulance, follow the police scanner, track down the ID and location of the car transporting him, t-bone it without killing him, and then celebrate him like a hero? None of this makes the "mental health" angle of the show mean a thing to real life, because it's all a fantasy world.

    So ignoring that part and just focusing on the overall movie, it just didn't do anything for me. There was nothing groundbreaking about the general concept of "guy is outcast, guy snaps, guy kills people". It's a tale as old as time. Sure, Phoenix's acting is Oscar-worthy, and I liked the direction (directing?). But the story itself just didn't grab me at all. It's not like this was an awful movie; I just don't understand the level of popularity and hype it received

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