So, I finished Resident Evil 7 a few weeks ago (super fun, can't wait to play Village) and I was itching for something else. I had played a bit of Fallout: New Vegas many years ago and didn't like it, so I kind of wrote off the Fallout franchise. But I have friends who swear by it and Fallout 4 was on sale for $10 on the Playstation store so I was like eh, what the hell. And holy crap, I am in LOVE with this game. Like. I was hoping I would at least somewhat enjoy it, I was not expecting to be completely blown away by it. There is SO MUCH to do and unlike other RPGs I've played, I actually ENJOY all the side quests. In fact, I'm 20 hours in and I would say maybe four or five hours of it has been the main story, everything else has been just side quest after side quest. I don't even know when I'm getting back to the main story, right now I'm having too much fun doing everything else. Why did I sleep on this game for so long??