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Thread: Mortal Kombat - third film to be shot in Australia

  1. #121
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    Not sure what's more entertaining. Seeing grown men whine about Star Wars movies or Mortal Kombat movies. I can't believe how upset some of y'all are over a movie about an arcade game, like you're personally owed a 10/10 Mortal Kombat movie.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Not sure what's more entertaining. Seeing grown men whine about Star Wars movies or Mortal Kombat movies. I can't believe how upset some of y'all are over a movie about an arcade game, like you're personally owed a 10/10 Mortal Kombat movie.
    I thought it was an ok movie. It wasn't great, but I didn't expect it to be.

    The thing is, there's enough lore here to actually create an excellent series of movies, or TV series.

  3. #123
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    I'm actually tempted to start a machinima MK series where I'll do all the voices.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Not sure what's more entertaining. Seeing grown men whine about Star Wars movies or Mortal Kombat movies. I can't believe how upset some of y'all are over a movie about an arcade game, like you're personally owed a 10/10 Mortal Kombat movie.
    Dude you're on an internet message board

    I can see how the studio forced on Cole. If you lay out the story it seems clear that the initial protagonist may have been Sonya. She's the character who doesn't have the mark, the other central characters are all adjacent to her. She has something of a full arc.

    I also agree with the notion that this was probably made for people who know nothing about the story *but* I find the idea odd that the regular story just wouldn't work for the average audience or something
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-24-2021 at 01:03 PM.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Not sure what's more entertaining. Seeing grown men whine about TOOL ALBUM WAIT TIMES or NINE INCH NAILS LYRICS. I can't believe how upset some of y'all are over an ALBUM FROM A BAND that ARGUABLY PEAKED IN THE NINETIES
    There. I fixed that for you. Take a good look around at where you are, and then, try again, with FEELING.

  6. #126
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    ^ haha, exactly.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    It’s really interesting when you get into the lore and all the different realms. Reptile comes from his own realm that we only know of one other inhabitant so far: Chameleon/Khameleon, and most recently discovered (through Raiden) his real name: Syzoth.

    Havik exists in the Chaos Realm (most recently went there with The Joker with his Mortal Kombat cameo) and contrasts with the Order Realm. When Mortal Kombat 4 came out (Reiko’s game debut) they ended up giving him an extended ending in the Mortal Kombat Gold version where he walks through a portal, sits on Shao Kahn’s throne and dons his helmet. This caused a major controversy for years over whether he was really Shao Kahn or what the deal was. Eventually it became known that he just yearned to have that type of power:

    Then you get this film that just shits all over that and Jax punches his head to smithereens. The actor sucked playing him and looked nothing like him to boot.

    This new film is really a major kick in the face to loyal fans from the 90s.
    Just want to re-emphasise this.

    You can take it further and discuss the origins of how Kabal came to be (almost burnt to death by Kintaro but saved at the last minute by Kano with the respiratory device, thus bringing him from the role of police officer with Stryker to be one of his Black Dragon members):

    In the film he, what, just appears and gets munched on by dragon-form Liu Kang?

    Then there’s the whole fascinating story of the Shokan race (not to be confused with Shao Kahn) in Outworld (consisting of Goro and Sheeva; Kintaro is similar but slightly different with his tiger-like/furry appearance and from a slightly different lineage called Kuatan) who are rivals against the Centaureans (Motaro).

    I could go on and on, but there is just so much interesting lore and story elements that, like I said, can’t be given proper filmic justice unless it’s backed by NetherRealm. I guess this is why it’s taken so many years between Annihilation and now for anything to transpire, and it’s still shitty.

    Also given the franchise’s legacy, I find it a bit irritating to see so many people saying the story isn’t important and it should basically be an entertainment, “Saw” gore sequel type thing. If the story sucked, sure, whatever, but that isn’t the case here. It’s deeply fascinating to delve into, especially if you’re a fan from the 90s and want to catch up on where the timelines and stories are at today.

    I guess that’s the last thing I’ll say on the topic.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    There. I fixed that for you. Take a good look around at where you are, and then, try again, with FEELING.
    Yeah and that shit is hilarious and pathetic as fuck too.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Not sure what's more entertaining. Seeing grown men whine about Star Wars movies or Mortal Kombat movies. I can't believe how upset some of y'all are over a movie about an arcade game, like you're personally owed a 10/10 Mortal Kombat movie.
    ...or grown men who still watch WWE wrestling.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    ...or grown men who still watch WWE wrestling.

    Except the difference is that you don't see me writing 5 paragraph write ups about how the WWE Ruined a certain character or something, because I don't fucking care. I watch it to be entertained. If it's not entertaining I crack a few jokes about how it sucks and watch something else. I can't fathom having enough interest shoved into any property or franchise that I feel entitled enough to, in my thirties, sit and constantly whine and complain about how Hollywood ruined your projected value of the franchise based on childhood nostalgia.

  11. #131
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    I know I sound like a broken record, but, for those of us wanting more lore, wouldn't an M rated premium cable series do better justice to the story?

    It'll probably happen in 2040 or 2050, though. If this "meh" film does what I expect it to do financially, these movies are gonna keep coming.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Except the difference is that you don't see me writing 5 paragraph write ups about how the WWE Ruined a certain character or something, because I don't fucking care. I watch it to be entertained. If it's not entertaining I crack a few jokes about how it sucks and watch something else. I can't fathom having enough interest shoved into any property or franchise that I feel entitled enough to, in my thirties, sit and constantly whine and complain about how Hollywood ruined your projected value of the franchise based on childhood nostalgia.
    Oh, no, I got that. Instead, you just write paragraphs whining about the people who whine and complain about how Hollywood ruined their favorite childhood franchise. Now to decide which is more entertaining.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Oh, no, I got that. Instead, you just write paragraphs whining about the people who whine and complain about how Hollywood ruined their favorite childhood franchise. Now to decide which is more entertaining.

  14. #134
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    It takes a quick youtube search to catch up on the lore and what happens in this universe. But after a 24 year absense, and PLENTY of time to get this somewhat right, it still falls flat on its face. I enjoyed every minute of it, it made me laugh, made my mouth drop, so I was entertained throughout... But there is something about the film that does not feel cohesive. It felt like a bunch of cut scenes from the game thrown into a full length movie.

    I get this was more for fans of the series, but at least give new viewers some more context as to what the hell is even going on. I think it is a fair assessment to criticize something you really like, whether you're age 17 or 60. I'll be watching this type of shit probably until the day I die so if a bunch of 30 year olds want to nitpick and "Whine" about it... Let them.

    There is enough interesting lore that they could build off of here. But instead we get the very quick dialogue rundown from discount Sonya that came just as fast as it left the screen. Shit.. MK Conquest explained the realms and character backgrounds better than this. Not to mention they showed almost every fucking fatality in the trailer which I find absolutely unacceptable.

    Edit: They did my man Kung Lao so dirty... Dude lit up the screen. Plus, the film feels like it is not long enough.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 04-24-2021 at 09:59 PM.

  15. #135
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    Bring on MK12 and it’s in-game story.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    A witty response to your pointless self-important commentary has already been supplied by those above me.

    So has an appropriate response which also takes the standard tact of mocking your own hobbies and the degree of your own investment.

    So I'll just be more blunt and supply the proper amount of discussion your point of view truly merits:

    Shut the fuck up, shitbag.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Massive case in point: when WB interfered with The Exorcist III. Small personal plug: I’ve run a website dedicated to William Peter Blatty’s (author of The Exorcist) two films (the only two he directed) following The Exorcist since around 2007 or so ( - just noticed the Legion sub-site isn’t loading, will need to fix that), but, basically, since 2010 to his passing in 2017 we became close friends and he often gave me updates/insights to add to the website via email and a couple of times over the phone.

    Back in 1990, what was a fantastic adaptation to his “Legion” novel became a convoluted mess at the end due to WB’s involvement. I have an entire sub-section dedicated to explaining it and whatnot that will hopefully load by tomorrow. Edit: here -

    Total drift, but if anyone reading this is interested in how all of Bill’s work is intertwined, read this page I put together years ago:
    @allegro @allegate @eversonpoe and @elevenism and @ickyvicky you guys might find this interesting.

    Sorry about the drift. In conclusion: Warner Bros sucks donkey ass.
    I'm a pretty big horror fan so yeah William Peter Blatty may as well be royalty haha. That's so cool you got to know him. I knew that his story Legion was ruined by the studio for the Exorcist III but I didn't really know how deep it went. I remember reading the original story didn't have an exorcism scene and the studio made him include one to try and sell the movie and connect it to the original Exorcist, or something like that. I also watched the "director's cut" of it that came out a couple years back and thought it seemed much better but from what I've read it's still very compromised from the original vision. Still, it's the only other good movie in that franchise.

    As for the Mortal Kombat lore, I'm probably one of the strangest MK fans out there because I don't actually play the games, I don't play any video games. Just not enough time. But when I was a kid I played the original 2 games and loved the movies (yeah, even the shitty second one because Kitana was hot, sue me). Then later an old roommate constantly played, I think it was, MK9 a lot. I never liked watching someone play a video game but I remember that thing had a decent story to it. Other than that I don't really know much about it or have a huge stake in it, I just kinda like it. The Scorpion/SubZero storyline has always been my favorite though. I've always thought an expansion of that story could kinda mix some Seven Samurai in with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon set designs and some Kill Bill style fight sequences and maybe throw in some nods to Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport for good measure. It'll never happen but it would be dope.

    I think the people that are down on this movie aren't whining about it so much as they are disappointed that the story just isn't any good comparatively. I mean it should be a no brainer. And for people who don't know the story and also don't give a shit about the history and enjoyed this movie, you won, enjoy the flick.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    A witty response to your pointless self-important commentary has already been supplied by those above me.

    So has an appropriate response which also takes the standard tact of mocking your own hobbies and the degree of your own investment.

    So I'll just be more blunt and supply the proper amount of discussion your point of view truly merits:

    Shut the fuck up, shitbag.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I'm a pretty big horror fan so yeah William Peter Blatty may as well be royalty haha. That's so cool you got to know him. I knew that his story Legion was ruined by the studio for the Exorcist III but I didn't really know how deep it went. I remember reading the original story didn't have an exorcism scene and the studio made him include one to try and sell the movie and connect it to the original Exorcist, or something like that. I also watched the "director's cut" of it that came out a couple years back and thought it seemed much better but from what I've read it's still very compromised from the original vision. Still, it's the only other good movie in that franchise.

    As for the Mortal Kombat lore, I'm probably one of the strangest MK fans out there because I don't actually play the games, I don't play any video games. Just not enough time. But when I was a kid I played the original 2 games and loved the movies (yeah, even the shitty second one because Kitana was hot, sue me). Then later an old roommate constantly played, I think it was, MK9 a lot. I never liked watching someone play a video game but I remember that thing had a decent story to it. Other than that I don't really know much about it or have a huge stake in it, I just kinda like it. The Scorpion/SubZero storyline has always been my favorite though. I've always thought an expansion of that story could kinda mix some Seven Samurai in with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon set designs and some Kill Bill style fight sequences and maybe throw in some nods to Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport for good measure. It'll never happen but it would be dope.

    I think the people that are down on this movie aren't whining about it so much as they are disappointed that the story just isn't any good comparatively. I mean it should be a no brainer. And for people who don't know the story and also don't give a shit about the history and enjoyed this movie, you won, enjoy the flick.
    For me it’s more of a nostalgia thing. Back in the 90s I played everything on the Sega Mega Drive and N64, so I’ve played from MK1 to MK4. After that I stopped paying attention until YouTube came along and I actually played the rebooted MK9 on the PS3, but only a few times. I’m more interested in just watching the stories (within the most recent games) and reading theories/Easter eggs, etc, about the lore. I’m actually really excited to see who they decide to include in MK12 and where the story will go.

    Actually, last I read there might be another Kombat Pack for MK11 featuring Havik? I’d love to learn more about him, and Reptile’s race, and the Chaos and Order realms. Also what happened to Ermac, Stryker... there are so many loose ends. We also know next to nothing about Nitara’s race.

    And where the hell has Motaro been?!

    And my longtime crush Sareena needs an appearance. Moreso than what she got in MK X! Show us her demon form.
    Last edited by Erneuert; 04-25-2021 at 06:10 AM.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    For me it’s more of a nostalgia thing. Back in the 90s I played everything on the Sega Mega Drive and N64, so I’ve played from MK1 to MK4. After that I stopped paying attention until YouTube came along and I actually played the rebooted MK9 on the PS3, but only a few times. I’m more interested in just watching the stories (within the most recent games) and reading theories/Easter eggs, etc, about the lore. I’m actually really excited to see who they decide to include in MK12 and where the story will go.

    Actually, last I read there might be another Kombat Pack for MK11 featuring Havik? I’d love to learn more about him, and Reptile’s race, and the Chaos and Order realms. Also what happened to Ermac, Stryker... there are so many loose ends. We also know next to nothing about Nitara’s race.

    And where the hell has Motaro been?!

    And my longtime crush Sareena needs an appearance. Moreso than what she got in MK X! Show us her demon form.
    For me it was Sega Genesis. I've actually still got a copy somewhere in a closet. Of the games you've played, which has the best story between MK9, MK10, and MK11? And are all three connected or do they each have their own stories that are self contained?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Of the games you've played, which has the best story between MK9, MK10, and MK11? And are all three connected or do they each have their own stories that are self contained?
    I’ve played MK9 but just watched the story modes of X and 11.

    MK9 is basically rebooting from the beginning, but including the events of MK1 - MK3 all in one game. The original tournament happens, then the events of MKII happen, then the demons and shit from Outworld come to Earth Realm like in MK3/Trilogy. All that happens then MKX picks up from where MK9 left off, introducing Shinnok as the next Big Bad like in MK4. Then MK11 picks up from where MKX ends with Shinnok being decapitated by Raiden and Kronika (the keeper of time) becoming pissed off with Raiden’s interference all the time.

    So now, having established that a ton of different timelines can occur all at once, basically any character is capable of coming back in some capacity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post

    Yes, you're easily entertained. We got it.

    Last edited by neorev; 04-25-2021 at 09:49 AM.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    A witty response to your pointless self-important commentary has already been supplied by those above me.

    So has an appropriate response which also takes the standard tact of mocking your own hobbies and the degree of your own investment.
    Whoa, get a load of Mr. Thesaurus over here.

    (just bustin’ balls, this thread is entertaining as shit lol)

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Yes, you're easily entertained. We got it.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Except the difference is that you don't see me writing 5 paragraph write ups about how the WWE Ruined a certain character or something, because I don't fucking care. I watch it to be entertained. If it's not entertaining I crack a few jokes about how it sucks and watch something else. I can't fathom having enough interest shoved into any property or franchise that I feel entitled enough to, in my thirties, sit and constantly whine and complain about how Hollywood ruined your projected value of the franchise based on childhood nostalgia.
    I can't fathom how anyone can have interest in the things I don't as well but I also don't care that they have said interest. I let them have their fun and I have my fun. My fun does not involve them so I don't care.

    As for the entitled part, eh you have a point there but I also don't care about that. Much. I mean, let them bitch. When they get toxic *cough*snydercutdicks*cough* then complain.

    The only time you'll hear me say anything bad about something someone likes is if it is actively trying to piss me off. Like certain Mark Millar comics.

    edit just for the pedants: Just about the only time, and this is a newish thing of the last five-plus years. There's enough negativity in the world right now.
    Last edited by allegate; 04-25-2021 at 05:29 PM.

  27. #147
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    Some people are here to see the blood and guts, and some are the people who give a shit about the game's universe and characters. Some come for one, some come for the other, sometimes both. And this...this is just for the blood and guts crowd and the casual audiences who wanna see someone get cut in half because that's all they know or remember MK as being. Which is fair, because that IS what made it so insanely popular.

    If that's all it takes to entertain you, fine. I'm not shitting on you for having a good time. You got what you wanted, Good for you.

    But I'm not gonna clap like a fucking circus monkey if a movie about a thing I enjoy doesn't entertain me. I'm not going to be automatically be entertained because I get a new product with the name of whatever I enjoy on it. That goes for music, movies, games, anything. That's not entitlement; it's analysis and critical thinking.

    MK's had giant story modes going back over 10 years now, and games before that that have let you explore the world and interact with the characters. So yeah, when something comes out that doesn't bother to even explore those things well, I'm gonna have a problem with it. It's an expectation set by the series' history, that's all.

  28. #148
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    This is so close to a Transformers thread right now.

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  30. #150
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    Yeah I feel like a lot of nuance and greyspace is being lost here. I feel like this movie was entertaining enough, but it just didn't have the heart that the 95 iteration had. Sure, at times it's goofy and fun, but it's also often very self conscious.

    Even if a movie is bad or kitsch or a B-movie, the performances and the music and the tone and all kinds of other choices still matter. I just feel like the 95 movie was more fun all the way through and more embraced the spirit of the source material. I think there were some great moments in this movie but I don't know how much I'll really come back to it.

    And I can't emphasize enough, how absurd it is to come into a thread on the fucking internet and complain about people expressing their opinions. That's the whole point. Seeing people agree and disagree and why is itself interesting and entertaining, even if it's about something as low brow as mortal Kombat.

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