Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
Mr Haysey, let me introduce you to my good friend, F-Movies. https://fmovies.to/ You 2 will be best of friends, forever. I guarantee.

My girlfriend and her friend are two. Sounds like Mr Haysey right above me was another. So we just have to figure out who the other 12 are...
Appreciate the link, although my anti virus immediately started going mental and my PC crashed straight after (most likely not related as it's crashes all the time when i stream anything over 720p) kinda felt like a bad omen.

In a slightly stranger move, i actually prefer to pay to watch stuff if i can. Coming from an anime community that is pirating anime to the brink of bankruptcy i really like to pay my own way in what i watch, and this being an all Asian cast i really wanted to show my appreciation for them trying it...but i feel like they've priced this out of most peoples reach just to test the waters. "Oh well it probably wasn't going to do well anyway, lets see how much we can get via VOD" kinda thing.

I've spoken to a couple of families that were going to originally have a day at the cinema for this and both just said roughly the same thing "with everything else on their we're just not going to bother now"....and that's really upsetting