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  1. #211
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    I cant get enough of this system so far. I love that i can take it anywhere with me and have the power of a full home console in my hands.

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    I cant get enough of this system so far. I love that i can take it anywhere with me and have the power of a full home console in my hands.
    I've been bringing it to work.

  3. #213
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    Yeah, I brought it with me to Starbucks and ended up staying there until my battery died. Then I finally moved on to actually doing some homework...

  4. #214
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    So I just watched a guy with weaker gear than me just stroll into zoras domain. I definitely screwed up. I've made progress though.

  5. #215
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    spent about 5 hours playing zelda yesterday.

    toward the end, i did a shrine and then walked into the forest, ran away from a bear, and right into a giant skeleton monster with an eyeball. i tried to defeat him about 6 or 7 times before i realized i had to shower and leave my apartment, so i'll see if i have better luck today. the amazing thing is, i didn't get frustrated. i just kept adjusting my strategy, seeing what worked and what didn't. the game is absolutely incredible. like zelda, shadow of the colossus, and assassin's creed had a baby. the ONLY thing i don't like is having to kill animals for meat...makes me feel sad.

  6. #216
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    I'm not a fan of killing the animals either. I'm told an accurate headshot will instantly kill it, but I wasn't so good at that and had to keep injuring and chasing after it. You can steal food from the the enemy embankments but it's probably already cooked.

    I'm having so much fun with this game, but I'm stuck up at the first (I guess you can do things in any order though?) dungeon boss. He can kill me in just one shot lol. So I'm just wandering around elsewhere trying to find shrines and towers. There's no greater disappointment than trekking for what seems like miles towards something you can see in the horizon that doesn't look nearly as far away as it actually is.. and then finally getting there and realizing there's some kind of toxic goo crap all over and you can't even access it anyway. I seriously need to beef up my heart containers before I try to take on the boss again.
    Last edited by halo eighteen; 03-09-2017 at 11:02 AM.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    I'm not a fan of killing the animals either. I'm told an accurate headshot will instantly kill it, but I wasn't so good at that and had to keep injuring and chasing after it. You can steal food from the the enemy embankments but it's probably already cooked.

    I'm having so much fun with this game, but I'm stuck up at the first (I guess you can do things in any order though?) dungeon boss. He can kill me in just one shot lol. So I'm just wandering around elsewhere trying to find shrines and towers. There's no greater disappointment than trekking for what seems like miles towards something you can see in the horizon that doesn't look nearly as far away as it actually is.. and then finally getting there and realizing there's some kind of toxic goo crap all over and you can't even access it anyway. I seriously need to beef up my heart containers before I try to take on the boss again.
    i got blown up by lightning like six times before i stopped trying to go the way i was trying to go and just saying "i guess i'll do that later."

    my wife insisted on me playing last night so, from about 7:45-11pm, she just watched me play, and made fun of me EVERY TIME i died. it was great.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i got blown up by lightning like six times before i stopped trying to go the way i was trying to go and just saying "i guess i'll do that later."

    my wife insisted on me playing last night so, from about 7:45-11pm, she just watched me play, and made fun of me EVERY TIME i died. it was great.
    haha! I've had some close calls with the lightning but never actually got struck by it yet. I had some real interesting things to see exploring around the volcano area. I swear the rain always seems to come at the worst times for me. There's almost nothing worse than getting stranded clinging onto the side of a mountain!

  9. #219
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    has anyone actually purchased the wii u version of BOTW and can therefore comment with a review? i've been to the nintendo store about four times in the last few weeks and a bit impatient to start playing. weather is bad, i have a cold, i just wanna play some zelda.

    i'm sure i'll get a switch as more games get announced, but in case it doesn't really take off with a great library, having the zelda game work well enough would be enough to get me by for a while. i've checked out the comparison video and it seems "fine" just wanted to hear from someone local!

  10. #220
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  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    has anyone actually purchased the wii u version of BOTW and can therefore comment with a review? i've been to the nintendo store about four times in the last few weeks and a bit impatient to start playing. weather is bad, i have a cold, i just wanna play some zelda.

    i'm sure i'll get a switch as more games get announced, but in case it doesn't really take off with a great library, having the zelda game work well enough would be enough to get me by for a while. i've checked out the comparison video and it seems "fine" just wanted to hear from someone local!
    I've probably only seen... 5% of the game so far on Wii U. While I can't compare it to the Switch side by side (there are plenty of videos out there) it is just that: fine. There are some frame rate drops, the game jumps between 30 and 20 (apparently) when things get real busy, and that is noticeable, but doesn't really effect gameplay as Zelda games are not very twitchy or reflex based. It does still look stunning, hiding the consoles dated (dated, really, its like.. 5 years old, which is really nothing) hardware with some outstanding painterly artwork. Oh, the draw distance is also huge, but sometimes random stuff pops in, like travellers. I've been playing on PS4 since it launched and find it hard to go back to PS3 games, but this still feels modern. It definitely not a sub-par game in any form.

  12. #222
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    I dropped by target and went to the electronics section and asked if they had any switches in stock.

    It went as well as expected.

    Spoiler: They laughed in my face lol

  13. #223
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    yeah stopping by the store and asking was kind of like asking for a reservation at dorsia at 8pm...

    thanks for the details, @liquidcalm - i think i'm going to pick it up on the way home and spend the sniffles playing on the wiiU. once the switch hype dies down a bit and a few more killer games are released (metroid, etc.)- i'll pick that up, but i'm glad i can still get on board for some sweet, sweet zelda action.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    has anyone actually purchased the wii u version of BOTW and can therefore comment with a review? i've been to the nintendo store about four times in the last few weeks and a bit impatient to start playing. weather is bad, i have a cold, i just wanna play some zelda.

    i'm sure i'll get a switch as more games get announced, but in case it doesn't really take off with a great library, having the zelda game work well enough would be enough to get me by for a while. i've checked out the comparison video and it seems "fine" just wanted to hear from someone local!
    i don't have a switch so i've been playing on the WiiU and i love it. i also haven't looked at footage of it on the switch so i have nothing to compare it to other than my life-long love of zelda games, and it does not disappoint. people really haven't been exaggerating when they've been saying it may be the best game ever.

  15. #225
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    Can anyone tell me how does pokemon trading works between two 2ds?
    My cousins son has pokemon Moon and I was thinking of buying Sun so I can play and trade with him.
    It will give me a reason to play on my rarely used 2ds. It will also help me show an interest with my cousins son since he is crazy about pokemon.
    I've only ever played pokemon yellow on my old gameboy color a very long time ago.
    Is the gameplay the same? Has it changed much?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by ziltoid; 03-12-2017 at 05:32 PM.

  16. #226
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    So I managed to snag one of these from my local gamestop stores and plan to restore it back to it's former glory

  17. #227
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    I bought breath of the wild for the Nintendo switch yesterday, the thing is I don't own a Nintendo switch yet. I know that the console just got released on the third and this happens for every company with their newly released consoles but I am absolutely frustrated to the max. I've made approximately 15 phone calls a day for the last week and a half, have used Uber to go to target and Walmart while I was on business in Chicago, gotten up early to go to target when it opens, then to Best Buy when it opens, then Walmart, then Kmart, and even big lots on a literal daily basis. I have in stock notifications set up for Walmart, Best Buy and Target. I was absolutely over the moon today, I asked customer service at Walmart if they had any pre-orders or returns that I might be able to buy. Apparently they had a return 2 days ago and a person bought it yesterday.

    I'm trying so hard, and I'm being as patient as possible due to the fact that everyone on the planet seems to want one as well...but FUCK.

  18. #228
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    So I found a dude on my local buy/sell/trade Facebook page that's selling his Switch and Breath of the Wild for $400, and I'm extremely tempted to take him up on it. Is it worth it, then?

  19. #229
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    It's a bit overpriced but really not by much on what you would pay for. So yea it's a very fair offer to be honest.

    Unless the switch is 199, because I'm thinking it's 299.

  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    So I found a dude on my local buy/sell/trade Facebook page that's selling his Switch and Breath of the Wild for $400, and I'm extremely tempted to take him up on it. Is it worth it, then?
    Don't fall for his scam. He's trying to rip off whomever is gonna buy it.

    It's $299.99 retail value. His shit is USED, regardless if he used it once and is dust free, so it should NEVER be the cost of a new console....let alone more.

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    So I found a dude on my local buy/sell/trade Facebook page that's selling his Switch and Breath of the Wild for $400, and I'm extremely tempted to take him up on it. Is it worth it, then?
    Fuck it, used or not I would jump on that price. The game is AMAZING and with the console being sold out for the next month or two I say go for it. Just double check to make sure everything works.

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Don't fall for his scam. He's trying to rip off whomever is gonna buy it.

    It's $299.99 retail value. His shit is USED, regardless if he used it once and is dust free, so it should NEVER be the cost of a new console....let alone more.
    As much as I agree with you about the shit should be cheaper being used, I dunno if it's much of a scam. If it is, this 19 year old kid is really only netting...what, $20-30? After the cost of the $300 console and $60 HAS only been out for what, two weeks? But again, if I wait a couple more months I can get them anyway and save myself a little money while having everything legit and not having to sweat it. I DID just get an Xbox One, after all. :/ As badly as I want one, the more I think about it, the more I think I might actually sit the offer out.

    It's just SO cool! D:

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    As much as I agree with you about the shit should be cheaper being used, I dunno if it's much of a scam. If it is, this 19 year old kid is really only netting...what, $20-30? After the cost of the $300 console and $60 HAS only been out for what, two weeks? But again, if I wait a couple more months I can get them anyway and save myself a little money while having everything legit and not having to sweat it. I DID just get an Xbox One, after all. :/ As badly as I want one, the more I think about it, the more I think I might actually sit the offer out.

    It's just SO cool! D:
    I used an alarm word like scam to tell you NO. :B

    It's clear he has buyer's remorse or just shallowly wanted the console for one freaking game. Trying to recoup his losses hence the price. If he genuinely wanted to not profit from a sold out console he'd ask for something cheaper than $400.00. Just my two cents. I LOATHE used tech so I'd stay far way from this.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I used an alarm word like scam to tell you NO. :B

    It's clear he has buyer's remorse or just shallowly wanted the console for one freaking game. Trying to recoup his losses hence the price. If he genuinely wanted to not profit from a sold out console he'd ask for something cheaper than $400.00. Just my two cents. I LOATHE used tech so I'd stay far way from this.
    AND IT WORKED KIND OF. Understandable. But I say this having bought second hand consoles in the past without any issues that I can recall, I try to be careful! But again. SO COOL. But maybe now is not the time.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    AND IT WORKED KIND OF. Understandable. But I say this having bought second hand consoles in the past without any issues that I can recall, I try to be careful! But again. SO COOL. But maybe now is not the time.
    GameStop announced they'll be getting a shipment on 3/22. Id camp out an hour or two before they open.

  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    As much as I agree with you about the shit should be cheaper being used, I dunno if it's much of a scam. If it is, this 19 year old kid is really only netting...what, $20-30? After the cost of the $300 console and $60 HAS only been out for what, two weeks? But again, if I wait a couple more months I can get them anyway and save myself a little money while having everything legit and not having to sweat it. I DID just get an Xbox One, after all. :/ As badly as I want one, the more I think about it, the more I think I might actually sit the offer out.

    It's just SO cool! D:
    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I used an alarm word like scam to tell you NO. :B

    It's clear he has buyer's remorse or just shallowly wanted the console for one freaking game. Trying to recoup his losses hence the price. If he genuinely wanted to not profit from a sold out console he'd ask for something cheaper than $400.00. Just my two cents. I LOATHE used tech so I'd stay far way from this.
    $299.99 + $59.99 = $359.98 x 1.09 (approx. 9% sales tax) = $392.37

    he would be making approximately $7.63 off you. take the deal.

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    $299.99 + $59.99 = $359.98 x 1.09 (approx. 9% sales tax) = $392.37

    he would be making approximately $7.63 off you. take the deal.
    Why you gotta do the math to make it look so much more appealing?? D:

  28. #238
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    55+ hours into BOTW and I'm still loving it. Just saying.

    I found Spoiler: the Master Sword, but it damn near killed me when I tried to take it. I guess poor Link isn't strong enough yet

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    $299.99 + $59.99 = $359.98 x 1.09 (approx. 9% sales tax) = $392.37
    I've never been to the US, so here's something I've always wondered: Why the hell isn't the sales tax already included in the price? How are you able to know how much you're spending? Does it say $299.99 in the store and then at the checkout it's 9% more expensive?

    Anyway, since the price seems to be reasonable I too would say go for it! BOTW is amazing.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    I've never been to the US, so here's something I've always wondered: Why the hell isn't the sales tax already included in the price? How are you able to know how much you're spending? Does it say $299.99 in the store and then at the checkout it's 9% more expensive?

    Anyway, since the price seems to be reasonable I too would say go for it! BOTW is amazing.
    Yeah, tax isn't typically included in the advertised price, and not all things are taxed (some grocery items, particularly). Every state is different, too. Like Michigan's is only 6%. Just something you have to account for when you check out.

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