No threads for this immersive literature (and film) series on ETS? Come on, nerds.

I recently got the bug to buy physical editions of the books and read them (they're my current reading project goals). I have read the Hobbit in elementary school so it's been ages but I am familiar with all the films, related video games and have only read snippets of scenes in the Lord of the Rings. Never touched the Silmarillion or other unfinished books and tales.

So I said go big or go home if I'm going to buy these!

I bought the 75th Anniversary Edition of The Hobbit (2012) and the 50th Anniversary of The Lord Of The Rings (2004). I'm trying to scout out out a similar edition of The Silmarillion (30th Anniversary Edition, however it'd be a UK import and over $65.00+ USD). However I might just buy a standard vanilla edition hardcover to just try and match in size (since there was also a collector's edition of the Hobbit I never bought by the same company that made my 50th Anniversary of LOTR so it would've matched.)

Show ETS your editions and let's talk?