I remember there being a thread for these guys wayy back but could not dig up at the moment.

Just saw them on December 27th for their 4 date leg in Brooklyn, and it was like being back in the early 2000's moshing when I told myself I wasn't going to (Instant regret the next morning). They were playing Full Collapse and War All The Time in their entirety, with me experiencing Full Collapse. Besides having a lot of attention with bringing the post-hardcore scene into the mainstream, their best work has been their more recent efforts that a lot of fans seemed to give up on. With some older/nostalgic band threads being made, this inspired me along with the show of course.

Digging back into their discography, No Devolucion and Common Existence stick out as some of the most intriguing/consistent albums that flew under the radar for a long time; even around their releases.