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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #1201
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    After Russiagate, I don't know if I have it in me to get all worked up about this Ukraine shit.

    From the very beginning, Trump and his crew have stuck to a pretty effective strategy, which goes something like: 1) Commit blatant crime, 2) Shamelessly talk about it in the open and act like it's actually totally fine. It's effective because the Republicans understand that no one is going to hold them accountable for their shit. I don't see why this will be any different this time around. The supreme court and the senate are fucked. The Dems seem content with simply throwing around a few empty platitudes and calling it a day.

    If I'm wrong, great, but honestly, I'll be shocked if anything substantial happens with this.
    Last edited by Mantra; 09-20-2019 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #1202
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    Of all of the impeachable offenses this man has committed, this one is super fucking clear cut and dry. Articles should be drafted right now.

  3. #1203
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    I think using this as a platform to vote the President and every other complicit Republican Senator and Representative out is an even better strategy.

    Impeachment hearings will be hugely time-consuming. This "we can walk and chew gum" shit is just that ... shit. The Clinton impeachment process was a HUGE distraction, and it netted absolutely zero. He skated away unscathed, and people think Monica Lewinsky is a pariah and Bill Clinton has since authored books and a James Patterson mystery novel and Clinton lost his law license but BFD.

    If Trump loses in 2020, he can be indicted with ACTUAL CRIMINAL CHARGES.

    The primaries start in MARCH.


    Right now, there is evidence of voter suppression all across this country. There is a real, GENUINE threat of Trump winning via VOTER SUPPRESSION. All of the energy should be directed at fighting voter suppression and getting people registered to vote, and not at impeachment which will go absolutely fucking nowhere in the slim time between now and the general election.

    Kentucky is removing "inactive" voters from its voting records.

    Trump's White House advisors are now recommending that transcripts from his phone calls relative the Ukraine be released.

    I also think that if there's ANYTHING SLEAZY REGARDING JOE BIDEN AND HIS SON, we need to know RIGHT NOW.

    YES, let’s hear the transcript of the Trump phone calls and yes, let’s investigate. Because Trump tried to get help from a foreign government to interfere in our election and then we can also find out if Hunter and Joe Biden did anything corrupt before we waste any more time on Joe.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-23-2019 at 05:51 PM.

  4. #1204
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    best thing to do is to get him out of the office via voting. impeachment may not do the trick, nor would he ever resign. I do fear that after everything, he will win the re-election. whoever wins against trump or who comes after him has a LOT of cleaning up to do. it won't happen in one term either. maybe not even 2. that's how much Trump has fucked us over.
    Last edited by versusreality; 09-23-2019 at 06:21 PM.

  5. #1205
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    he won't be removed from office via impeachment, but the investigative process would open up a lot of channels that his team has been blocking. It's a strange situation, but hey, strange times.

  6. #1206
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    Well THIS is interesting:

    The president’s actions are highly likely to buffalo House Democrats into voting on impeachment. The argument heard earlier this year about impeachment being a political gift to the GOP no longer holds. The new sins are too big and too obvious. Our entire national political debate is now centered squarely upon Trump and his fitness for office. It is a time for clarity, no matter what the cost.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 11:40 AM.

  7. #1207
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    Let’s guess how fast this transcript will leak and where.

    I’m guessing via the Washington Post within the next few weeks?

  8. #1208
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    Interesting articles regarding the background in the Biden Ukraine matter:

    His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy prosecutor, Vitaly Kasko, resigned, citing the corruption and cronyism within the office. “The General Prosecutor’s Office has become a dead institution, which nobody believes is independent,” Kasko said at the time.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 01:09 PM.

  9. #1209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Let’s guess how fast this transcript will leak and where.

    I’m guessing via the Washington Post within the next few weeks?

    Let's guess that a transcript leaks (or even gets officially released), it doesn't end up looking too bad, and someone familiar with the incident has to step forward and say "that's not the phone call we're talking about" but the toddler in chief has already screamed VINDICATION!!!!!!1 on Twitter.

  10. #1210
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  12. #1212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Let’s guess how fast this transcript will leak and where.

    I’m guessing via the Washington Post within the next few weeks?
    Now Trump is suggesting he'll be releasing the full transcript by tomorrow evening. My guess is that @theimage13 has this figured out. They're going to release the transcript to some red herring conversation, and claim vindication, and then... then who knows.

    ...but if the past few torturous reality-bending years of insufferable bullshit are any indication on what happens "then," then we're still fucked.

  13. #1213
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    And on tonight's menu:

    You can't expect me to not be cynical about this, can you? We're coming up on three years of being unbearably cynical about everything, and sadly, always being right about the outcome. Just once I'd love for my skepticism to be proven wrong.

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  16. #1216
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    We already know the outcome. The Senate won't indict. That's probably a guarantee. It might be enough to galvanize Democrat voters in November though. We'll see.

  17. #1217
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    Impeach this piece of human excrement. Be on the right side of history when they discuss the worst president we've ever had, one of the worst world leaders ever, and arguably the worst person living in America right now. Impeach this motherfucker, show some goddamn spine & stand up to this bullying coward & his entire cadre of shithead right wingers that cover for him. I hope this is the start of burying that disgusting party for good.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 09-24-2019 at 04:35 PM.

  18. #1218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    We already know the outcome. The Senate won't indict. That's probably a guarantee. It might be enough to galvanize Democrat voters in November though. We'll see.
    They’re only doing an inquiry, formally, which they’ve already been doing.

    But an official impeachment would be good if it goes to Senate Trial and some Republicans who vote against it could lose their Senate seats in 2020. (Currently at least 4, closer to 6.)

    I too think that the transcript that is released will be a bullshit transcript.

    And the whistleblower will know it.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 04:50 PM.

  19. #1219
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    I'm still hoping something good comes out of this...though I' scared to hope.

  20. #1220
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    it will go down in the history books that an impeachment happened during a presidency, should it get past the inquiry phase. depending on how the votes turn out, he at best would have an Andrew Johnson situation (essentially a lame duck president..which in Trump's case is still dangerous) , I don't see him being like Nixon and resigning. at worst, this blows up in the Dems and country's face. from a moral perspective, impeachment is the total right thing to do...from a political perspective...I hope it is.

  21. #1221
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    It needed to happen. Pelosi looked like a pushover coward... kinda still does but better late than never. Do I think it’ll be successful? No. Do I think Trump will resign? No. But it’s been way past “too far” for a long time now. That Orange Diaper Baby needs to be shown he can’t keep this up with no consequences. It should help the Democratic Party get some much needed confidence and respect back which should translate into votes.

    Shorter version: I agree with most of you that have commented so far.

  22. #1222
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    it will go down in the history books that an impeachment happened during a presidency, should it get past the inquiry phase. depending on how the votes turn out, he at best would have an Andrew Johnson situation (essentially a lame duck president..which in Trump's case is still dangerous) , I don't see him being like Nixon and resigning. at worst, this blows up in the Dems and country's face. from a moral perspective, impeachment is the total right thing to do...from a political perspective...I hope it is.
    Bill Clinton went all the way to a Senate Impeachment Trial, with SCOTUS Justice William Rehnquist presiding ...

    I expect this to go the same route as Bill Clinton.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 07:09 PM.

  23. #1223
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    I was talking to my dad about this tonight, and while he's happy it's happening, he fears it will divide the country even more. that might be true.

  24. #1224
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I was talking to my dad about this tonight, and while he's happy it's happening, he fears it will divide the country even more. that might be true.
    I honestly don't see how we could get more divided.

  25. #1225
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    Pelosi needs 218 House votes to impeach.

    There are currently 198

    (Last week, there were 165.)

    Those remaining 20 votes are going to ride on the whistleblower report and testimony

    The Senate Passed a Unanimous Resolution to Hand Whistleblower Complaint to the Intel Committees.

    If it contains enough facts, an investigation won’t be necessary; it’ll go straight to a vote and filing Articles of Impeachment (after deciding which Articles).

    A former general counsel to the Dept. of Intelligence was on MSNBC tonight and pointed out that whistleblowers who comply with the whistleblower laws are important because the opposite are Deep Throat style leakers who provide confidential materials to the Press.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 08:34 PM.

  26. #1226
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    I'm kind of in a daze over all this. We got years of everyone painstakingly dragging out the Russia thing, but this is all going down in like a week? Is this actually real?

  27. #1227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    We already know the outcome. The Senate won't indict. That's probably a guarantee. It might be enough to galvanize Democrat voters in November though. We'll see.
    I think you mean the Senate won’t remove Trump from office.

    Impeachment IS an indictment; it’s synonymous with an indictment; it’s an indictment by the House. Only the House can Impeach (indict).

    Then the Senate conducts a Trial (with a SCOTUS Justice presiding), and Trump will be found guilty or not guilty of each Article of Impeachment and then punishment is decided. Punishment isn’t necessarily removal. Or, he’s found not guilty.

    Bill Clinton was found not guilty but worked out a deal so that the Feds wouldn’t indict him the second he was not in office (since he was a lame duck).
    Last edited by allegro; 09-24-2019 at 08:47 PM.

  28. #1228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I'm kind of in a daze over all this. We got years of everyone painstakingly dragging out the Russia thing, but this is all going down in like a week? Is this actually real?

    Trump got on the phone with the new President of Ukraine, trying to shake him down for fake Biden dirt, THE DAY AFTER Trump told George Stephanopoulos on TV that he could get dirt from other countries (“Norway!”) and wouldn’t tell the FBI.

  29. #1229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I honestly don't see how we could get more divided.
    The Civil War is an extreme example (not fighting over slavery this time, but the concept of fighting over very different ideologies) but somewhere between where we are now and that. it truly can get that bad, especially if he's re-elected and keeps his shit up.

  30. #1230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Trump got on the phone with the new President of Ukraine, trying to shake him down for fake Biden dirt, THE DAY AFTER Trump told George Stephanopoulos on TV that he could get dirt from other countries (“Norway!”) and wouldn’t tell the FBI.

    Ha, right, I know basic gist of what he did.

    I guess I'm just kind of amazed that the impeachment shit is moving forward with such speed. And like, the senate passed that resolution for the white house to release the whistleblower complaint. Apparently the resolution itself doesn't mean a whole lot, but still, it's kind of crazy that the Republicans supported it unanimously. Not a single Republican sided with the white house. They all backed the resolution, even fucking Mitch McConnel. He could have blocked it if he wanted, but he didn't. That's just crazy to me.

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