I am a massive fan of the Woodstock 94 festival. I was about 8 years old, watching on PPV. My parents (who were/are NIN fans) had friends and family over for the NIN concert- it was like a huge event! About 15 of us watching it. It truly felt like something part of history. I was in awe of the band covered in mud, seeing them live play the songs my parents played over and over.

I would love to see a blu ray of it, for the 25th anniversary. I tried to get in touch 5 years ago with whoever owns the rights to the footage now to have the entire festival released in a 20 year anniversary box set. No luck, but performances were eventually uploaded on Youtube under Music Vault (who now owns the rights, I believe) .

I'd still love a release of the festival in full- with behind the scenes stuff, unseen performances (would KILL for Rave Stock footage of Aphex Twin, the Orb, and Orbital! ) interviews, and retrospectives. A stand alone NIN blu ray with those features would be fine too.