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Thread: 2018.10.27 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    Wait...they fucking played Subterraneans???? That was one of my favorite NIN memories ever from the Bowie tour. Does anybody have a video of this??
    EDIT: NEVERMIND...Found it on Youtube.
    Last edited by artdeco; 10-29-2018 at 09:39 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    meeting @p_rez17 was probably the non-musical highlight of my weekend, btw. made me so happy <3

  3. #33
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    Anyone got a video of the speech before "I Can't Give Everything Away" ? Or the full track maybe ?

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    It's making me smile reading all these good memories and how people were meeting up. I wish I could've met some you in line or something since I'm pretty new to the ETS family. But maybe next time! I'm also a shy person around new people, but I'm trying to get out my shell a little.

  5. #35
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    I, too, was hoping for Now I’m Nothing into Terrible Lie and they delivered. First time I’ve experienced Last live and it was everything I’d imagined. So many incredible songs played Saturday night. Trent is mesmerizing as a performer, the way he grips the mic or recedes into the background and bends over to bounce in time with the music, arms outstretched, just to pounce on the mic again. After seeing them a couple dozen times and thinking I’ve seen the best NIN performance I’ve ever seen, this three day weekend happens. The stripped down set has finally given them the freedom to explore their vast catalog and Trent, your fans couldn’t be more pleased.

    Reading about all the ETS/NIN love experienced at these shows makes my heart swell. I was lucky to have two good friends join me for my weekend in Chicago. We spent all day together, then they would bid me adieu as I hopped on the train to go to the show solo (they are not fans) and then returned to the hotel with a report from my night. They were there to help me celebrate my birthday. They know about my devotion to this band, and they were gracious enough to travel to join me but understanding enough to know I would be leaving them at night. What an unforgettable experience.

  6. #36
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    Back in Australia and over the jetlag... still not over these 3 nights. Wish I got the chance to post earlier and say my thank yous but just haven't processed it all in my head yet.

    Massive thank you to heavenly_bearded & Sarah K for organising tickets and being line buddies, sorry you had to deal with my constant complaints of the cold.

    That first night, after camping out and thinking wtf am I doing freezing in an alley that stinks like piss and is surrounded by the biggest rats I've ever seen, standing next to @Sarah K against the barricade in front of where Robin would eventually be, I can't even DESCRIBE the anticipation. It was all worth it. 4 years between NIN shows is way too many, and even though I'm gonna be paying this trip off for a while, it was worth every cent. So glad I came.

    Highlights: The Perfect Drug, AATCHB (Obviously - holy moly), Trent looking so happy and doing a weird hip thrust/wiggle thing which I've never seen him do before, meeting @eversonpoe and @witte (thanks for always talking F1 with me), Sin... The Bowie covers, Robin singing in HLAH is something I absolutely live for and will never get sick of seeing. I also really enjoyed seeing Closer live, I think I've seen them do it maybe once before, so that was a nice little treat that I wasn't expecting. Met so many amazing people who I can't give shoutouts to because I don't remember their ETS names, but they know who they are.

    Had a slight mental breakdown towards the end of the last show, it was like sub-drop, but... nin-drop. So much excitement and so much hype and it's always a bit depressing when it comes to an end. So thankful for this experience, NIN fans are the best. Nothing compares : )

  7. #37
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    Never did I think that we would have the opportunity to attend a show together! It was great, and I am happy that it happened! I am still in love with those pictures of us in the crowd. For the rest of my life, any time someone asks me why I go to so many NIN shows, I'm simply going to show them those photos and ask if they have ever seen me express even a fraction of that happiness - we all know that the answer is no.

    Awww mental breakdown twins. Lol. It is DEFINITELY like sub/con/camp drop! I even asked on facebook the other day if there is a concert version of that shit. Too much stimulation and then it is all over in an instant. Too many feeeeelings.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Now exactly two months further and spending some relaxing time with my family, I just realise how precious my 5 days stay in Chicago was, meeting good people during those three nights...
    For sure I'll do this again.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    This was my best NIN show ever as we made it to the rail. I'm hoping that they have some shows for 2020!

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