Back in Australia and over the jetlag... still not over these 3 nights. Wish I got the chance to post earlier and say my thank yous but just haven't processed it all in my head yet.

Massive thank you to heavenly_bearded & Sarah K for organising tickets and being line buddies, sorry you had to deal with my constant complaints of the cold.

That first night, after camping out and thinking wtf am I doing freezing in an alley that stinks like piss and is surrounded by the biggest rats I've ever seen, standing next to @Sarah K against the barricade in front of where Robin would eventually be, I can't even DESCRIBE the anticipation. It was all worth it. 4 years between NIN shows is way too many, and even though I'm gonna be paying this trip off for a while, it was worth every cent. So glad I came.

Highlights: The Perfect Drug, AATCHB (Obviously - holy moly), Trent looking so happy and doing a weird hip thrust/wiggle thing which I've never seen him do before, meeting @eversonpoe and @witte (thanks for always talking F1 with me), Sin... The Bowie covers, Robin singing in HLAH is something I absolutely live for and will never get sick of seeing. I also really enjoyed seeing Closer live, I think I've seen them do it maybe once before, so that was a nice little treat that I wasn't expecting. Met so many amazing people who I can't give shoutouts to because I don't remember their ETS names, but they know who they are.

Had a slight mental breakdown towards the end of the last show, it was like sub-drop, but... nin-drop. So much excitement and so much hype and it's always a bit depressing when it comes to an end. So thankful for this experience, NIN fans are the best. Nothing compares : )