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Thread: 2018.09.24 Memphis, TN @ Orpheum Theatre

  1. #1
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    2018.09.24 Memphis, TN @ Orpheum Theatre

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  2. #2
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    Pinion / The Eater of Dreams
    Me, I'm Not
    March of the Pigs
    Letting You
    This Isn't the Place
    The Lovers
    Shit Mirror
    God Break Down the Door
    Copy of A
    Gave Up
    I'm Afraid of Americans
    The Great Destroyer (Trump clips, including "grab 'em by the pussy)
    Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
    The Hand That Feeds
    Head Like a Hole

    The Day the World Went Away
    Over and Out

    T-shirt was the kneeling man so they've started the rotation over on those. It's badass and I'm much happier with the graphic placement than I was with the Bad Witch tee that came with the LP. I snagged a foil variant of tonight's poster and almost walked away with two of them instead of the one I paid for, so I made sure to return it back so no one would get in trouble for that!

    To the ladies behind us in the right orchestra, Row K - I don't give a shit about whose glasses you were going to smack off of someone's face - we had excellent seats and all these morons wanted to do was chit chat during the quieter songs. They sucked and they're garbage!

    I loved the hell out of this show! It was my first NIN show in five years and only show of 2018 that I'm attending, so it was nice to hear some old faves and get to experience quite a few of the new songs live and in person. I could be bummed about missing some of the rarities, but being able to sing along to Parasite and Letting You while no one else in the crowd knew the words was super fun and satisfying. The Great Destroyer into Burning Bright was epic and I'm VERY happy I got to see that live on this show. Crowd was great, Trent was talkative and even smiled once or twice, so that was fun!

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  3. #3
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    I just came here to see if anyone else was going to complain about the incessant talking of those ladies during the ENTIRE SHOW! I just realized I was sitting next to you! So we endured this together. The people on both sides of me were great and respectful. The person on the other side of me said that before I got there those ladies had threatened them and others that if they had anything to say to them they would punch them in the face....to which all night long we had to hear VERY LOUDLY how much they wanted to punch someone in the face in loud and annoying voice frequencies that rival Gilbert Gottfried. A side note, one did say during Hurt that it was the BEST COVER EVER.

    Worst audience experience of any show I’ve ever attended thanks to them. Why pay money to talk the entire time?

    But the show was great! No complaints on the set list. Hope to catch a few more shows this tour.

    Anyone know what Trent was saying? He stopped a few times to speak and I couldn’t understand a word.
    Last edited by sweetunknown; 09-25-2018 at 08:27 AM.

  4. #4
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    Got just back home......Well it was a great show but I am trying not to be a negative nancy. I had super high hopes after seeing the other previous shows setlists. I was at the first show in Vegas over the summer and when this show started with Metal AND Me I'm Not my heart sank as I though it was gonna be a repeat show. I was hopping for Last, HIS, Dead Souls, or The Perfect Drug or maybe busting out Hersey. The only songs that where new to me were This isn't the Place, Shit Mirror, Over and Out and Parasite. But hey it MAY just be because this was my 7th time seeing them. Please tell me to shut my mouth and be greatfull for what I did get,lol. Too much smoke and fog I could not see anything the first half of the show.
    Last edited by bryan_NIN65; 09-25-2018 at 01:10 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetunknown View Post
    I just came here to see if anyone else was going to complain about the incessant talking of those ladies during the ENTIRE SHOW! I just realized I was sitting next to you! So we endured this together. The people on both sides of me were great and respectful. The person on the other side of me said that before I got there those ladies had threatened them and others that if they had anything to say to them they would punch them in the face....to which all night long we had to hear VERY LOUDLY how much they wanted to punch someone in the face in loud and annoying voice frequencies that rival Gilbert Gottfried. A side note, one did say during Hurt that it was the BEST COVER EVER.

    Worst audience experience of any show I’ve ever attended thanks to them. Why pay money to talk the entire time?
    Next time, you should alert security to either get cunts like that ejected from the venue, or to get yourself moved to a better seat. That sort of shit is unacceptable, and the more we all stand up against it, the better our collective show experiences will become.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckets of lube View Post
    Next time, you should alert security to either get cunts like that ejected from the venue, or to get yourself moved to a better seat. That sort of shit is unacceptable, and the more we all stand up against it, the better our collective show experiences will become.
    I'll make sure to do that the next time I see NIN re-perform this show at the Orpheum. Also, you weren't at this show, so please don't post in a tour journal unless you attended.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetunknown View Post
    I just came here to see if anyone else was going to complain about the incessant talking of those ladies during the ENTIRE SHOW! I just realized I was sitting next to you! So we endured this together. The people on both sides of me were great and respectful. The person on the other side of me said that before I got there those ladies had threatened them and others that if they had anything to say to them they would punch them in the face....to which all night long we had to hear VERY LOUDLY how much they wanted to punch someone in the face in loud and annoying voice frequencies that rival Gilbert Gottfried. A side note, one did say during Hurt that it was the BEST COVER EVER.

    Worst audience experience of any show I’ve ever attended thanks to them. Why pay money to talk the entire time?

    But the show was great! No complaints on the set list. Hope to catch a few more shows this tour.

    Anyone know what Trent was saying? He stopped a few times to speak and I couldn’t understand a word.
    Totally forgot about the cover shout. They were awful and the worst. I'm glad I was able to tune them out for the most part. They were the equivalent of two drunk assholes talking at a bar while a cover band plays at a bar, except that they were at a NIN concert at a theater. Ugh.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckets of lube View Post
    Next time, you should alert security to either get cunts like that ejected from the venue, or to get yourself moved to a better seat. That sort of shit is unacceptable, and the more we all stand up against it, the better our collective show experiences will become.

    I understand what you are trying to convey, but in all reality I didn't want to cross in front of all of the people in the row I was in (I was in the middle) and then try and find an usher and explain. Then have the whole back in forth exchange with security and these ladies when we all know it would not be resolved in 1-2 songs. I would miss parts of a show that I drove 2 hours to see and waited 4 years since my last NIN show. I would rather just try and tune it out....although nearly impossible. It was the equivalent of Fran Drescher and and Roseanne Barr talking to each other as if they are both hard of hearing. Plus, I had a bit of a walk back to my car and didn't need any retaliation headed my way. These ladies, although lady doesn't come to mind when describing them, I'll use your word - cunts - were just looking for a fight and I wasn't trying to be involved and enjoy the show. But yes, in a perfect world security would remove them.

  9. #9
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    Yeah, I was in the balcony and the audience was absolutely infuriating. There were two girls in front of me that were strung out on something and were dancing like they were at a rave. No big deal but they wouldn’t shut the fuck up during quieter songs, and they constantly had their phones out and on the brightest settings. I don’t mind a pic or short video here and there, but do you have to text the whole damn time?

    Also, I don’t think I’ll buy non-floor seats again. The balcony gave a good view, but I never know if I should stand or sit down up there. Like, my instinct is to stand the whole time during the main act because it’s a concert...but if I’m the only one standing I feel like a jerk because I’m blocking the view for others. So that was awkward because I kept standing up and sitting down over and over.

    Trent seemed to be in a good mood. He kept grinning here and there, the whole band sounded great. I wasn’t unhappy with the setlist at all because I haven’t seen them since With Teeth, so a large portion of that setlist I have never heard live! The light show is so incredible, and they are musically so consistent that I was really pumped.

    Also, a girl screamed at Trent “SIT ON MY FACE!!!!” while he was talking about something else, and he said “that’s ok”. He wasn’t actually responding to her (I don’t think?) it was just hilarious timing.
    Last edited by eachpassingphase; 09-25-2018 at 09:12 PM.

  10. #10
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    Front row. Neck still hurts. Getting to old for this.

    I loved the show. Only my 3rd time to see them. Loved the energy.

    BUT...(controversial opinion) Im a little bummed by the setlist. I feel both Atlanta (night one) and even the San Antonio show before Memphis got better setlist.

    I really wanted: Terrible Lie, Mr. Self Destruct, Reptile, TPD, Happiness, Less Than, Burn, OR All the love in the world. NOT ALL OF THEM...just one.

    Memphis didn't really get a surprise song minus Parasite (which was great). Just felt like Memphis was a pit stop show in terms of the set. Opening with Metal > Me, Im Not was just strange and felt odd.

    Otherwise great show and the band was on point.

  11. #11
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    I feel ya @Reznor2112 I managed to go too the only 2 shows ever where they opened with those two songs. I was unfamiliar with Parasite well cause it's not NIN and never felt the desire to listen to HTDA. I hate to say it but I feel kinda let down. After Atlanta I would almost be scarred to go to Nashville as its another single show date but who knows.
    Last edited by bryan_NIN65; 09-28-2018 at 11:54 AM.

  12. #12
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    Oof. Listened to the bootleg of this show off NINLIVE.com and I have to agree with a lot of the comments here in that it's a little bit of a let down set compared to the festival date two days prior and what Atlanta and my show of Nashville would get in the days that followed. As I had family coming into town the SAME weekend Nine Inch Nails was going to be in Chicago last year, it was either going to be Nashville or Memphis that would be my go-to and I was tossing in my head which show to do ... the positives of Memphis was that it was an indoor venue, but I sadly didn't have any more PTO time left with it being on a week day ... the positives of Nashville was that it was on a weekend, but being an outdoor venue, it made me a little nervous with fall weather in the Midwest being super unpredictable.

    In the end, I went with Nashville and have to say I got pretty lucky. While I would've been fucking pumped to hear Metal live ... Me, I'm Not is easily one of my least favorite NIN tracks. That alongside even more of my least favorite tracks off Add Violence in This Isn't the Place and a HTDA cover would've had me immensely let down when other shows were getting crazy rarities and fan-favorites like Mr. Self Destruct or Even Deeper.

    That being said, the band sounded great on the tape ... but HOLY HELL, that recording of the INSUFFERABLE woman constantly moaning for them to play Hurt throughout the entire set would've been enough to drive me insane and make the combination of a "so-so" set with a horrible crowd one of the worst experiences. Reading through everyone's comments ... it sounds like the Memphis gig brought out a few assholes. That's unfortunate.

    Looks like Memphis doesn't get NIN too often, so hopefully after all is said and done ... you guys get another shot to check them out.
    Last edited by thefragile_jake; 05-12-2019 at 10:41 PM.

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