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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Tulsi Gabbard
    It wasn't just that she had a homophobic stance; she actively campaigned to pass a constitutional amendment as a teenager to keep marriage between straight people, then campaigned in 2004 on her work there and a PAC who opposed LGBTQ lawmakers while also promoting conversion therapy. She tried to outlaw civil unions and also referred to LGBTQ rights activists as "homosexual extremists." So, it wasn't just that she held a stance or opinion that was similar to practically every other Democrat/Progressive lawmaker at the time; she actively tried to hurt LGBTQ people. That's enough for me there.

    Assad - She made an unannounced trip to Syria in 2017 and then came back defending him and expressing skepticism that he actually gassed his own people - - She also constantly states that he isn't a direct threat to the US even though his country has turned into a breeding groun for ISIS, who is a direct threat to many of our allies - - and these comments end up coming off as dog whistles to folks like David Duke, even though she has rejected his endorsements - .

    She probably doesn't take corporate money, but I don't think that outweighs the other major problems she has as a candidate and with a field this large, I think there are more qualified people to choose from. She can make her political and personal atonement for her anti-LGBTQ past in other arenas than the presidential election.

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post

    Meanwhile, Mike Bloomberg already spent a boat load of money on a study proving that an Independent can never win the Presidency due to the Electoral College.
    Was an expensive study really necessary though? Come on! It's stuff like this that drives me crazy. "Well, obviously a third party candidate has zero chance at actually winning..." -> "Hey, don't tell me what to do with my vote!!!" Can we just operate in the real world here for a second?

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Was an expensive study really necessary though? Come on! It's stuff like this that drives me crazy. "Well, obviously a third party candidate has zero chance at actually winning..." -> "Hey, don't tell me what to do with my vote!!!" Can we just operate in the real world here for a second?
    1. It's Bloomberg so yeah, it was expensive.

    2. I could've saved them money though - an independent who tries to run outside of the two major parties will never win. The Presidential election is a two-party race until the electoral college is abolished. That's why Bernie runs as a Dem.

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Was an expensive study really necessary though?
    Bloomberg spent a lot of money doing the investigation because he wanted to run as an Independent years ago but he didn't want to do it if all signs pointed to useless. All signs pointed to impossible.

  5. #275
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    Couple hits -

    Warren Proposes Universal Child Care Plan Funded by Wealth Tax

    The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.
    Bernie Sanders Says He’s ‘Not Crazy About Getting Rid Of The Filibuster’

    “No, I’m not crazy about getting rid of the filibuster,” Sanders said in an interview with CBS that aired on Tuesday when asked whether he supports getting rid of the chamber’s longstanding 60-vote threshold on legislation.

    “The problem is, people often talk about the lack of comity, but the real issue is you have a system in Washington that is dominated by wealthy campaign contributors,” he added.

    It’s difficult to see any of Sanders’ major policy proposals passing in the Senate without a change to the chamber’s longstanding 60-vote threshold on legislation even if Democrats win the White House and Senate in 2020.

    Policy ideas Sanders wants to become law like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and tuition-free college are all vehemently opposed by Republicans. Moreover, it’s not clear whether they would receive unanimous support among Democrats, either. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), for example, doesn’t think proposals like Medicare for All and debt-free college are plausible in the near future.
    Bolded emphasis mine. As we get further along into this and proposals are being made around Medicare-For-All, The Green New Deal, etc., these candidates are going to need to be candid to voters about the fact that the filibuster still exists to pass legislation in the Senate and that budget reconciliation can only go so far. I'm skeptical of anyone who tries to push these proposals but doesn't acknowledge this and so far, Warren has been the only one to say something close to considering getting rid of it -

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), meanwhile, was the only 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful who did not rule out the prospect of going nuclear in a Democratic-controlled Senate. “Everything stays on the table. You keep it all on the table. Don’t take anything off the table,” she said last month.

  6. #276
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    Last edited by allegro; 02-22-2019 at 02:42 PM.

  7. #277
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    And this is why I will never join these ranks and will never vote for Bernie Sanders:

  8. #278
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    A. You really need to not live your life on twitter. If that is not the case, it's certainly how it appears on this least to me. Get off twitter, too much of it can melt brains regardless of ideology (althought the brain melting on the right seems much more severe).

    B. No one truly doxxed these people. CNN did a purposefully vague job of explaining who alot of the people were that asked questions. Left out extremely important info, like that one woman was the head of a MD Dem party chapter or some such...and simply referred to her a "mother of two". There was no apparent bias to this...they did for people who asked both tough and softball questions of Bernie. So people did some research to get those pertinent details that would better inform the basis for the questions asked. Note that this vagueness from CNN was not done in the same way during the other town halls they've done recently. Regardless, Bernie himself has nothing to do with any of this activity you mentioned.

    C. Bernie rally this Saturday at Brooklyn College! Gonna be a mob scene I imagine. Can't wait. Anyone going? Down to meet if so.

  9. #279
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    A. I’m not “living my life” on Twitter. I’m going skiing tomorrow. If you think Twitter is just right-wing people, you are ill-informed. For Law geeks like me, it’s essential, e.g. But rather than stick to the topic, never mind that the source of news is via Twitter, you get personal and imply that I don’t have a life and suggest that I get one outside of Twitter. Ironic.

    B. Yes, that asshole really did hunt that student down and published her identity and personal information - for asking a fucking question. Many of Bernie activists are on Twitter. And many of them are sexist assholes. Bernie needs to address this. It’s why so many women have issues with Bernie: for not addressing this.

    C. I sent money to Amy Klobuchar.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-01-2019 at 10:32 AM.

  10. #280
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    I learnt a long time ago to not trust Twitter, that and there is so much hate on that platform it really started to effect me personally. I've been a load more happy personally since i left last year. Not saying the above isn't true, just that i'll take anything from that platform with a healthy handful of salt.

  11. #281
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    Le sigh. So then the word Twitter gets written 5 times in the first part of your response. Ok.

    Wasn't implying that you don't actually have a life. Not trying to fight with you...we agree on most everything that gets discussed here.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I learnt a long time ago to not trust Twitter, that and there is so much hate on that platform it really started to effect me personally. I've been a load more happy personally since i left last year. Not saying the above isn't true, just that i'll take anything from that platform with a healthy handful of salt.
    I’ve spent the last three decades in Law. I’m certified in legal research. I’ve been doing this online shit since 1985. There’s a fuck load of shit you can’t trust. Including lots of mainstream media, most shit online, and hardly any social media. But it’s not too hard to figure out how to read the data. Just avoid the comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Le sigh. So then the word Twitter gets written 5 times in the first part of your response. Ok.
    Because that was your topic and bone of contention? From which you felt it necessary to rescue me and upon which you suggested I not waste my entire life? Had I linked a reddit page, perhaps this condescending digression from the actual topic would not have occurred. Silly old girl me. La vie est une chienne et puis tu meurs.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-28-2019 at 07:16 AM.

  13. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Just avoid the comments.
    I'm much happier avoiding the platform wholesale for my own mental well-being. I'm also much happier getting my news from actual news sites then social media, it's too much of a clusterfuck right now. All power to you though.

  14. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I'm much happier avoiding the platform wholesale for my own mental well-being. I'm also much happier getting my news from actual news sites then social media, it's too much of a clusterfuck right now. All power to you though.
    Tweeted headlines deliver you to actual news sites via hyperlink. I also pay for subscriptions to digital and print copies of actual newspapers.

    But, right now (on the T word), I’m watching Molly Jong-Fast take down Matt Walsh without Walsh even realizing it, and it’s hiLARIOUS. And yesterday I watched a SHITLOAD of journalists and lawyers live tweet the Cohen congressional hearing. But, yeah, it’s not for everyone. I fucking hate Facebook, don’t have an account, so I get it.

    Back on topic: Joe Biden says he’s very close to making a decision re 2020 and that his family has given their blessing
    Last edited by allegro; 02-28-2019 at 08:22 AM.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    And this is why I will never join these ranks and will never vote for Bernie Sanders:

    I hate most Tool fans but still like some of their albums.

    See how that works? You’re better than this generalizing nonsense.

    Do you hate NIN because cashpiles has targeted some ETSers?

    “Black people don’t like Bernie.”

    OH HAI Killer Mike.

    Vote for the Democratic candidate that IS NOT Trump. This isn’t difficult. It’s been my message since 2016. I voted for HRC despite not liking her policies and the aforementioned DNC tactics. Swallow your pride. Too much is at stake.
    Last edited by Swykk; 02-28-2019 at 08:46 AM.

  16. #286
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    I am not a Bernie Sanders fan. I am more excited about the people Bernie has inspired than Bernie himself. AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, etc. fit this bill.

    Bernie Sanders' supporters who pull this shit ONLINE tend to not represent Bernie. Bernie should do more to disavow this nonsense from these fools, but he's also not sending out dog whistles the way other politicians do (i.e. Trump if you need that spelled out). The actions taken with the girl above are horrible but those folks, namely that idiot "Proggy B" did that without any signal from Bernie to do so.

    My point is - I think the good folks who Bernie has inspired outweigh the bad folks he has inspired, and his lack of endorsement for those bad folks are one way to interpret his lack of support for their nonsense. I don't think that should disqualify him from consideration for president, even though I'm personally not a fan of his.

    I'm not a fan of Bernie Sanders, but if he wins the nomination and I have to choose between him and Trump, I'm voting for Bernie every single time without hesitation.

  17. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Vote for the Democratic candidate that IS NOT Trump. This isn’t difficult. It’s been my message since 2016. I voted for HRC despite not liking her policies and the aforementioned DNC tactics. Swallow your pride. Too much is at stake.
    I understand all that. I voted for Clinton, and I didn’t love Clinton OR Sanders. Neither were BAD candidates; but I just didn’t feel they were candidates who were as clean as they were presenting on the issues.

    But we are talking PRIMARIES, here.

    We shall see.

    As far as inspiration: we shall see, as well. The Green New Deal came from the Green Party, Howie Hawkins and Jill Stein. They got it from a New York Times OpEd piece in 2007..

    I believe that the wave of women begat the wave of more women; and that hardly any of the “progressive” ideas that have been promoted since BEFORE Sanders (e.g. health care is too fucking expensive and is a right for all, fix the college education expense mess and Ponzi scheme, improve infrastructure, shift the tax burden from the middle class to the wealthy, etc.) or even these women in office are radical OR PROGRESSIVE: These ideas have been and are accepted as necessary and NORMAL, and NOT having these things are radical. It’s how the ACA passed in 2008 and has NOT managed to get overturned by the Republicans (OR by SCOTUS).

    It’s like THIS guy says:

    Last edited by allegro; 03-01-2019 at 10:31 AM.

  18. #288
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    Beto O'Rourke and his wife have made a decision and will announce it soon.

  19. #289
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    I know it’s the primaries we’re talking about here, but I want civil intelligent and respectful discourse about issues. I can dream.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-01-2019 at 12:08 AM.

  20. #290
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    its weird its like 20 months before the election yet I already know whose going to win, nobody in the Midwest really liked Trump, Mr Sanders would have swept the board,,,

    his campaign is breaking records. in like the space of a week.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    its weird its like 20 months before the election yet I already know whose going to win, nobody in the Midwest really liked Trump, Mr Sanders would have swept the board,,,

    his campaign is breaking records. in like the space of a week.
    ...and the winner is?

  22. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    its weird its like 20 months before the election yet I already know whose going to win, nobody in the Midwest really liked Trump, Mr Sanders would have swept the board,,,

    his campaign is breaking records. in like the space of a week.
    I remember when we elected Howard Dean in 2003 and John Edwards in 2007. Man, they were great presidents.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    nobody in the Midwest really liked Trump
    As someone who actually lives in the Midwest, and not in fucking London, let me tell you, you are WILDLY wrong on that statement.

    There's a guy who sets up a tent on the corner near my Mom's house and every weekend he peddles bootleg Trump merch. When I go over to her house for lunch or something, there's ALWAYS a line of people at it. Unless you live in the midwest, my man, you simply cannot understand the blind faith and loyalty to this guy in the middle of this fucking country.

  24. #294
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    Putting this one over here even though Holder eliminated himself from contention, he's calling for the next Dem president to pack the court to counter what ONE MAN (Mitch McConnell) did to break precedent regarding the Scalia vacancy -

    Only one candidate, Pete Buttigieg, has called for this as well.

  25. #295
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    Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Google, Facebook and Amazon and wants to prevent major tech mergers from happening so easily to restore competition and improvement while also keeping small businesses going.

    Here. For. This.

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Putting this one over here even though Holder eliminated himself from contention, he's calling for the next Dem president to pack the court to counter what ONE MAN (Mitch McConnell) did to break precedent regarding the Scalia vacancy -

    Only one candidate, Pete Buttigieg, has called for this as well.
    Back this a million percent. Also back full statehood for Wash DC, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, Guam and maybe even other territories. And while Bill Maher has become more and more insufferable every week, his ha;f serious/half joking idea to combine the Dakotas into one state SHOULD actually happen.

    Republicans do not fuck around. They will fight tooth & nail before relinquishing any power they have, or before submitting on part. votes and issues. They play hardball every time. It's time Dems do the same, b/c they will never stop.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Google, Facebook and Amazon and wants to prevent major tech mergers from happening so easily to restore competition and improvement while also keeping small businesses going.

    Here. For. This.

    never gonna happen but i back this too.

  28. #298
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    I don't think she "gets" a lot of what's going on. First, Amazon isn't "tech." It's retail. It just happens to be online retail. Which she doesn't seem to understand.

    ALSO, THIS is a really good article.


    Bezos, himself, knows that Amazon has a limited lifespan and will someday go bankrupt.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-08-2019 at 02:46 PM.

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    "Google allegedly snuffed out a competing small search engine by demoting its content on its search algorithm, and it has favored its own restaurant ratings over those of Yelp." GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. Yelp is FAR MORE POPULAR than Google for restaurant ratings. In fact, it's SO popular, Google SHUT DOWN Google+. If I want restaurant ratings, I sure as fuck ain't going to GOOGLE, and hardly anybody else is, either.
    I think I know what's being said here... If you just enter into google the name of a restaurant you're interested in, the first results will usually be the actual restaurant website, followed by whatever, followed by (as far as reviews go) the yelp page.

    However, on the right side of the page (if the search is made via google) is a tab featuring the average star review from Google. I originally was confused into thinking that was a summary of the Yelp star average, and it's not. The google results are almost always higher ratings than Yelp.

    So, in a way, yes, Google does spotlight their review system for restaurants in a more visible way upon a google search, it just presents them in a separate area from the search results.

  30. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think I know what's being said here... If you just enter into google the name of a restaurant you're interested in, the first results will usually be the actual restaurant website, followed by whatever, followed by (as far as reviews go) the yelp page.

    However, on the right side of the page (if the search is made via google) is a tab featuring the average star review from Google. I originally was confused into thinking that was a summary of the Yelp star average, and it's not. The google results are almost always higher ratings than Yelp.

    So, in a way, yes, Google does spotlight their review system for restaurants in a more visible way upon a google search, it just presents them in a separate area from the search results.
    I just Googled a VERY popular restaurant up the street in Chicago's wealthy North Shore.

    The top hit was an Open Table link to the restaurant's Open Table page.

    The second hit was the restaurant's page.

    The third hit was the restaurant's menu.

    The fourth hit was Open Table's ratings.

    The fifth hit was Trip Adviser's ratings.

    The SIXTH hit was Yelp.

    On the RIGHT was the standard Google ad with information, including hours, pictures, and the Google reviews (which CLEARLY states "Google reviews")

    The order of the hits is based on popularity, with the exception of the PAID AD at the very top (Open Table) which has "AD" inside of a box indicating it's an ad.

    The difference between Yelp reviewers and Google reviewers are important to note. Anthony Bourdain FUCKING HATED YELP REVIEWERS.

    Yelp reviews aren't fair, in and of themselves. Your Yelp review isn't even SHOWN until you reach that stupid elite level of reviewing, and I frequently see THE STUPIDEST FUCKING RESTAURANT REVIEWS on Yelp. 3 Star Michelin restaurant Alinea, for instance, given 1 Yelp star and terrible reviews for being "too expensive" and "not having any vegan options." I tend to consider Open Table reviews more seriously than Yelp, and Google reviews more seriously than Yelp. And I'm totally guilty of Instagramming my meals from restaurants.

    At any rate, Google isn't unfair to restaurants, it's just providing information and it WILL take down hostile reviews. One ASSHOLE was providing TERRIBLE reviews about my marina; this guy went on EVERY LOCAL MARINA site and blasted our marina. I told the manager at our marina about it, and asked about this guy. He said the guy wasn't even a customer, he was a boat surveyor who showed up 5 minutes before closing and was a jerk. Our marina manager told Google about it and POOF, these terrible reviews that this guy was SPAMMING all over Google disappeared. Good luck getting Yelp to bring down someone who's trying to destroy you on Yelp to do anything. You have to sue to do it.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-08-2019 at 05:45 PM.

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