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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #3511
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    Shocking that O'Rourke, who has never won anything, has yet again, not won.

  2. #3512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Shocking that O'Rourke has not won.
    In a state run by cheating Republicans. Where what is nearly the second biggest city in the country (Houston) is almost entirely Democrat. Huh.

    (Beto was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
    from Texas's 16th district from 2013 - 2019.)

    Meanwhile, Boebert is losing.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-08-2022 at 11:02 PM.

  3. #3513
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    J.D. Vance. What the fuck.

  4. #3514
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    J.D. Vance. What the fuck.
    What the hell is wrong with Ohio? Ohio and Florida are no longer purple.

  5. #3515
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    What the hell is wrong with Ohio? Ohio and Florida are no longer purple.
    Yeah I don’t think they ever were, but they are flaming fucking crazy ass red, now.

    Like, Handmaid’s Tale Red.

    If the Voter’s Rights Act hadn’t been overturned, a lot of this shit wouldn’t be happening.

    Lauren Underwood won her third term. Love her.
    And Sean Casten wins again after the death of his daughter.
    Alexi Giannoulias wins Secretary of State.

    Last edited by allegro; 11-08-2022 at 10:32 PM.

  6. #3516
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    Pennsylvania checking in. Fuuuuuck Mastriano! WOOOO!

    Cautiously optimistic about Fetterman.

    Fully expecting an avalanche of frivolous lawsuits and other challenges.

    In the parts of the country where I don't live: Bye bye Boebert! Florida and Texas are lost causes. Georgia is super disappointing... but then the whole country's pretty disappointing. And yeah, J.D. Vance? JFC.

    Greetings from the liberal/progressive bubble of Philadelphia.

  7. #3517
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    Looks like Big Gretch is going to be re-elected, AND the constitutional amendment for reproductive rights (Proposal 3) has gotten 57% “Yes” so far in Michigan.

    The Dems are actually PICKING UP some Republican House seats.

    This is all going to be up to California.

    We are NOT going to know tonight.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-08-2022 at 10:59 PM.

  8. #3518
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    Fetterman wins, according to ABC!

    Fuck Dr. Oz, with his eerie ass...everything.

  9. #3519
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    @Wretchedest , Beto is fucking BADASS.
    I've sat and talked with him, twice, at a little.taqueria in a district he KNEW he had no chance of.winning.
    He still.came, though. He drove fucking 5000 miles in a matter of weeks, doing halls a day.

    He lost to Ted Cruz by TWO points, in 2018.

    He's never won anything?

    How was he a US house rep from 2013-2019?

    This shit is kind of heartbreaking, for those of us who have followed his campaign.
    I guess it's somehow funny in California? Guess I'd have to be there?

    He's stayed within a few points of Greg Abbot, visited EVERY county in texas, many of them multiple times, and has been the best hope for a Dem governor in Texas since Richards won THIRTY TWO YEARS AGO.

    He played in punk bands, he still skates, he's an incredible speaker.who has flipped a SHITLOAD of Republican voters, and he stands for just .about.everything I do.
    I've NEVER been this invested in a campaign in my fucking.
    LIFE, and, yeah.

    That shit ain't funny to me, and it isn't funny to.about 46% of.texans.

    He KNEW he probably wouldn't win, but at least he fucking TRIED, man.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-09-2022 at 01:34 AM.

  10. #3520
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    I love how Beto speaks fluent Spanish.

    People come up to him and just start rappin’ with him in Spanish and he’s listening carefully and then he’ll reply in Spanish and I’m always thinking, “that asshole Abbott doesn’t speak Spanish!”

    There were SO MANY people on Beto’s IG feed who used to be Republican who switched to vote for Beto.

    But there were a lot of Texans on TikTok bitching that the voting machines had flipped their votes from Beto to Abbott, and they’d reported it to an election judge and got it fixed but they wondered how many before them hadn’t noticed; and if it went back to being broken, later.

    This is the same issue they had with machines during the Cruz/Beto race.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-09-2022 at 01:34 AM.

  11. #3521
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I love how Beto speaks fluent Spanish.

    People come up to him and just start rappin’ with him in Spanish and he’s listening carefully and then he’ll reply in Spanish and I’m always thinking, “that asshole Abbott doesn’t speak Spanish!”

    There were SO MANY people on Beto’s IG feed who used to be Republican who switched to vote for Beto.

    But there were a lot of Texans on TikTok bitching that the voting machines had flipped their votes from Beto to Abbott, and they’d reported it to an election judge and got it fixed but they wondered how many before them hadn’t noticed; and if it went back to being broken, later.

    This is the same issue they had with machines during the Cruz/Beto race.
    As far as hablando español, it's even cooler to.see him in person.

  12. #3522
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I love how Beto speaks fluent Spanish.

    People come up to him and just start rappin’ with him in Spanish and he’s listening carefully and then he’ll reply in Spanish and I’m always thinking, “that asshole Abbott doesn’t speak Spanish!”

    There were SO MANY people on Beto’s IG feed who used to be Republican who switched to vote for Beto.

    But there were a lot of Texans on TikTok bitching that the voting machines had flipped their votes from Beto to Abbott, and they’d reported it to an election judge and got it fixed but they wondered how many before them hadn’t noticed; and if it went back to being broken, later.

    This is the same issue they had with machines during the Cruz/Beto race.
    There's more voter suppression and voter intimidation in Texas than any other state. Abbot ran, mostly, on "border security," aka...racism?

    Beto is like me.
    He doesn't feel like this is the Texas he grew up in, anymore.
    And it ISN'T. This state is about 50/50, left vs right, but we've had an unshakable Republican supermajority in our government for DECADES, and it's sickening.

    But, like me, he still loves this place, and is willing to fight. He gave us hope.
    He visited tiny towns that had never SEEN a candidate for governor in person.
    He didn't just talk, either: he LISTENED.
    And he did it while his mother was fighting cancer.

    He raised more money than Abbott, who was backed by oil companies and shit, for 75% of the campaign.

    I didn't think he was gonna win, but this still fucking hurts.

  13. #3523
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    So glad Fetterman won. Now, in order for me to have a glimmer of hope, I need to see Walker lose and Lake lose. It's sad that Warnock/Walker is too close to call. The fact that Walker has that much support is really sad.

  14. #3524
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    Wow, the GOP will likely still get the House, but I am shocked that they won't be getting the Senate.

    Could have been worse.

  15. #3525
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Wow, the GOP will likely still get the House, but I am shocked that they won't be getting the Senate.

    Could have been worse.
    Did they call the Senate for the Dems? I'm still seeing 48-47, but I just switched on the tv real quick and sometimes they wait to call it at the end for ratings.

    The House we pretty much knew was going red, but it's still not good. Say goodbye to any chance Biden's admin gets funding for anything at all til 2024.

  16. #3526
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    “you know me, i hate everyone. “ i really do. look at the georgia races and all you’ll see is misogyny. sad day for the women in my state. not shocked but definitely disappointed. at least i have a bevy of nin songs to rage to today. i’m gonna need my broken blanket.

  17. #3527
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    Sure, I had to dunk on Boebert and give respect to Fetterman but this was not a win by any stretch and I don’t know why it’s being looked at as one.

    This wasn’t a win for Democrats. These positive posts and articles I’m seeing around the internet are confusing and on a certain level, infuriating.

    The only reason I bothered to vote was to stop Candace Owens Lite from winning in my region.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-09-2022 at 08:37 AM.

  18. #3528
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    Washington turned out OK. The GOP dumped huge money in the state & lost almost everything.

  19. #3529
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    This is what I meant when I said don't pay attention to polls. At best they woefully underweighted for the silent Dobbs voter (that never went away and it was fucking stupid to think they did) or at worst purposefully gamed their polls to make the races seem closer to affect turnout. Personally I think it was a mix, depending on the polling service
    Last edited by cdm; 11-09-2022 at 11:18 AM.

  20. #3530
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Did they call the Senate for the Dems? I'm still seeing 48-47, but I just switched on the tv real quick and sometimes they wait to call it at the end for ratings.

    The House we pretty much knew was going red, but it's still not good. Say goodbye to any chance Biden's admin gets funding for anything at all til 2024.
    The GOP could still get the Senate, but the Dems just need to win 2/4 seats.

  21. #3531
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  22. #3532
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    So glad Fetterman won. Now, in order for me to have a glimmer of hope, I need to see Walker lose and Lake lose. It's sad that Warnock/Walker is too close to call. The fact that Walker has that much support is really sad.
    Georgia was always going to be a runoff because of the 3rd party candidate. (If a candidate doesn’t get more than 50% of the vote, it goes to a runoff.)

    Warnock came damned close, but it ain’t over 50%.

    The midterm after a presidential win statistically always flips at least the House to the opposite party, typically by a huge margin (after Obama, and the ACA, Democrats lost 63 seats in the House) and often the Senate also flips.

    So far none of that has panned out.

    It ain’t over ‘til it’s over. This won’t be over for weeks.

    I’m most disappointed in Johnson in Wisconsin. What a turd. Although, Barnes is a REALLY progressive candidate and Wisconsin is one of the least woke places on the planet. You can’t carry a state based solely on Madison and Milwaukee; just not enough voters. Kenosha County is far too red.

    At least Evers won.

    AND … Michigan flipped the House and Senate to Blue and Gretchen Whitmer retains her Governor seat (for a final second term, there’s a 2-term limit for Governor in Michigan) … so now Michigan is DEMOCRATIC SUPERMAJORITY!!!! AND Michigan passed Proposition 3, adding the right to abortion to Michigan’s Constitution!!

    This is SO awesome! Big Gretch fought off these pro-life people like a WARRIOR, vetoing every damned crazy conservative abortion ban piece of legislation they sent to her desk. Then Michigan voters rejected Tudor Dixon, a Trump-backed radical right nut job with the weirdest (but totally “Michigan”) ad. With fake bikers.

    Last edited by allegro; 11-09-2022 at 02:20 PM.

  23. #3533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Sure, I had to dunk on Boebert and give respect to Fetterman but this was not a win by any stretch and I don’t know why it’s being looked at as one.

    This wasn’t a win for Democrats. These positive posts and articles I’m seeing around the internet are confusing and on a certain level, infuriating.

    The only reason I bothered to vote was to stop Candace Owens Lite from winning in my region.
    I'm with you to a degree, no doubt.
    It's like certain outlets don't want to tell us the truth because they thing they're gonna fuvk up morale or something.

    BUT: at LEAST this wasn't the red tidal wave I've feared since...well, since Biden took office.
    And it IS true that this is already the most successful midterm for an incumbent party since W, right after 9/11...I THINK. (I've overdosed on news sitting in this hospital room, but I THINK that was something I heard).
    And, like allegro said, these days, we have a left/right, election/midterm pendulum for SURE.

    BUT, still: framing this, and LOTS of events and bills, etc, these days, as just "amazing victories" is kind of disingenuous, and I feel you.

    Edit: Candace Owens...isn't that the "Kanye West" robot's new handler?
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-09-2022 at 12:25 PM.

  24. #3534
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    Candace Owens Lite is Jennifer Ruth Green and she absolutely sucks. I’m glad my vote counted in defeating her.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-09-2022 at 01:13 PM.

  25. #3535
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Candace Owens Lite is Jennifer Ruth Green and she absolutely sucks. I’m glad my vote counted in defeating her.
    OMG, yeah, we were seeing all her ads here in Chicago! She's totally right-wing radical, no abortion even in the case of rape or incest, etc.

    "Jennifer-Ruth Green ... Too extreme!"
    Last edited by allegro; 11-09-2022 at 02:18 PM.

  26. #3536
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Did they call the Senate for the Dems? I'm still seeing 48-47, but I just switched on the tv real quick and sometimes they wait to call it at the end for ratings.

    The House we pretty much knew was going red, but it's still not good. Say goodbye to any chance Biden's admin gets funding for anything at all til 2024.
    They can't call the Senate until they finish counting the ballots in Arizona and Nevada, and perhaps until the December 6 Georgia Senate runoff.

    They can't call the House until they finish counting ballots in California. That will likely take at least a week.

    Watching Kevin McCarthy's "Victory Party" last night ... with an empty room and the Doobie Brothers song playing to nobody ... was worth sitting there all night, LOL. Stuff on the floor and nobody around, McCarthy making a speech to the press and about 5 people.

    Red wave, LOL. In your dreams, asshole.

    Please let Kari Lake LOSE!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 11-09-2022 at 02:45 PM.

  27. #3537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Candace Owens Lite is Jennifer Ruth Green and she absolutely sucks. I’m glad my vote counted in defeating her.
    That was a joke, son- Foghorn Leghorn.
    Owens is the lady who Snoop Dogg said that black people.traded. for.Eminem, in the Racial Draft. :P
    (and he actually said that a few years ago).

    But yeah. I REEALLY don't understand Owens.

    Like, I've a much better understanding of Ye: we're both seriously bipolar, and often forget to take our meds (as many people with mental illness do).

    But Owens? Is she just trying to be a contrarian?

    Changing the subject, Swykk, you know.what REALLY sucks? Being a district where YOUR vote doesn't count.

    In my county, literally everyone but nine or.ten straight red.

    Last.time I spoke with Mr. Beto O'Rourke, in fucking DALHART, he"next.time, ELEVEN. Dont.give up! We can do this, one day!"

    Shit brings a tear to my eye, man.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-09-2022 at 03:03 PM.

  28. #3538
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    Owens knows exactly what she's doing. She was a democrat earlier on, saw an opportunity to pander and make $, and went for it. I don't even know if she believes half the stuff she says...or cares.

  29. #3539
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    I'm just glad we don't have to see another ad with that asshole Darren Bailey in it.

  30. #3540
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    Ohio also cemented a conservative majority for its state Supreme Court, something that bears mentioning.

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