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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Obama delivered the Keynote Speech at the DNC in 2004, which is where he got THE most attention and which is where the predictions that he should run for President started.


    By comparison: in the Facebook / Youtube era, O'Rourke has arguably reached viral status. The town hall response about kneeling during the anthem? Millions of views. Bill Maher interview? 1.6 million views. Colbert interview? 1.5 million. And that's just on Youtube; that's not counting original airings.

    Admittedly, I don't recall the Boston speech. I don't recall exactly when I first started noticing Obama myself. But I can say this much: I have friends in almost every state, and I have seen many of them talk about O'Rourke both during and after the election. I don't recall what (if any) mainstream media attention there was for the town hall video. But I feel like the amount of national and international coverage that his race received was beaten only by elections where rampant voter suppression was being reported. He's got everyone's attention. It might be wise to use that momentum.

  2. #122
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    Mike Bloomberg on The View today:

  3. #123
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    Fuck you Scott Walker, you awful craven shitbag

    How is this kind of shit legal...
    I know this isn't directly related to Trump, but it ties into this cowardly desperate Republican agenda to say "fuck you" to people who voted for anything other than them.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Fuck you Scott Walker, you awful craven shitbag

    How is this kind of shit legal...
    I know this isn't directly related to Trump, but it ties into this cowardly desperate Republican agenda to say "fuck you" to people who voted for anything other than them.
    This is what I struggle with. I have ALWAYS wanted to say "take the high road". But when you take the high road and WIN and they can STILL fucking cut you off at the knees after you've beaten them, then what are you supposed to do - just keep trying to take the high road and expect them not to keep on chopping? I feel like at this point, the GOP is 100% responsible for creating the hyper partisan us vs them culture of today's politics, because it feels to me like Democrats are out there trying to win on policy while Republicans are out there just trying to destroy Democrats, regardless of what that even means.

    I think the Democrats need to start playing dirty. But I don't want to see this partisan bullshit get even worse. I just don't know how anyone even creates a path forward in this climate.

  5. #125
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    Just curious: anyone think that regardless of the winner, there will be crowds in streets on election night 2020? I feel like we could see some big celebratory gatherings or some angry rioting either way...just feels like this election will be way more charged than any I've lived for so far. Am I crazy? Or does that seem likely?

  6. #126
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    I personally feel like Trump is going to win, unless someone on the other side single-handedly captivates the other side within the next year like he did in 2016. And even as someone who is not as well-versed in these affairs like a lot of people here, I can tell that's very likely not going to happen. The shine on Bernie has grown very dim for me, and the fact that he still has Bernie Bros backing him up like it's 2 years ago is troublesome. I like Beto a lot, for a Texas Democrat. Whether or not he's the answer is elusive to me.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I personally feel like Trump is going to win, unless someone on the other side single-handedly captivates the other side within the next year like he did in 2016. And even as someone who is not as well-versed in these affairs like a lot of people here, I can tell that's very likely not going to happen. The shine on Bernie has grown very dim for me, and the fact that he still has Bernie Bros backing him up like it's 2 years ago is troublesome. I like Beto a lot, for a Texas Democrat. Whether or not he's the answer is elusive to me.
    There’s also likely to be a LOT of other candidates, like maybe even more than 25 of them.

    Like Julian Castro:

  8. #128
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  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Exploratory Committee. I hope she officially runs, she’s got the stuff. Even with that B.S. Native American controversy that Trump keeps throwing at her (which is NOTHING compared to the hundreds of his actual controversies). She champions the working class and REALLY know economics. This isn’t a surprise, everyone has been predicting this.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-31-2018 at 10:24 AM.

  10. #130
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    IMO - 2020 candidates that were pegged as 2020 candidates back in 2017 who announce that they are running or "forming committees" or whatever isn't really news, even if new publications are covering it like it's actual news.

    Also, let them all run. I don't care about age anymore. Voters will weed out the best from the field, but I think the larger the field with ideas that bring all of the candidates into more progressive ideas and thinking, the better. Also, avoid the Twitter arguments this time around because man, that's some crazy shit right there.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    IMO - 2020 candidates that were pegged as 2020 candidates back in 2017 who announce that they are running or "forming committees" or whatever isn't really news, even if new publications are covering it like it's actual news.

    Also, let them all run. I don't care about age anymore. Voters will weed out the best from the field, but I think the larger the field with ideas that bring all of the candidates into more progressive ideas and thinking, the better. Also, avoid the Twitter arguments this time around because man, that's some crazy shit right there.

    I think the truly "progressive" ideas this time are going to have to include ones that focus on the working class, and blue collar, and getting folks into trade schools and filling millions of blue collar jobs, including jobs in clean energy.

    Like, per this article:

    See also this:

    And this:

    The Federal Government college loan program now using Navient to manage loans has turned into what amounts to a Ponzi scheme.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-31-2018 at 12:17 PM.

  12. #132
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  13. #133
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    lol sit down sir.

  14. #134
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    Warren is fine, I just hope that we get some legitimate options that are EXCITING and not old enough to have parented my parents.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Warren is fine, I just hope that we get some legitimate options that are EXCITING and not old enough to have parented my parents.

    I dont mean mean to imply that it’s what you’re suggesting, but Warren is being prepped for attack, and her age and gender are fast targets. It’s more subversive than “Pocahontas” but it’s the same thing. That recent Politico article was called out for its headline framing her as “cold and aloof.” That’s all a small jump from having to defend her for being “shrill.”

    As an antidote to Trump she’d be incredible. It’s not the safest bet, mostly because you ARE NOT WRONG, but I’m stubborn against toying with the objections they’ll throw in her way. I guess there’s no way to handle the inevitable ugliness

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I dont mean mean to imply that it’s what you’re suggesting, but Warren is being prepped for attack, and her age and gender are fast targets. It’s more subversive than “Pocahontas” but it’s the same thing. That recent Politico article was called out for its headline framing her as “cold and aloof.” That’s all a small jump from having to defend her for being “shrill.”

    As an antidote to Trump she’d be incredible. It’s not the safest bet, mostly because you ARE NOT WRONG, but I’m stubborn against toying with the objections they’ll throw in her way. I guess there’s no way to handle the inevitable ugliness
    No, Trump will throw insults and horseshit at anyone, and his insults really shouldn't be taken into account when selecting a candidate. I say a candidate is picked based on their policies rather than their personality.

    Trump is going to do his damnedest to make this election a referendum on the alpha male persona he tries to play up. A candidate who can talk about the issues and not give his narrative credibility would be ideal. Otherwise the option is to try and out alpha-male him.

  17. #137
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    I’m not saying Trump, more the people and outlets that enabled him. Trump on his own actually sucks at the insult game.

  18. #138
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    Yeah, I definitely know that the sexism we saw in the election will be ramped up to an even higher degree this time around. I agree with Warren on a lot of things, and would happily vote for her if she is the chosen one. I think she has a lot of good qualities and stances that I agree with and believe with.

    IDGAF about being ageist, though. I will openly say I don't want to vote for someone 70+. I will if I have to, but I don't want to do it.

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    Maybe I’m just having a hard time staying consistent, but if Warren picks a great running mate, her age doesn’t matter so much to me. I might be blinded by the fact that I like her though, and I feel like if she won, it would “correct” a lot of things that have gone wrong...

    on that same note though, it will straight up crush my soul if she loses. Seriously, I might just go mad

  20. #140
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    Elizabeth Warren would be a great president. Don't let dumb takes from Chris Cillizza about her age or her dumb genealogy video dilute that fact.

  21. #141
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    I have never even heard that name before.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I have never even heard that name before.
    I wish I never had either, honestly.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    IDGAF about being ageist, though. I will openly say I don't want to vote for someone 70+. I will if I have to, but I don't want to do it.
    I'm iffy about anyone over 50 at this point.

  24. #144
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    Fucking Cuomo and this L train shit. He should just announce that he is running and get it over. This fuckin' guy.

  25. #145
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    I'm sorry, y'all. I like Warren's PLATFORM, but there's just something OFF about her, and it ain't her age or sex. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
    Like it or not, PART of politicking IS about being, you know, AFFABLE.
    And Warren, God love her, isn't that (imho.)
    And, therefore, I just don't think she could win in the general.
    Don't get me wrong: I think she'd do a GREAT job. I'm worried, though, about her chances of WINNING.

    Everyone is praying Biden will run, and I hate to say it, but I don't think he would win, either.

    What we need is JFK 2.0, male or female. Or, you know, 3.0, if you consider Obama 2.0

  26. #146
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    I think Warren is really likable.


    Probably not.


    But I don’t think friendable is an important quality for running the country.

    JFK wasn’t, either. He was wealthy, elite, old money upper class, his wife spoke perfect French ... no, they were NOT relatable to the average working class person in 1960.

    TRUMP was elected because his fans like him. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t qualified, did not have the right experience, is stupid, etc., they LIKE him; they think he’s funny, he “tells it like it is, etc.” He’s not really relatable, even when he’s sitting at his desk in the Trump Tower behind a “taco bowl” pretending to be interested in “Mexican food” for Cinco de Mayo.

    Bill Clinton played saxophone on Arsenio, but he also signed into law some of the most oppressive shit in history: DOMA, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the 1994 crime bill.

    Warren taught bankruptcy law at Harvard. She specializes in bankruptcy, contract and commercial law.

    She spearheaded the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while she was a law professor and a private citizen.

    Here she is in 2007 speaking to Congress as a Harvard professor talking about credit card debt:

    She’s HIGHLY qualified for the position of President. She’s WAYYY smarter than our current President. She’s more educated, is a talented lawyer, knows the law and Constitution, and ESPECIALLY knows finance laws. He is TERRIFIED of her.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-04-2019 at 01:11 AM.

  27. #147
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    I don't WANT a "relatable" politician!!!! I don't have weird fantasies about watching a football game with the president while we drink shitty American beer together. I want a fucking professional who knows what they're doing! I don't want an exciting, inspiring, motivational whatever. If that's what it takes to get kids to vote, then cool, make it exciting, but give me someone boring who knows what they're doing and I'm happy.

    I think we've had the "let's see what crazy is like!" experience. It sucks.

  28. #148
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    Yeah I don’t get all the nasty sniping over the live Instagram thing.

    Pretty much ALL live Instagram things are awkward and weird.

    My MOM drinks Mich Ultra. It’s the King of Low Carb beer for Atkins freaks.

    So people are expecting Warren to be a Chardonnay drinker and are saying she was “inauthentic.” Wtf.

    If she wanted a glass of wine, she’d drink a fucking glass of wine!! Inauthentic would be knocking back shots of Jaeger and pole dancing.

    At least her kitchen isn’t GOLD PLATED like Trump’s.

    Jackie Kennedy loved drinking Veuve Clicquot. So if Jackie was running for President today, that’d be SOOOOOO relatable for the average person on Instagram ... Jackie swilling Veuve Clicquot La Grand Dame and toasting everyone on NY Eve and nibbling on Osetra caviar.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-04-2019 at 02:30 AM.

  29. #149
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    They're doing the streaming thing because they're feeling out what worked for Beto and AOC during the midterms. If it's a bomb or not well-received enough, they'll drop it and do something else. I appreciate that Warren is doing this herself and that we're seeing her be herself instead of having her social media intern do it all for her.

  30. #150
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    I'm talking about who could WIN, though. Hell yes, Warren is highly qualified.

    But "exciting, inspiring, motivational," I think we need that to WIN this time. Like, desperately .

    That shit is a big part of what brings casual voters to the polls.

    Bottom line: Warren would make a GREAT president, and I agree with her ideas. But there's no way she's unseating The OrAnge Menace, so,.sadly, it doesn't matter.

    We need another Obama phenomenon. I think it's the only way we win, barring something like indisputable evidence that Red Don is a RussiAn operative or a Pedophile or something.

    And I feel like, from what I've seen so far, Beto is our best hope.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-04-2019 at 07:53 AM.

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