So i'm pretty damn excited for this new Castle Rock series. Critics who have seen some of it are mostly gushing over it, saying it's really good. So i'm thinking it's at least going to be decent.

this thing isn't based on a particular Stephen King book or story, but it has characters and locations and references from a lot of them. One article said it was an SK fan's dream come true.
It's got Alan Pangborn (from Needful Things and The Dark Half) and Warden Norton (from RHATSR) and a character called Jackie Torrance (SURELY that name isn't a coincidence.)

And i read that it references It, the Green Mile, Needful Things, 'Salem's Lot, Dolores Claiborne, Dreamcatcher, Hearts in Atlantis, the Dark Half, Misery, The Shining, Cujo, The Dead Zone and stories from Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Night Shift, Four Past Midnight and Different Seasons (including Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and The Body aka Stand by Me,) AMONG OTHERS, ha. It sounds like it's going to be a fucking easter egg hunt of epic proportions.

Also, some of the casting is pretty fucking meta. It's got Bill Skarsgard and Chosen Jacobs (from It,) Sissy Spacek (who was in the original Carrie,) Melanie Lynskey (from Rose Red,) Terry O'Quinn (who was in The Silver Bullet,) Frances Conroy (the Mist tv show) and Ann Cusack (Mr Mercedes tv show.)

i'm hoping to god this thing is good.
this is the first show to do the stephen king "multiverse" and damnit, i want more GOOD stephen king shows. what i REALLY want is a Game of Thrones level Dark Tower show.

this thing has potential for sure. it comes on two sundays from tomorrow.