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Thread: 2018.06.22 - London, UK @ Royal Festival Hall, Meltdown Festival

  1. #1
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    2018.06.22 - London, UK @ Royal Festival Hall, Meltdown Festival

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  2. #2
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    Trying to remember setlist but it's all a bit hazy... started with Somewhat Damaged and ended with Hurt... no Head Like A Hole... No Hand That Feeds... nothing from NTAE... no Cure covers... I'll write more later, but overall it was a corker.

    Recovering a bit now. So yes, Fragile heavy for sure... dedicated to Alan Moulder who was in the audience... I can recall the start of Somewhat Damaged, The Day The World Went Away, The Frail, The Wretched... and the end involved Wish, Metal, Reptile and of course Hurt. Same two new ones from Bad Witch (sounding extremely good live), oh and I Do Not Want This was a personal highlight... Interesting that so many people go nuts wanting NIN tickets but then get bored when new (post Fagile) stuff gets played. Hope someone post a proper setlist soon so my aged brain can remember what happened...
    Last edited by ChipRock; 06-22-2018 at 05:52 PM.

  3. #3
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    That was amazing, so Fragile..... This tour is special.

  4. #4
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    That was awesome!

    Pretty much out with the hits (most of them) and in with The Fragile (still didn't get La Mer...one day) and it was great! Also got to say the stage production for God Break Down the Door was just fucking awesome! Also this version of Hurt is just PERFECT!

    Also, for the back end seats in the balcony...the view was pretty freaking good! AND I FINALLY HAVE A NIN PIN FOR MY BAG!!! Also getting I'm Afraid of Americans and Metal for the first time was nice.

    P.S i now realize i've overused a certain word...i'm sorry (its late!)

  5. #5
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    Here we go - someone got a setlist. Not too shoddy I trust you'll agree.

  6. #6
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    Wow. Amazing show.

    GBDTD absolutely kills live.

  7. #7
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    Thanks to some good advise from @Scarlet Siren and patiently waiting in line for around 2 hours, I was able to get pretty nice return seats in the rear stalls with a direct view of Trent and co. Totally different vibe from American ticketing - super friendly and helpful. I'm digging RFH a lot and by the end of my first week in the UK I'll have been there 3 times.

    After seeing the Vegas sets I wanted to get out and this did not dissapoint. Save for the "Digital" cover, I feel like this set had all the best bits of the Vegas shows combined with the added bonus of extra Fragile. There's several songs I haven't seen in 5 years (Fragile stuff, SICNH, Metal, Bowie, Hurt) and the YZ stuff is closer to a decade (only had one Tension show after Wave Goodbye and before Webster Hall), so this was a real treat. I don't know that I've seen "Me, I'm Not" before.

    I thought the new stuff translated quite well and the visuals for "God Break Down the Door" are stunning. I agree with @ChipRock - it's disappoiting to see everyone go get drinks/use the bathroom during the new stuff, but it gives me space to dance and have an unobstructed view.

    Also, if the person who was in/around row MM seat high 20s/low 30s sees this, please post your videos. From what I could see you filming, you got some incredible videos.
    Last edited by variablebitrate; 06-22-2018 at 06:42 PM.

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    I didn't take many photos, but here's one (I had a good view!):


  9. #9
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    So first things first, I thought the band was on absolute top form tonight. The Wretched sounded more menacing and powerful than ever and the new material was excellent. Personal highlight was (finally) hearing the Good Soldier live, it's a favourite. TR & co seem almost liberated having left the huge light shows behind, which if it means more interesting setlists I am all for!

    My only complaint is to do with the venue - I've resolved not to see them in a fully-seated venue again.. Something about RFH and everyone stood in their seats just didn't work for me. It feels odd to listen to such energetic music and be confined to that small space! Plus the people in front of me didn't seem to (a) know any of the songs (b) didn't shut up, even during quieter tracks and (c) were just awful when the lady next to me asked them to quieten down a bit - thought it was quite a mixed crowd compared to previous shows, curious what everyone else thought?

    On now to Royal Albert Hall!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FieldOnFire View Post
    So first things first, I thought the band was on absolute top form tonight. The Wretched sounded more menacing and powerful than ever and the new material was excellent. Personal highlight was (finally) hearing the Good Soldier live, it's a favourite. TR & co seem almost liberated having left the huge light shows behind, which if it means more interesting setlists I am all for!

    My only complaint is to do with the venue - I've resolved not to see them in a fully-seated venue again.. Something about RFH and everyone stood in their seats just didn't work for me. It feels odd to listen to such energetic music and be confined to that small space! Plus the people in front of me didn't seem to (a) know any of the songs (b) didn't shut up, even during quieter tracks and (c) were just awful when the lady next to me asked them to quieten down a bit - thought it was quite a mixed crowd compared to previous shows, curious what everyone else thought?

    On now to Royal Albert Hall!
    You must have been really unlucky, everyone around me was SUPER into the show, but you are right about being confined to the seats when standing, especially with this set list!

  11. #11
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    Some advice for people,

    When going to a show you know you won't be home til late, do not put off changing your sheets til your home!

    And something odd that happened before the show, some random guy (if your here random guy, this isn't a dig) started talking to me when i got in, which is fine, but i'm not a big talker (especially on my own) so made my excuses and went to find a cash machine. Then at the cash machine someone starts talking to me...and its the guy (maybe he also needed cash...a bit weird but ok) i small talk and again make my excuses, get my cash and leave to get my pin from the march stall.
    I'm standing there waiting to be served and someone again starts talking to me from behind and ITS THE SAME GUY. Nothing against this guy, he seemed nice...but man did this freak me out, everywhere i went he just appeared behind me. I got my pin and made my way straight to my seat and didn't move until the show ended...i just got a bit freaked out (it was already an uphill battle with my anxiety to even get to the show, this didn't help)

    Again, the guy seemed nice...but if you're reading this, please don't just creep up behind people, please.

  12. #12
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    I think that is the possibly the best NIN show I've ever seen. Trent is on fire. The sound was amazing, the setlist was amazing (though to be honest I could of done with HLAH or Closer) but wow they were tight, even though he said they were tired and jetlagged!

  13. #13
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    What a fantastic show! Probably the best setlist out of the 19 shows I've seen! Wow. I'm glad I travelled for this show, it was insane. They played for nearly 2 hours and there were virtually no singles. Was such a breath of fresh air to not hear closer, HLAH, THTF, gave up etc. Amazing. I had to pee near the beginning of the show and I was waiting for a lull in the setlist so I could use the washroom and it wasn't until wish, which was like 20-something songs and an hour and 40 mins into the set. There was no bad moment. Even songs that I never cared too much for before were very moving and powerful. The band was on fire. Don't miss this tour, if you have the chance to go, go!

    I'm running off of 3 hrs of sleep in the last 34 hours, so I'm pretty exhausted and going to try and sleep now.

    I don't know how they're going to top this show.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 06-22-2018 at 07:33 PM.

  14. #14
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    Of course the performance was excellent as expected. I bought ticket to Nine Inch Nails and Nine Inch Nails happened.

    Of the new songs, I was very surprised at how well Less Than translates onstage. More of this sort of thing please.

    I was expecting a different experience but I wasn’t expecting the same community feeling I had at my first show 13 years ago (London Astoria, 31/03/05). It was great to be at the front and periodically turn around to see everyone else enjoying it as much as me. Everyone who needed to be there tonight was there. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks.

  15. #15
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    Fantastic show.

    I arrived way too early (about 17:30). I've never been to a show before where there were no queues whatsoever. When I tried to line up, a staff member stopped me, so I went for a walk along the South Bank instead. When the doors opened, there were only a handful of people (about 5) sitting on some chairs nearby. Really weird.

    Something almost no one would have picked up on: the intro to Bowie's A Small Plot of Land was played immediately before NIN came onstage. Possibly my favourite Bowie song ever, so I recognised it immediately.

    Black Moth Super Rainbow bored me for the most part (sorry). Many of their songs just sounded the same and the vocalist was almost completely obscured by gear. However, their set did become more interesting in the second half.

    During the initial run of NIN's set, I became increasingly convinced that they were going to play The Fragile in its entirety. I was also convinced that there was no way they'd play WITT, so I wasn't too disappointed. The extended section of deep cuts and less-played tracks (from SICNH to Less Than) made up for it in spades. Less Than is absolutely awesome live, and is definitely the best single we've had in years. Loved hearing some material from Year Zero (The Good Soldier!), and strangely, I was more pumped for that than anything else. I Do Not Want This was the biggest surprise of the evening, and sounded amazing. Oddly, no NTAE.

    There was a new (?) sample in the breakdown for The Great Destroyer that I didn't recognise. It was glitched and chopped to hell and back, so I couldn't work out what it was from. Anyone know? I feel like they've used GW Bush samples in the past, so I assume it was Trump.

    I can't speak too much about the new material, mostly because I've only heard Bad Witch one time. Ahead of Ourselves is almost a completely different song, as the vocals aren't filtered at all in the live setting. There was a guy running around on stage with a video camera for that song and God Break Down The Door, so possibly expect to see some footage on youtube soon.

    From where I was standing, the crowd was pretty good in my immediate vicinity (shout out to the girl dancing next to me), but looking around at various times, the room seemed dead. I saw some people before the show who were obviously big fans (someone even had a "What's a NIN?" shirt - ETSer?) but there were several people who looked lost and/or confused during the concert itself. Not sure what's going on there; given how quickly it sold out, this wasn't exactly an easy show to get into.

    Trent was (despite apparent jet lag) full of vitality and seemed extremely grateful, even chatting a few times between songs. The whole band was on point. It was just as exciting to see this show as it was my first time at the Astoria in 2005. He even upturned a keyboard which resulted in some "technical difficulties". Great stuff.

  16. #16
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    Had an excellent day and night. Great to meet some fellow ETs-ers for the first time pre-show.

    Got myself a Bad Witch t-shirt - surprised at how cheap all the merch was - £20 for a t-shirt is unheard of in this day and age!

    The show was superb, basically the epic Vegas night 3 with Even Deeper and I Do Not Want This in for Parasite and the Joy Division cover - I'll take that!! I thought GBDTD in particular of the new songs worked brilliantly. Great Destroyer breakdown with AR/AC rather than AR/TR. Fragile heavy set was an absolute dream come true - SD, TW, BCD and ED being amongst my favourites of the whole catalogue. Being up higher, we got to see Trent apparently trip over something on his way between Ilan and Ally, so he kicked over some water, roadie then spent the best part of the next song drying the stage area. He also did a keyboard tip as his keyboard wasn't working during Metal and said something like 'technical problems huh?'. It was weird hearing Trent singing Metal, not a song I gravitate to often from the NIN catalogue. I've seen Numan sing it a lot over the years, so to hear it in a different register/style was odd, but still enjoyable.

    Great to know that Moulder was in the room. Most of the people around were really up for a good time, the guy two down from me in GG31 who's name I've forgotten (sorry!) - you rocked your ass off! Fragile stuff went down the best - and the age range was surprising - teens up to sixties. And I loved Trent's matter of factness about the new album 'apparently' we've got a new album out today!

    Some great memories to take away from that, and I look forward to doing it all over again on Sunday. As the three Vegas shows were clearly constructed for multiple nights, given the choice, I'd take night 2 - Branches/Bones is a storming opener, I love Sanctified, and I really want to see Background World and Burning Bright live. Greedy fucker, I know!

    Katara- the What's a NIN t-shirt was Sheepdean!
    Last edited by simonn; 06-23-2018 at 03:29 AM. Reason: Sheepdean shout out

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonn View Post
    Had an excellent day and night. Great to meet some fellow ETs-ers for the first time pre-show.

    Got myself a Bad Witch t-shirt - surprised at how cheap all the merch was - £20 for a t-shirt is unheard of in this day and age!

    The show was superb, basically the epic Vegas night 3 with Even Deeper and I Do Not Want This in for Parasite and the Joy Division cover - I'll take that!! I thought GBDTD in particular of the new songs worked brilliantly. Great Destroyer breakdown with AR/AC rather than AR/TR. Fragile heavy set was an absolute dream come true - SD, TW, BCD and ED being amongst my favourites of the whole catalogue. Being up higher, we got to see Trent apparently trip over something on his way between Ilan and Ally, so he kicked over some water, roadie then spent the best part of the next song drying the stage area. He also did a keyboard tip as his keyboard wasn't working during Metal and said something like 'technical problems huh?'. It was weird hearing Trent singing Metal, not a song I gravitate to often from the NIN catalogue. I've seen Numan sing it a lot over the years, so to hear it in a different register/style was odd, but still enjoyable.

    Great to know that Moulder was in the room. Most of the people around were really up for a good time, the guy two down from me in GG31 who's name I've forgotten (sorry!) - you rocked your ass off! Fragile stuff went down the best - and the age range was surprising - teens up to sixties. And I loved Trent's matter of factness about the new album 'apparently' we've got a new album out today!

    Some great memories to take away from that, and I look forward to doing it all over again on Sunday. As the three Vegas shows were clearly constructed for multiple nights, given the choice, I'd take night 2 - Branches/Bones is a storming opener, I love Sanctified, and I really want to see Background World and Burning Bright live. Greedy fucker, I know!

    Katara- the What's a NIN t-shirt was Sheepdean!
    I've found NIN is very fan friendly with the merch prices much like 2 of my other favorite bands (Flaming Lips & the Cure). I rarely order stuff online but I have been quite happy with the stuff I got from the NIN store. Nice designs too!

  18. #18
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    I like the first 4 songs from Fragile start. Have tape of LV #3 & it's awesome! Sort of similar: in 2016 after 30 years of trying I finally saw the Cure. I was cursed with them & shows going way back. Something always happened to prevent me from going, the worst of which was 1992 when my mom died the day of the show. So in 2016 I bit the bullet & got a great ticket for the smallest show of the tour in Vegas from a ticket broker. They came out & started with the first 3 songs from Disintegration. I almost had a heart attack! Back to NIN, I have a friend who went to Meltdown. The communication was it was a fantastic show. Hope for you lucky people that RAH is as good! I'm jealous....

  19. #19
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    A fragile heavy setlist, finally got to see I do Not want this.
    The sound from up the balcony was great.
    From where I was the crowd was into it, and hearing everyone singing back more clearly added something.
    For me that will not be topped for a ling time.

  20. #20
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    Best setlist ever. Don’t even @ me. Also the best NIN performance I’ve seen sound wise. Everything was on point and Trent’s vocals were 100%. Would die for video or audio of this performance.
    Last edited by Kirts; 06-23-2018 at 02:21 PM.

  21. #21
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    Great show. Thought the keyboards were a little low in the mix, otherwise the sound was great. Not the best setlist ever though....that would be one of the Brixton 2007 shows, where they played nearly all of TDS....

    I got a foil event poster too....not sure if theres anyone on here who got one - but there was a lovely small group of people who created a waiting list...only 8 available at the show apparently...

  22. #22
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    One of the best shows and setlist I’ve seen. What a venue, what an atmosphere.

    Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk

  23. #23
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    @katara - Yeah, when the first few songs were all from the Fragile that was mg initial thought as well... "are we getting the fragile in full? No..." but then terrible lie broke the fragile trend and my hopes and dreams were crushed.

    The technical difficulties were during Reptile, and it's funny how "new mature" Trent handled a technical glitch. He just told everyone there were technical difficulties while the first few notes of reptile kept looping extra long. Old grant would have taken the keyboard and hucked it in anger. At least he hit his mic stand and tossed his guitar up for terrible lie... I guess that counts for something??

    My only real complaint of this show was I was stuck way up in the balcony and would have liked to have witnessed this show a little closer. Least it was nice to see a different view of a NIN show for once, I'm usually on the rail, or really close to it. So, maybe that's not a complaint after all. Next show is royal Albert hall tomorrow and I'll be on the floor. Looking forward to seeing it from a different perspective. Wonder what songs we'll get tomorrow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by captainkurtz View Post
    Great show. Thought the keyboards were a little low in the mix, otherwise the sound was great. Not the best setlist ever though....that would be one of the Brixton 2007 shows, where they played nearly all of TDS....

    I got a foil event poster too....not sure if theres anyone on here who got one - but there was a lovely small group of people who created a waiting list...only 8 available at the show apparently...
    *waves* hey! My girlfriend was the very organised lady who created the list, I was the guy in the Cold Cave tshirt. We got number 15/15. There were indeed only 8 available - apparently the 7 not for sale went to the band

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    My only real complaint of this show was I was stuck way up in the balcony and would have liked to have witnessed this show a little closer. Least it was nice to see a different view of a NIN show for once, I'm usually on the rail, or really close to it. So, maybe that's not a complaint after all. Next show is royal Albert hall tomorrow and I'll be on the floor. Looking forward to seeing it from a different perspective. Wonder what songs we'll get tomorrow.
    For me it's the opposite. I landed an incredible seat for RFH very close to the front but my RAH seat is right at the back in the Circle.

    Don't feel too bad, though. At RFH, it was a bit awkward as they left all the seats in. There wasn't really any space to move.

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    Quote Originally Posted by houndington View Post
    *waves* hey! My girlfriend was the very organised lady who created the list, I was the guy in the Cold Cave tshirt. We got number 15/15. There were indeed only 8 available - apparently the 7 not for sale went to the band
    Glad everyone got sorted! Hope you both enjoy the show tonight...on my train down from Newcastle for the third time this week!

  27. #27
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    Easily the best gig i've ever been to. Setlist was perfect for my tastes - Me, I'm Not, Even Deeper, The Big Come Down, I Do Not Want This and Reptile (played second last!) were highlights, as well as the opening few numbers from The Fragile. It was just golden. I could easily nit-pick and say I’d have preferred Burn instead of Metal or something like that, but that’s all moot. It was just glorious. The only downside was the last event poster by Drew Millward got sold to the guy next to me – had to settle for a shirt with the gig details on the back. Also, I was in the row in front of the desk in the lower stalls and politely asked one of the lighting guys if I could have a setlist, and when the house lights came up he duly obliged. I was the lanky pillock in the Mr Bungle t-shirt.
    Here's my pics on Insta:

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    I Do Not Want This was awesome.

    Great setlist and trent sounded better than I've ever heard.

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    2018.06.22 - London, UK @ Royal Festival Hall, Meltdown Festival

    Absolutely loved this show! Wasn’t sure how the whole all seated thing would pan out. I usually like to do standing at the back of the pit, but did enjoy having an allocated spot. In the members presale I got balcony tix right at the back. In nin presale I got row H stalls dead centre which I was really happy with until I realised I could have got front row if I’d not just done ‘best available’! But actually the seats were amazing. Had a great view and felt like Trent was looking right out in my direction.

    Everything was amazing. Loved the venue, the set list and felt they were really firing on all cylinders (despite the jet lag!) I had high expectations and they were exceeded. The Big Come Down was my personal highlight. The Bad Witch tracks sounded great live too. One of the best shows I’ve ever been to. So much energy. SO good!
    Last edited by SuperstarPJ; 08-06-2018 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Typo

  30. #30
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    Great gig.

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