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Thread: God of War

  1. #1
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    God of War

    I was surprised to not find a GOW thread on here... I could have sworn there was one.

    Anyway, Ascension came out today and I am about to pop this baby in and get lost in it. Anyone else pick this up today or is going to?
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 05-26-2018 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #2
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    Definitely gonna pick this game up, still working on Tomb Raider though, I also need to play Dead Space 3. Sooo many games......anyway I'd like to hear what you think as I haven't read any reviews yet.

  3. #3
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    I got it! It definitely scratches that God of War itch... but in that half satisfying god of war way. Epic moments are used sparingly, which is unfortunate because theyre real big here. This has always been the case. The game is much gorier than ever, the use of zipper-tech is more abundant than its sparing use in GoW 3.

    Speaking of epic moments theres a really wierd moment early on with these giant mechanical snakes. They try to frame it that way but it just comes off as odd and convoluted. It was a wasted moment.

    Also i get the impression the combat is less precise than previous installments. But the game is picking up

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    I'd love to play the new one but I just have too many games sitting around that I haven't played yet, maybe by the time I get around to it it won't be full price. I've heard mixed things about the MP but I'm not all that interested in that aspect anyway.

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    I like this series but didn't start playing till last year! I fail hard.

    I never bought or played the original games on the PS2 and I never had III on my mind after I got my PS3 in 2009 (III came out not too long after I got my console). I started playing last year and have started all 3 games but haven't beat a single one. I need to get on that. I play my Xbox 360 too much as opposed to my PS3.

    I plan to beat III soon then go back to the original 2 and then maybe pick up the Origins HD Collection sometime. I want Ascension but having not beat any others (even though Ascension is a prequel) and it's full price now when I have Gears of War: Judgment coming out next week, getting it would be silly.

    I'll hold off.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I got it! It definitely scratches that God of War itch... but in that half satisfying god of war way. Epic moments are used sparingly, which is unfortunate because theyre real big here. This has always been the case. The game is much gorier than ever, the use of zipper-tech is more abundant than its sparing use in GoW 3.

    Speaking of epic moments theres a really wierd moment early on with these giant mechanical snakes. They try to frame it that way but it just comes off as odd and convoluted. It was a wasted moment.

    Also i get the impression the combat is less precise than previous installments. But the game is picking up
    I am loving it so far. Man, the epic moments are tremendous in this game it pretty much makes your mouth open in awe at times. The opening sequence was one of my favorites out of all in the series so far.. a lot of button prompts but it is just as fun to watch Kratos become creative in ripping shit apart. The kills are much gorier sick and man it just looks so good. Killing the elephant dudes is really fun to do and watch, but man those fucking dogs and the grappling get annoying but I need to get used to it.

    The game does start a bit slow as far as getting power ups and such, but once you get the power of Ares and Poseidon it gets much more fun and deeper. Diving back in tonight. I'll have every platinum trophy for the GOW series after this bad boy... haven't touched multiplayer yet though.

  7. #7
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    If you like God of War youll like this. Its the same, identical thing with improved graphics and only slightly worse handling.

    Like all game in the series, it can never outdo its first 30 minutes or so. Im still partial to tje third one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    If you like God of War youll like this. Its the same, identical thing with improved graphics and only slightly worse handling.

    Like all game in the series, it can never outdo its first 30 minutes or so. Im still partial to tje third one.
    Yea, I noticed that handling is "just" a bit off... not very far off the scale though. What really impressed me was how much better the graphics look. When you use Ares power and they do that close up of him before he smashes his blades in the ground is amazing to look at. I agree with topping the first 30 minutes as well, but it makes up with boss battles.

  9. #9
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    I gotta disagree... this is a pretty big step down. God of War III was spectacular throughout. This one, well, the first major sequence was pretty spectacular, but after that it just becomes a pretty repetitious grind. Some of the set pieces are really amazing to look at though. I really liked the snake tower thing.

    Still, is anyone enjoying these obnoxious puzzles? Holy shit this "amulet of uroburos" thing where you repair or break the background and then hope to god you get to move on already is really annoying. It's terribly thought out. The weapons in this one are a huge let down too.

    Also, what the hell is up with this plot? Was it written by an intern? I don't go to these kind of games for story, but this is just so stupid.

    Graphics are A+ though.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I gotta disagree... this is a pretty big step down. God of War III was spectacular throughout. This one, well, the first major sequence was pretty spectacular, but after that it just becomes a pretty repetitious grind. Some of the set pieces are really amazing to look at though. I really liked the snake tower thing.

    Still, is anyone enjoying these obnoxious puzzles? Holy shit this "amulet of uroburos" thing where you repair or break the background and then hope to god you get to move on already is really annoying. It's terribly thought out. The weapons in this one are a huge let down too.

    Also, what the hell is up with this plot? Was it written by an intern? I don't go to these kind of games for story, but this is just so stupid.

    Graphics are A+ though.
    I agree. With more playtime with the game it has been letting me down more and more as it goes along. The enemies are repetitive as shit and extremely annoying. There is no reason why I should have to struggle with combos and moves against a fucking goatman and dogs. The combat is not fluid since you have to build up your stupid power bar in order to get full capacity of your weapons.. it takes the life out of the combat and I find myself just aching to get the bar up to use my L3+R3 nonsense. Plus, having to grapple onto almost everything including enemies is tiresome.

    Everything here besides the visuals and the set pieces are still on point, but man Jinsai... you hit the nail on the head with the story; It is completely forgettable and sometimes just doesn't make much sense. What I love about God Of War so much is the story about Kratos and his struggles throughout the games. You actually feel connected with the character and what he is going through... in this it just seems like he is there and there really is nothing too ambitious about anything here. It is fun, but it is no where near what I, II, and especially III were.

    I'm already looking forward to GOW IV and where they will bring the series because Kratos is sure as hell not dead, and if he is then I would love to see them bring in a new protagonist to the series like they said they would do if Kratos' storyline ended.

  11. #11
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    Soooo, holy fuck... The new GOW is looking pretty fucking fantasic. Who thought we would see a more humanized Kratos? Bring this game fucking on.

  12. #12
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    I've been wanting to buy the God of War Saga for PS3 but i keep reading that some of the games come on a stupid voucher instead of the discs and you're basically SOL at this point if you buy it now. Especially if you buy the collection second hand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I've been wanting to buy the God of War Saga for PS3 but i keep reading that some of the games come on a stupid voucher instead of the discs and you're basically SOL at this point if you buy it now. Especially if you buy the collection second hand.
    i'm not sure if they have it as a direct download through the playstation store, but i bet they do.
    man i've been having so much fun with being able to do that.
    and if you keep your eye on it, they have some really ridiculous 1 day sales from time to time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i'm not sure if they have it as a direct download through the playstation store, but i bet they do.
    man i've been having so much fun with being able to do that.
    and if you keep your eye on it, they have some really ridiculous 1 day sales from time to time.
    They do but the problem is the GOW Saga collection is supposed to have the games included, it'd be like buying them twice all because the included voucher might be expired. Though i suppose i could always raise a stink with customer service and see if i can still get them.

    I'm very old fashioned my money and with buying games, I'm mostly physical or bust. (ignoring the fact that i have 164 games in my Steam collection haha)

    Buying digital is usually a last resort for me as i do not have a credit card and prefer cold hard cash, prepaid cards of course are an option but i try not to do it often.

    There's also data cap stuff to consider and just ugh I HATE THE DIGITAL AGE! (to an extent)

  15. #15
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    God of War

    So I looked and didn't see it... is there not a thread for this game?
    It's incredible. Ball-bustingly difficult if you want it to be, still engaging on lower difficulties, and it's absolutely beautiful. I've been playing it non stop and while I think I'm nearing the end, I guess I'm only upset that it's ending soon, even though there's seemingly tons of side-content to dive into afterwards.

    The combat is fine tuned to a degree you just don't see in mainstream AAA "blockbuster" titles; it's perfect. If you dive in and learn it the game makes you feel like a badass. It's almost like a mashup of the combat from the previous games, the Batman games, and Dark Souls.

    This game is glorious. I wish there was an online component, but whatever. This is an experience. Get it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This game is glorious. I wish there was an online component, but whatever. This is an experience. Get it.
    Really? Most hated the online in Ascension.

    I plan to buy this game but would rather save money now and buy it when it hits 50% off or buy the GOTY (whichever comes first). Enjoyed the other games in the series but I'm not entirely sold on the Norse choice going forward since it just sounds like an easy way out to make more sequels since they made him kill every Greek God imaginable.

    Looking to buy it sooner rather than later.

  17. #17
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    Been playing it almost nonstop. It's great. Have a feeling I'm probably close to end.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Really? Most hated the online in Ascension.

    I plan to buy this game but would rather save money now and buy it when it hits 50% off or buy the GOTY (whichever comes first). Enjoyed the other games in the series but I'm not entirely sold on the Norse choice going forward since it just sounds like an easy way out to make more sequels since they made him kill every Greek God imaginable.

    Looking to buy it sooner rather than later.
    Well, just because they screwed it up in the past doesn't mean they can't do it right this time... Ascension's online was dire, but this just feels like such an open and amazing world it's sad to not be able to share it with friends, like Dark Souls.

    I love this game though. It's great, and I'm surprised there isn't more discussion here, because it's almost certainly going to end up near the top of most GOTY lists.

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    Finished. Still have a ton left to do. It was amazing. Look forward to the inevitable sequel.

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    I can't wait to play this...but need to finish FFXV first.

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    Ehhhhhh fuck it. I got my state income tax check back for $40.00 so I used it towards buyinf the game this afternoon.

    I gave into temptation.

  23. #23
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    wish i had a PS4 but i'm not throwing down the money for it just to play this game. my trusty old ps3 is still alive and kicking and i have 1, 2, & 3 for it. despite the, uh...ridiculousness of the games, i really enjoy playing them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    wish i had a PS4 but i'm not throwing down the money for it just to play this game. my trusty old ps3 is still alive and kicking and i have 1, 2, & 3 for it. despite the, uh...ridiculousness of the games, i really enjoy playing them.
    I guess it depends on how much you game, but the PS4 has a pretty great lineup by this point.

    There's a major tone-shift in the new God of War game. It's more serious, and not as silly and preposterous as the previous games. They've also toned back the ludicrous over-violence of the earlier games. The combat/pacing is also completely rebuilt.

    But if we were talking about a single game to sell someone on the system, Bloodborne is the best game of all time, OF ALL TIME!

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    It's a more serious game. Tons of character development. Every character feels fleshed out and have identity. Not one character that I feel was just thrown in for the hell of it. The controls take some getting used to. Reminds me a bit of Bloodborne. The world(s) are fleshed out where you actually want to travel and find what else is out there. The side missions aren't half assed either. They're also fleshed out and have actual thought and consideration in them. They don't feel like throwaway side banter like most games.

    This is probably going to be end up game of the year. I just don't see many other games competing with this. Only game that might be able to compete is Kingdom Hearts. But I doubt that. Not sure what else really comes out this year tbh.

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    got the platinum trophy... I loved the main game, but felt the end-game content was kind of tacked on after promising something that seemed much more comprehensive than it really turned out to be. A lot of the OCD appeal came down to hunting ridiculously hidden ravens, and then you start to really feel how slow those elevators move...

    The game itself is amazing. The end game padding is a 6/10

  27. #27
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    Been playing the third one for a couple of days now. I studied a lot of Greek history/mythology in school/university. So it's fun to see how they used all this stuff in the game and how they portray it.

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    I'm currently playing the first one (for the first time.) It's amazing. I stay about 10 years behind on video games and save a lot of money.

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    Fantastic reboot of a fantastic series.I was worried that it would be not as good as the previous trilogy, but it is even better I think. I love the new combat system, I like Boy and I absolutely love how they transferred Kratos to the new mythology.
    There is one downside though - boss fights. There were only a couple of them - I really wanted more and I hope we will get more boss fights in the sequel.

    I already can't wait to play the sequel.

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