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Thread: Star Wars: The TV Shows (Spoilers)

  1. #271
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    I feel like obi wan has a bunch of good ideas that it executes poorly or sloppily

  2. #272
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    So ok. Are we basically saying the Fett show sucks, AND the Obi Wan show? I haven't gotten around to either.
    Did Star Wars REALLY fuck up Boba Fett?
    I guess it wouldn't be that hard to fuck up, considering the tiny amount of screen time he had in the OT, but good GOD he was badass.

    When they had the OT rerelease in the nineties, I went and saw them over and over.

    I do fear the Obi Wan, as I'm a Prequel Denier. The prequels didn't happen. Or, they were meant to be ironic.

    I've seen each of the OT at least 200 times, but I haven't watched RoTS.

    I never bought EM as Obi Wan.

    One thing I DO look forward to is the Lando show.

    I think the Solo movie is underrated, and Donald Glover pulls of a badass young LC. I was HOPING BDW would be in it but, man, he ain't looking so good lately.

  3. #273
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    Yeah star wars have boba Fett his own show in which like the lowest corner of the Galaxy thug regularly gets one over on him and he's never truly capable of accomplishing anything. Part of the issue is that the mandalorian took everything great about boba Fett and expertly hones in on it. So now it's Mando's thing and if you have bo a do it, the shows are indistinct. Eventually the Boba Fett show literally becomes about Mando anyway.

    mcGregor isn't the issue here. He's great as Obi Wan, and the writers have some good ideas, but some of the ideas are really bad, and that's what happens when you keep dragging out classic characters, you compromise them and the moments that defined them. Like say... Taking the final duel between Anakin and obi wan and making it not the final duel at all and then ending the next duel because Darth Vader got distracted by like one little robot and then he like shrugs and walks away. Or like, they'll have Leia in the show, but they can't help but jam her into little outfits that look like her outfits in the movies because these people are in it for the cheap thrills. A large chunk of the first two episodes takes place on coruacant (?) Or a big city area anyway, which is unusual for this franchise, but a great deal of that is spent in like the same intersection. It's all just a little off from where it could be to really succeed. And yes, like the boba Fett show, there are moments that make the characters all seem quite a bit dumber than they should

  4. #274
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    Just finished up watching BoB... I liked it just fine but it took a few episodes to get into the groove of it. Happy with the ending and how it all eventually unfolded.
    I'm not a fan of the way the Mods speeders were shown to move, but on the other hand, all the transports of that nature don't seem to move "well".
    Having just watched the start of the Empire stuff and now this end of the Empire contrast was a head trip for me on the timeline... flashing back and forth over 30years... so I wondering how much older Fennic is than Boba.

  5. #275
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    Based on what I'm hearing wrt to the Boba Fett show, I almost wonder if some of the ideas and vibes from The Mandolorian were originally intended for Boba Fett.

  6. #276
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    It sort of reminds me of some of the X-Men shows a few years ago where they obviously had some weird limit on what characters they were allowed to use so they just created identical knock offs. The mandalorian started like that. He could have been boba Fett. The robot could have been ig-88 and it's easy to imagine that at some point they were

    And then boba Fett finally shows up but someone already ate his lunch. And they lean way, way to far into making him vulnerable and sympathetic

  7. #277
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    So, I consider myself more of a casual SW fan in that I don't read any of the comics or watch any of the animated shows of video games. I just like the movies. Hence why I say I don't want to have to watch 14 different shows to keep up with it all.

    But with that said, here's kinda how I view everything in the franchise that I have seen.

    The OT is the reason people care, it'll always be the OT. I'm all for new stories but the farther they go from the OT the bigger drop off they're going to have in fans I think.

    The prequels are a hot mess. BUT they are essential to me because they are George Lucas' vision. The story is great actually. The problem is the execution. They look horrible. Bad cgi that often looks like someone inserted the live actors into one of their animated shows. The problem is that Lucas was very good at storytelling but not all that competent of a director. If you just accept that visually they are dogshit, they're not so bad. They expand Lucas's story in a good way.

    The sequels are the exact opposite. They did a much better job of visually creating the world. However the story is bad. Like all time, franchise killing bad. And I wasn't even one of the people who completely jumped ship after Last Jedi. I was saying "it's a middle chapter let's just see if what comes next re-contextualizes it." Well, Rise of Skywalker is the worst film in the franchise because they get so much wrong with the story, I just can't. It's so bad the sequels aren't cannon in my mind. They render Lucas' OT pointless.

    Rouge One is the 4th best Star Wars movie, and I have yet to see Solo (told you I was a casual fan).

    I did really enjoy the Mandalorian. And this current Obi Wan show I think is even better. At least I like it more. I haven't bothered with the other shows because, there's only so much time I can put into Disney entertainment made for kids these days. Obi Wan may not be perfect but after showing the first three episodes to a friend and rewatching it all, I can say this is my favorite thing they've done in a looong time.

    I mean it's Obi Wan. He's a top 5 all time Jedi in my book. There's 5 guys you just never want to come up against in this universe that all could potentially beat the others. Yoda, Palpatine, Luke, Vader, Obi Wan. That's the list. If you aren't on it, you ain't getting past them. I'm a simple man. Lightsaber fights and I'm there.

  8. #278
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    Kenobi is failing so hard. It sucks so bad. this Reva chick is the worst actor, the writing is terrible. the CGI is trash.

    Idk. its just really really bad.

  9. #279
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    I've been enjoying the show so far, at least the Obi Wan/Vader collision course. But there just ain't no defending episode 4. I mean what in the actual fuck was that shit?

  10. #280
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    I'm enjoying Obi-Wan enough, but maybe my expectations were too high, because it hasn't really hit the peaks I expected of it yet. I kinda wish they'd have trimmed the fat and given us 3 75 minute chunks, or just a long movie. Some of it's really good, and some of it's really bad. There's just too much of it for it to be all amazing.

    It's cool that TV can take it's time with storytelling these days since the quality is so high, but with Star Wars stuff, each season (no matter the show) seems to have 2-3 filler episodes. I feel like it could be so much more potent and effective if they cut out the corny rescue mission episodes and adventure-of-the-week stuff. Alas...Disney.

  11. #281
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    I read somewhere they have a mandate for minutes, that's why some episodes are shorter and some are longer.

    just read this:
    Anyone else notice that each episode resembles the movie orders. Like part one is on Tatooine with a young Skywalker. And part 2 being on a crime ridden world also seeing the clone troopers again. And part 3 having a duel between obi wan and Vader like in revenge of the Sith. Now part 4 having Leia being rescued like in a new hope.
    Based on this I guess Spoiler: Liam Neeson is going to be in the next episode.
    Last edited by allegate; 06-10-2022 at 10:54 AM.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I read somewhere they have a mandate for minutes, that's why some episodes are shorter and some are longer.
    What does that mean and why do they have mandates? It's common sense to set some barriers, but why would you set mandates? The Mandalorian's episode lengths were all over the place, but it still worked.

  13. #283
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    No idea, but the way it works is "you have 400 minutes to use as you see fit" and then they cut and edit the stories to fit inside of that. It may be outdated by now but it's how Mando worked.

    I did a whole two google searches before getting tired of seeing "how do I set time restrictions on Disney+" in the search results.

  14. #284
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    It's mind-boggling why they would hinder their own production like this, which is going to their own streaming service to begin with, so it's not like with network shows. I get not letting them make 1,5 hour long episodes, but being so strict seems counter-productive. Even most cable shows used to have a run time of 40-60 minutes, and this should be an even more lenient platform. Though it's the least surprising thing with how Disney has been handling the SW franchise.

  15. #285
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    ...I'm watching Rebels... Chopper wakes up and chooses violence. EVERY. DAY.

    *zaps comms panel* Boring conversation anyway.

  16. #286
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  17. #287
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    "Anakin was Space Jesus [...]"


    *blink, blink*

    Uhm.................. no.

  18. #288
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    Well, I don't know what all the whining online was about, I thoroughly enjoyed every episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought the finale was pretty much perfect. Even if much of it was predictable, it was still satisfying, which matters most. I agree with Mike and Rich (the Red Letter Media guys) that this show and The Mandalorian are the closest they've come to recreating the magic of the original trilogy. It was also a perfect bridge between the prequels and the OT. It even managed to make me kinda want to rewatch episode II or III, which is saying a lot!

  19. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Well, I don't know what all the whining online was about, I thoroughly enjoyed every episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought the finale was pretty much perfect. Even if much of it was predictable, it was still satisfying, which matters most. I agree with Mike and Rich (the Red Letter Media guys) that this show and The Mandalorian are the closest they've come to recreating the magic of the original trilogy. It was also a perfect bridge between the prequels and the OT. It even managed to make me kinda want to rewatch episode II or III, which is saying a lot!
    I also enjoyed it overall, especially the finale. But some of the criticism I find to be valid. I mean the Reva character was horribly written and this show would have been so much better without all the time spent on that story line. Then, the directing was subpar much of the time. Simple things like establishing shots or editing could have cleaned up a lot. And of course the music, which should have used as much of John William's themes as possible. This shouldn't have ever felt like a Disney TV show. This was Kenobi and the character deserved the highest production value possible. This show would have made such a killer movie if they had upped the production value, decreased the runtime, removed repetitive scenes and tired tropes and focused on Vader and Obi Wan more in depth. I'm too lazy to do it but someone, somewhere is going to take this and make a fucking awesome fan edit of this show.

    But criticism aside, this is my favorite Star Wars thing easily since RotS. It's not as tight as the Mandalorian and it has some pretty low lows, but at the end of the day it gave me what I wanted to see so I'm not mad about it. That fight was epic and something I've always wanted to see since I was a kid. And that's what Star Wars is for at the end of the day.

  20. #290
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    This would have been better as a monster of the week sort of deal. As it was it could only cheapen both the prequels and the original trilogy by sucking away things from those trilogies that made them special, like the final showdown between obi-wan and Vader, one of the few moments of the prequels that is genuinely great on its own before it's churned into fodder for memes. That last moment with the broken helmet was badass, but altogether I think the show is a net negative. Obi-wan keeps make dumb, selfish choices. My partner, who is a huge fan of both the series and the character in particular said that "they never made him feel heroic" and I think that rings true.

    The ending, where the ghost leads him into the canyon... I want that show
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 06-23-2022 at 02:39 AM.

  21. #291
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    The directing and music were really bad, I thought the actors did a good job mostly. I was also happy to see Hayden get to redeem himself a bit.

  22. #292
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    I enjoyed it. Even stylistically it mostly falls neatly between the prequels and ANH, which was fun.

    I hope we get more of Reva, if this series is to get a continuation. I honestly couldn't care less about more Kenobi Wan adventures. His story is done as far as I'm concerned. But Reva is now in a very interesting position with regards to her connection to the force and the world at large. If Lucasfilm would like to do some live-action exploration of force lore, Reva is their shot.

  23. #293
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    Y'all like easter eggs right? I got some for ya!

  24. #294
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    I really liked Obi-Wan, it hit all of the emotional high notes I felt during Ep. III which, while no where near a perfect film, perfectly conveys how love can turn into obsession and therefore corruption. Ewan did a great job, Reva was insane in all of the right ways, Kid Leia ruled and Vader was incredible in every aspect.

    Just like Star Wars in general, the show wasn't perfect but what they got right, they really got right. Also, that last lightsaber battle. My goodness.

    I am considering banning anyone posting YouTube videos to make their points for them instead of just posting more than quick buzzwords that I keep seeing on peoples' TikToks. Type that shit out or GTFO.

  25. #295
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    Some reviews are, themselves, worthy of discussion, and those kinds of people who make a living making videos about are often better at articulating points and conveying ideas that we have but can't find the words for. Cutting out the preferred medium for that for a whole generation, one younger than ours "isn't it, chief."

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    I really liked Obi-Wan, it hit all of the emotional high notes I felt during Ep. III which, while no where near a perfect film, perfectly conveys how love can turn into obsession and therefore corruption. Ewan did a great job, Reva was insane in all of the right ways, Kid Leia ruled and Vader was incredible in every aspect.

    Just like Star Wars in general, the show wasn't perfect but what they got right, they really got right. Also, that last lightsaber battle. My goodness.

    I am considering banning anyone posting YouTube videos to make their points for them instead of just posting more than quick buzzwords that I keep seeing on peoples' TikToks. Type that shit out or GTFO.
    I absolutely loved some of the OT callbacks. They did it poorly in Solo (oh so his name is Solo...because...reasons) but in this one it pays off...from a certain point of view.

    A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
    in the show the line is basically echoing that where he says "I killed Anakin"

    also, meeting Luke: "Hello There"

    oh hell, I just found an article that explains that better than I did plus some others. Bah. Still, I enjoyed most of the callbacks better than the ones in Solo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post

    "Anakin was Space Jesus [...]"


    *blink, blink*

    Uhm.................. no.
    Chosen One, immaculate conception, destined to bring peace, having outstanding abilities even compared to his peers (ie. wrecking havoc in space as a little kid). If you don't take "Space Jesus" completely literally, I'd say it's a fitting nickname, whether Lucas intended the similarities or not.

  28. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I'm too lazy to do it but someone, somewhere is going to take this and make a fucking awesome fan edit of this show.

  29. #299
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    Finished watching Rebels... interesting. Lays a lot of lore out there and seeing it tie-in to some stuff from The Clone Wars series was... not really what I was expected after Clone Wars and Bad Batch.

    Curious to see how the Ahsoka series will tie-in.

    well, time to watch Obi-Wan I guess...

  30. #300
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    Another Andor trailer.


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