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Thread: HAYSEY'S 2018 Good & Bad Cinema Thread

  1. #31
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    Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Went to see Little and Large at the weekend...it was a good time
    This isn't a game changer or anything, but it is a well made, fun and entertaining movie (something Marvel has done to a T at this point) You could miss it and catch it on Netflix (other streaming services are available) as it isn't required to keep in the MCU loop, but for a good time at the movies for the kids (and the kids at heart) you can't really go wrong, i did find myself laughing out loud a number of times at the silly humour and the action is great to watch.
    I will say don't hang around for the post credits, the mid credits is enough to fill in the gaps for Infinity War, the post credits is just a bit of fun (and annoyingly ITS IN THE TRAILER!) but otherwise grab some popcorn and enjoy this fun movie.

    Worth checking out

  2. #32
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    Here's my review of what I think is the best film of 2018 so far in BlacKkKlansman: http://thevoid99.blogspot.com/2018/0...kklansman.html

    It's entertaining yet very thought-provoking about what America was like back in the 1970s and how little things have changed as far as the power of the KKK has been.

  3. #33
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    From what I've seen this year so far...

    The Good:
    Isle Of Dogs
    Sorry To Bother You
    The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs

    The Meh:
    A Quiet Place
    Jurassic World 2
    The Cloverfield Paradox

    The Bad:
    Freak Show
    Sicario 2
    Last edited by BRoswell; 12-08-2018 at 10:30 AM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    From what I've seen this year so far...

    The Good:
    Isle Of Dogs
    Sorry To Bother You

    The Meh:
    A Quiet Place

    The Bad:
    Freak Show
    Sicario 2
    I REALLY want to see Sorry to Bother you, but alas it doesn't look like it'll be getting a cinema run for the UK, and i don't have Netflix Seeing Upgrade this week though!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Here's my review of what I think is the best film of 2018 so far in BlacKkKlansman: http://thevoid99.blogspot.com/2018/0...kklansman.html

    It's entertaining yet very thought-provoking about what America was like back in the 1970s and how little things have changed as far as the power of the KKK has been.
    Yeah i saw it finally this weekend, it it was very good. Not in my personal must see's this year but that doesn't take away how good it was...and the gut punch at the end!

  6. #36
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    Right, big ol bank holiday weekend (UK) meant i got some cinema going done, and while i'm at it i've done a bit of house keeping on here.
    I've decided to change Maybe Skip to Wait for the DVD/Stream as Skipping was essentially the same as avoiding, and there are some films i did enjoy but not enough to go to a cinema to see, so the 3rd is now for films that are OK but just for a Sunday afternoon with a pizza on Netflix. With that being said...

    The Spy Who Dumped Me

    First film was the Spy who Shagged me and left. This was...OK.
    The best comparison i can think of is last years The Hitmans Bodyguard. It has some funny moments, an alright story but was largely pretty forgettable. kate mckinnon is the best part of the film by a mile but this isn't really worth going to the cinema to see. Wait for the DVD for this one, it'll be funnier at home with some junk food and friends!

    The Happy Time Murders

    Next was The Muppets are fuckin'...again this was OK.
    It's pretty much just 90mins of a joke about Muppets being rude, and whilst it is funny...i kinda felt it was a bit tame? I've been rather spoilt with rude Muppets from shows like MTV2's 2005 Wonder Showzen and YouTubes Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, and by comparison this felt really PG (spoilers it isn't PG, there's a muppets fucking scene that i was crying at!)
    It's not a bad film, but again it isn't worth running to the cinema to see. It is worth seeing, just wait for the stream!


    And last was OH GOD THAT LAST 10MINS!!! Now this was ace!
    I didn't really know what to expect from this, but what i got was a great film! Acting is fantastic, the story is amazing (and unbelievable!) just a really REALLY good 2 hours at the movies...but that last 10mins...i did not leave leave feeling very good (that's the point i think)

    Defiantly worth checking out if you can!

  7. #37
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    A Simple Favour

    Finally got back to the cinema (i was meant to see Predator last month but it hasn't been a good time mentally so i struggled to get out much) and went to see A Simple Favour...i kinda wish i'd gone to see Predator.
    It's not a bad film, but it was really weird in terms of what it wanted to be. It was billed as a dark thriller comedy...and it didn't do any of those things well. The laughs dried up by the 20 minutes mark, the thriller aspect wasn't very...thrilling for lack of a better word and the dark parts were just...felt like the film was trying too hard.
    The film had so many plot holes as well, to the point i kept asking myself "why is that happening?!" every 10-15 mins, but the worst thing was...i was bored. The films nearly 2 hours long and it doesn't really do anything, i came out thinking "well there's 2 hours i could have spent better". I dunno maybe i just wasn't the target audience...

    If you like Anna Kendrick you'll probably get something out of this (although nothing from her back story, it's just gross and i cringed every time it was brought up) but otherwise just wait for it on a streaming service. Not as dull as Red Sparrow...but close.

  8. #38
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    So i just watched Venom...oh boy, get comfy cos this is going to be a LONG one.

    So some backstory, i LOVE the character Venom. It's design, it's story, it's enemies, Venom is one of my favorite characters, mainly from the Spider-man Animated show from the 90's and then getting into the comics, so i was excited for Spider-man 3...and that really sucked for me. Seeing a character i really love be treated as an afterthought in a terrible movie sucked hard, but then there was hope...Venom in its OWN film, and the design was sick, what could go wrong...everything apparently.

    Let's get the pros out of the way first, Venom's design is great, probably the best well ever see on film. It's menacing and powerful in all the right ways, and when it's on screen it's great to see...and then it all goes downhill fast!

    The cons, the film is awful! The script is bad, pacing is off, the dialogue...fuck me, someone fucking wrote this!? The acting is flip flops between OTT and not giving a shit, the characters are barely fleshed out and the best thing, Venoms look, is almost ruined by how DARK the film is. Honestly, in the final battle, i COULD NOT SEE WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!! It was all fast cuts and 2 nearly black looking monsters punch each other at night without lights and WHO FUCKING THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?! I just couldn't enjoy this movie, everytime Venom was on screen was nice to see but was almost instantly spoiled by the rest of this hot mess of a film. What makes it worse is the fact it's nothing to do with Spidey, and it's really hurts the film for it. The movie makers, i assume, were banking on Venom fans wanting to see it, but not including Spidey AT ALL ruins the experience for fans of the character. And people not familiar with Venom WILL NOT enjoy this mess (which is probably why it's being reviewed so badly, the only people who are getting anything out of it are Venom fans)

    I literally sat in my seat as the credits started rolling with my head in my hands. Its not just that its bad, its that i was looking forward to seeing the awesome design from the trailers and being so bitterly disappointed by what it was in. This might sound harsh...but this is one of the worst films i've seen in recent memory (though not as bad as Red Sparrow!) But that's just my opinion.

    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 10-04-2018 at 03:22 PM.

  9. #39
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    @Haysey , can you explain to me what Tom Hardy is doing? Whats up with the accent(s)? What's his approach to the character? What is he trying to accomplish? Because everything from him in the trailers looks and sounds ridiculous.

  10. #40
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    watched both blue ruin and green room same director, i like him hope he does more

  11. #41
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    @bobbiesolo honestly i have no idea. I think he was just given free rein to just do whatever he wanted. He is a good actor, but i have a feeling everyone realised this wasn't going to turn out as they were expecting and they just made the most of it by doing...something? I honestly have no idea, and i really don't want to have to watch it again to try and find out.

  12. #42
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    My Hero Academia : Two Heroes

    Been awhile since i was at the cinema but the bust christmas film period is now upon me and i have 4 films already booked for the next week, so let's get started with the anime offering of the year, My Hero Academia : Two Heroes.

    For those of you who aren't weebs, My Hero Academia is an anime based on a world were 80% of all humans are born with super powers known as quirks, and we follow the story of Deku, someone who wasn't born with a quirk, as he try's to become the worlds number one hero. The show is, for lack of a better word, excellent! We are 3 seasons in and it's already got some of the best action and fight scenes in recent memory. It also has a bloody wonderful cast of charterers. Deku attends a school for the best of the best to become full time hero's, and his class of fellow wannabe hero's is brilliant, all with there own distinct personalities and powers...and this is kinda where the film falls flat for me.

    Due to it only being about 100 minutes long we only get to spend time with a handful of them and that's a bit of a shame. It also sufferes from the same thing all anime films based on ongoing shows do...it can't deviate too far from the show so the stacks are low (you know everyone in the main cast will be OK, there won't be any real character progression and nothing in the film will likely ever been seen in the show, though they did do an episode in season 3 to hype up the movie...but it still has the same effect)

    BUT this film is a lot of fun. The action is on par with what the show offers, with excellent animation. For a first film in one of the biggest anime's right now it's pretty good. Worth checking out if your into this kind of stuff.

  13. #43
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    Managed to see 2 films back to back Saturday (while still feeling like crap with the last of this bloody flu!) and they were very different experiances! First...

    Spiderman : Into the Spiderverse

    After Venom my excitement for this took a bit of a blow (bloody Sony) but bloody hell was this a blast!
    Sony have FINALLY gone and made a really good spidey film, in my opinion the best spidey film so far! The animation is spectacular throughout (i'm a sucker for good animation) somehow blending perfectly the chaos of the comic pages onto the big screen. The colours, the text, it all looks fantasic on screen! The story is great, the characters are bloody excellent (Spider-Gwen looks fucking awesome!) the voice acting is solid (along with a "WTF is that Nicolas Cage?!")
    It's original looking and a bloody great time, even the post credits scene is funny! This is honestly one of the best films i've seen this year, i can't wait to go and see it again honestly! AND Sony have finally done what they've been trying to do for god knows how long, lunch a spidey universe...and all it took was to make a good film that stands up on it's own...WHO KNEW?! A Must See!

    I wish i could say the same for the next film mind...

    Mortal Engines

    Now i've had this on my radar since i saw the trailer back in March, and the premise was interesting, the normal world was destroyed and now cities roam the destroyed lands on giant tank tracks looking for other smaller cities to eat...sounds at least original. Well the film is...a mess.

    First the original premise, which was shown in the trailer, NEVER GET MENTIONED AGAIN AFTER THE FIRST 20MINS!?! Seriously, we see one city eat another smaller one and that's it. Second, apart from the effects the film really feels like a made for TV special from 20 years ago. The sets are cheap, the acting is passable to bad, the dialog is so SO clunky. The story is overall forgetful...and the whole film just feel's off. (Also about halfway through a character that feels like they were ripped from one of the Matrix squeals just pops up and feel so out of place!)

    The films biggest issue however...it's all a bit boring. How they managed to make something this interesting feel so uninteresting is impressive! Honestly this is only 9 mins longer then Spiderman (which was just under 2 hours) and i felt like i'd been watching it for 4 hours, it just doesn't end!

    If i hadn't been at the opposite end of the cinema to the exit i'd have walked out (i didn't want to be that person, although by the sound of the others in there i don't think they were enjoying it either!) Avoid!

  14. #44
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    OK another week and 3 more films...though one of the was Spider-man again because i just enjoy that film so damn much!

    Sorry to Bother You

    So we UK plebs finally got Sorry to Bother You in cinemas and...it was quite the trip!
    Without spoiling it (i'm sure most of you in the US will have already watched it by now anyway) it's a very weird film...and really entertaining! The social commentary is spot on and it's quite funny...but it was just a little TOO weird for me. It's definitely worth seeing for yourself to make your own mind up but that final third was so weird (again without spoiling the big WTF moment is something that really freaks me out in all media, dating back to the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon...yes really) Check it out if you haven't already!


    Well after 7 films they've finally worked out what makes a good Transformer film. That's not to say the films perfect, but it is the best Transformers film!
    We finally get a likeable protagonist, gone are all the lingering shots on overtly sexy women and fights between robots where you can't tell what's happening and in are Gen 1 redesigns (which makes it so easy to tell what's happening in a fight) and a film with heart that is guinly fun to watch. It's firmly in the family film category now then...whatever the other films were doing, and its all the better for it...hell i'd love to see more of these kinds of films (the scenes on Cybertron REALLY makes me want one there...if not just to see more Soundwave and Arcee!) the 80's soundtrack is also ON FUCKING POINT!
    If you were a fan of the 80's cartoon be warned...you will come out wanting to buy some gen 1 toys...at least i did! Check it out.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post

    Sorry to Bother You

    So we UK plebs finally got Sorry to Bother You in cinemas and...it was quite the trip!
    Without spoiling it (i'm sure most of you in the US will have already watched it by now anyway) it's a very weird film...and really entertaining! The social commentary is spot on and it's quite funny...but it was just a little TOO weird for me. It's definitely worth seeing for yourself to make your own mind up but that final third was so weird (again without spoiling the big WTF moment is something that really freaks me out in all media, dating back to the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon...yes really) Check it out if you haven't already!
    I fucking LOVED this movie. I found and bought the blu-ray a few weeks ago when I was in Vegas. Saw it in the theater this passed summer.
    This movie and Best F(r)iends are at the top of the list for my favourite movies of 2018.

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