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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #2131
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    suprised such a position of power require zero confirmation

  2. #2132
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    I’m no fan of cnn but Acosta’s question was valid. Sure, the White House aid was doing her job but so was Acosta. There was only one person exhibiting questionable behavior. Trump acted like the man baby we know he is. Then the White House press secretary tweeted out a doctored video. I mean, yes cnn sucks but come on. The president acted like a tyrant during that whole press conference and they’re lying about what happened when we all saw it with our own eyes.

  3. #2133
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    She complained of discomfort several hours after falling in her office. I'm keeping my panic tempered knowing that this didn't just happen five minutes ago and that she was rushed in dramatic fashion and that this was instead announced via court press release.
    I don't know man. The same fuckin' thing happened to my Grandma five years ago. Was in perfect health, fell and broke a couple of bones, and then 8 months later she had moved out of her home and was in a group home, and then the next thing you know she had passed away.

    Here's to hoping that RBG was even healthier than my grandma and has much better doctors.

  4. #2134
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    Trump 2018 - Trump loses the House and his legislative agenda

    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I don't know man. The same fuckin' thing happened to my Grandma five years ago. Was in perfect health, fell and broke a couple of bones, and then 8 months later she had moved out of her home and was in a group home, and then the next thing you know she had passed away.

    Here's to hoping that RBG was even healthier than my grandma and has much better doctors.
    This happened to my husband’s grandmother too. Fell and broke her ankle. Died 5 months later. She was 89. I didn’t want bring it up because no more scotus picks for trump. I can almost picture his glee when he heard she fell.

  5. #2135
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    i get upset at most "media" how they basically claim they're objective but usually lean right. you heard zero facts about the tax cuts. why. because they planned to gain billions. everything you see is controlled by six companies, and you say what about the internet with new neutrality in jeopardy. that goes away. i try and it's getting harder to review things from multiple sources, trust little to nothing on my Facebook feed. view who advertising on the news you watch, so called "morning shows"like the today show though framed as news it's just a promo show for the network. show's like dr.OZ or Dr Phil are really infomercials if you think Dr Phil usn't getting a boat load of cash for rehab centers he promotes your being naive. I've noticed a new trend of local news stations pushing"free" mobile apps they really don't really provide you with a terms of service. i took the liberty of reverse engineering it, something i do for work on a daily basis, so why not. they are definitely data mining i did my local station just scratching the surface and am considering doing a paper om this for next years def con like i said i just started i'm going to "wire shark" it take a look at the packets, and use the WiFi pineapple to see what's "really" going on. I'll post my findings here if you guys are interested. look i get most of my news from the young it liberal hell ya. but they are upfront about it short of it is pay attention to who advertises on your news as always "follow the money.

  6. #2136
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    The White House aide is paid and freely decided to work for this administration. Being tasked with removing the microphone from a reporter in the midst of a question, follow-up or not, is something you still voluntarily do. The same goes for Jim Acosta asking a follow-up question regardless of it being related to the first question he asked. The "rules" are all arbitrary. Trump was going to do this no matter what because he's trying to change the narrative from the midterms to Trump vs. The Media round 53153153.

    This is the media's fight to have and ultimately, the WHCA could do more to protest this. They could call on SHS to resign for sharing a doctored video if they wanted to. Past that, I'm more focused on the potential recounts happening in Florida and Georgia and where these final undecided races end up. I appreciate that CNN did not make this the front page story yesterday, even after Acosta's credentials were revoked.

  7. #2137
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    How fucking catastrophic would it be if RGB doesn't recover from this.

  8. #2138
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    I'm more for the idea of just packing the court. It's already 6-3 in favor of conservatives even with Ginsburg.

  9. #2139
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    and here we go:

    Whitaker backlash prompts concern at the White House


    It was not widely known among White House staff that he'd commented repeatedly on the special counsel's investigation in interviews and on television -- which is ironic given that this is what drew President Donald Trump to him and raises continued questions over the depth of the administration's vetting process.


  10. #2140
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    That video of Acosta was altered:

  11. #2141
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    The White House aide is paid and freely decided to work for this administration. Being tasked with removing the microphone from a reporter in the midst of a question, follow-up or not, is something you still voluntarily do. The same goes for Jim Acosta asking a follow-up question regardless of it being related to the first question he asked. The "rules" are all arbitrary. Trump was going to do this no matter what because he's trying to change the narrative from the midterms to Trump vs. The Media round 53153153.

    This is the media's fight to have and ultimately, the WHCA could do more to protest this. They could call on SHS to resign for sharing a doctored video if they wanted to. Past that, I'm more focused on the potential recounts happening in Florida and Georgia and where these final undecided races end up. I appreciate that CNN did not make this the front page story yesterday, even after Acosta's credentials were revoked.
    This kind of shit never happened in other administrations. Nixon didn't have his interns grab a microphone from Dan Rather when he was busting his balls pretty good.

  12. #2142
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    Democrats: "we have credible evidence that nominee Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman.
    Republicans: "no you don't, fuck you, and even if he did, that was 30 years ago, so it doesn't matter. He can totally be a SCOTUS justice for life"

    Democrats: "a reporter brushed the elbow of an intern who was trying to wrestle a microphone away from him during a press conference because the president was afraid of the question."

    Party values, 2018 edition.

  13. #2143
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post

  14. #2144
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Democrats: "we have credible evidence that nominee Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman.
    Republicans: "no you don't, fuck you, and even if he did, that was 30 years ago, so it doesn't matter. He can totally be a SCOTUS justice for life"

    Democrats: "a reporter brushed the elbow of an intern who was trying to wrestle a microphone away from him during a press conference because the president was afraid of the question."

    Party values, 2018 edition.
    Your baby boomers are seeing the first reductions of grey matter as they age, and they've teamed up with your young bigots, morons and slightly unhinged types

    try not to give up or give in, because the boomers are dying off & the tide will go out for all these other creeps, they will find money, support and applause pretty thin on the ground in the coming decades

  15. #2145
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    An overused thought, but sometimes I watch videos like this and think just how much of an awful person Trump is. Not that he's purely evil based on so and so policy or what have you...but just that if you met this guy at a spouse's staff party or something your first thought would be 'Fuck, this guy's a prick.'

  16. #2146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Your baby boomers are seeing the first reductions of grey matter as they age, and they've teamed up with your young bigots, morons and slightly unhinged types

    try not to give up or give in, because the boomers are dying off & the tide will go out for all these other creeps, they will find money, support and applause pretty thin on the ground in the coming decades
    Not that simple. First, we probably have at least 30 years of Baby Boomers.

    I can’t tell you how many yahoos I run into on Twitter who are in their twenties and thirties and are in the Midwest and are totally racist, complaining about Obama and about how "white privilege is a myth." It’s passed down through generations, plus it’s just ignorance but it's also this ANGER, stoked from having had a black guy in the White House plus other factors.

    Jason Kessler is 33. Richard Spencer is 40. Christopher Cantwell is 38.

    Dylann Roof is 24.

    Look at this group. They’re wearing khakis and polos, wtf.

    Here is an interesting article as to demographics and why.

    These angry “unhinged types” don’t need money. All they need is Twitter.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-09-2018 at 11:37 AM.

  17. #2147
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    An overused thought, but sometimes I watch videos like this and think just how much of an awful person Trump is. Not that he's purely evil based on so and so policy or what have you...but just that if you met this guy at a spouse's staff party or something your first thought would be 'Fuck, this guy's a prick.'

    Yes, he really is a prick.

    Nixon hated reporters. H-A-T-E-D. He DESPISED the Washington Post, especially after the Pentagon Papers. But, he never did shit like that. I think the difference is that Nixon was actually intelligent, and Trump is probably the dumbest President we've ever had, ever.

  18. #2148
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    No such thing as stupid questions, Mr. President. Only stupid answers.

  19. #2149
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Not that simple. First, we probably have at least 30 years of Baby Boomers.

    I can’t tell you how many yahoos I run into on Twitter who are in their twenties and thirties and are in the Midwest and are totally racist, complaining about Obama and about how "white privilege is a myth." It’s passed down through generations, plus it’s just ignorance but it's also this ANGER, stoked from having had a black guy in the White House plus other factors.

    Jason Kessler is 33. Richard Spencer is 40. Christopher Cantwell is 38.

    Dylann Roof is 24.

    Look at this group. They’re wearing khakis and polos, wtf.

    Here is an interesting article as to demographics and why.

    These angry “unhinged types” don’t need money. All they need is Twitter.
    It is more complex than that, but it's the trunk of the tree

    When you look at things like infowars, breitbart etc - it's boomer money. Fair point about social media, but the money of the boomer middle classes is what powers a lot of the stuff that rams this stuff into the popular concsciousness. Not all of it, but a great deal.

    The money and the mass support comes from the boomers because of their sheer numbers. We have 30 years yep - but they are quite historically unhealthy, not to mention the various barriers to political participation that advanced age can bring up.

    I do agree it's passed down. However I believe due to a number of organic processes, the number of fuckwads does go down, generation on generation

  20. #2150
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    I think the right just has a really well-built propaganda machine that's become very effective at indoctrinating people. For all the people who were feeling optimistic about moving past racism and whatnot after coming out of the 60s, they probably weren't anticipating that all the wealthy, right wing freaks in our society were going to get together and invest trillions of dollars in setting up a really robust propaganda network through AM radio, cable news, social media, etc.

    Spend a few weeks completely immersing yourself in that ecosystem (I've done it, but don't recommend it), and you see how all-consuming it is. It just starts to feel like "This is America, this is everything, this is obviously the truth." And it's actually kind of fun and addicting, because right wing propaganda is generally super amped up and intense and dramatic. People like the feeling of it, and they get kind of hooked on it, and after years of subjecting their brains to that, they're completely programmed. Which was the point all along for the people who built the whole network in the first place.

    So I feel like it's almost impossible to reach people like that. People saying all this stuff about how we gotta have dialogue, I appreciate that sentiment, but I don't know, I just feel like a lot of these heavily indoctrinated people are just buried way too deep in the propaganda at this point.

  21. #2151
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    Yeah, they always seem to have this irrational over reaction against anything that has to do with supporting diversity, because they think it's "reverse racism" or whatever. Which is absurd. Wanting people from all backgrounds to do well in life isn't reverse anything. It's just normal human decency and fairness

  22. #2152
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    Also...Regarding the question of whether Boomers are to blame for this shit...Sure, we have stats that show certain patterns and correlations. Like this...

    But just focusing on shit like that doesn't really tell the whole story. Cause studies show that when people get older they tend to become more conservative in their political views. Which of course makes no fucking sense when you think about how the Republicans are always trying fuck over the elderly by destroying their social safety net, but whatever, this is a phenomenon that's been around for a long time now. So you can't just look at those charts and be like "c'mon old people, hurry up and diiie!!!!" Cause I mean, setting aside the fact that that mentality is a little creepy and ageist, it's also nothing more than wishful thinking. By the time these old people have passed on, the current generation will be old and, if history shows us anything, they'll probably suck too.

    And you can't tell me "No, these kids are the real deal, they'll never be corrupted." I don't give a fuck how gung-ho millennials are for Bernie, that doesn't tell us shit about what they'll be like when they get older. All these cranky old boomers used to be cool and progressive and idealistic when they were young too. My great-uncle once marched against the Vietnam war and took acid and listened to psychedelic rock and grew his hair really long just to piss off his very conservative parents. Today he's on Facebook sharing racist memes and Breitbart articles, ranting away about feminists and Muslims. So I don't care what millennials are saying today. People change, they get old. Generations evolve. America's problems are very old and deeply embedded, and they won't just disappear with the passing of a generation.

    And anyway, the millennial generation ain't so perfect. Just cuz the majority went for Clinton, still, more than a third of them voted for Trump. There are huge sectors of millennial youth culture that are very reactionary. Video game culture, just as one example, has been pretty fertile recruiting ground for indoctrinating weird, angry little white dudes. Milo Yianopollis built a name for himself through gamergate.

    So sure, for the most part Millennials are pretty rad, but no way are they our great hope for the future.

  23. #2153
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    you're right it will be a cycle that continues - but you get a grace period in the interim before the next gen's minds start to contract.

    Something that is very different today is that society is a lot more diverse, and that diversity is far more integrated. I just don't think being a racist sexist whatever has a very long shelf life/prospects. I think a great deal of them will grow out of it, or risk social and economic isolation - which in turn would reduce their political impact.

    Again this is not to say it's a question of waiting it out - some will be lifers - but a lot of this alt right shit is just the millennial equivalent of the boomer's hippy phase. Many people lean to the right as they get older, but it's more accurate to say that most people drift to a relative centre

    I'm 32, and at my job I manage quite a few 20 somethings - they are so much less racist, sexist and homophobic than even my peers were at that age. And they aren't self described liberals or activists or whatever, it's just the factory setting these days. Many things stay the same, but some things do move on. I remember when I was at school, literally nobody came out of the closet. Today, it's pretty common - and personally I think that's something that won't regress back to the bad old days.

    So I agree with most of what you say, but do bear in mind that there is room for incremental change within these endless cycles, it isn't totally locked
    Last edited by Sutekh; 11-10-2018 at 05:49 AM.

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    Trump criticizes California for being on fire, threatens to pull funds if we don’t shape up.

    again.... not even kidding

  26. #2156
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    America is now losing the rap battle to Canada.

  27. #2157
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Here's how I see CNN, though, from my Independent side: CNN GOT HIM ELECTED. They followed him around, 24/7, like he was a fucking Rock Star, all during the 2016 election season, like Trump was going to suddenly shit money out his ass. They barely paid attention TO CLINTON or ANY of the other candidates. Because Trump is their CASH COW. Ditto for MSNBC.
    I read somewhere, during the first few elections in the Republican primaries (when it first became plausable that Trump might actually get the nomination and he wasn't just a joke) that the free coverage he got from the news channels would've cost billions if they were paid ads. Don't quote me on the $, but I remember it was astronomical. Free coverage, just for ratings, instead of being responsible journalists and pressing candidates on actual policy and shit.

  28. #2158
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I read somewhere, during the first few elections in the Republican primaries (when it first became plausable that Trump might actually get the nomination and he wasn't just a joke) that the free coverage he got from the news channels would've cost billions if they were paid ads. Don't quote me on the $, but I remember it was astronomical. Free coverage, just for ratings, instead of being responsible journalists and pressing candidates on actual policy and shit.
    Is this really an issue where we primarily point the finger at the sensationalist news outlets, or accept it as a fucked up foregone conclusion? They're selling us what we want, and apparently we want politicians in clown shoes, and the suggestion that our daily lives could become as exciting and interesting as reality television. Politics bores the shit out of 65% or so of the adult population, unless there's a politician getting a blowjob from an intern or he's some ludicrous human being like Trump, in which case they can't get enough.

    If Kanye West were to run for president, it'd be the same media circus. The thing that drives me fucking insane is to hear Trump bitch endlessly about the big bad mean media, and not acknowledge that he owes his presidency to it.

  29. #2159
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    did you guys catch this?

  30. #2160
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    Democrats have now stated that they will be investigating Trump's actions in regard to Amazon (he's been pushing USPS to raise their postage rates possibly as retaliation for criticism in Bezos-owned Washington Post) and AT&T (attempts to stall merger with Time Warner possibly as a punishment to TW-owned CNN).

    This is why I'm glad the dems took the house.

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