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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Highland Park, IL
    994 Post(s)
    The reason why most are leaving Central America is the United States and President Ronald Reagan and his Administration in the 1980s. And conservatives and neoliberals have been fucking it up ever since.

    Here are some refreshers:

    The liberal rhetoric of inclusion and common humanity is insufficient: we must also acknowledge the role that a century of U.S.-backed military coups, corporate plundering, and neoliberal sapping of resources has played in the poverty, instability, and violence that now drives people from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras toward Mexico and the United States. For decades, U.S. policies of military intervention and economic neoliberalism have undermined democracy and stability in the region, creating vacuums of power in which drug cartels and paramilitary alliances have risen. In the past fifteen years alone, CAFTA-DR — a free trade agreement between the U.S. and five Central American countries as well as the Dominican Republic — has restructured the region’s economy and guaranteed economic dependence on the United States through massive trade imbalances and the influx of American agricultural and industrial goods that weaken domestic industries. Yet there are few connections being drawn between the weakening of Central American rural agricultural economies at the hands of CAFTA and the rise in migration from the region in the years since. In general, the U.S. takes no responsibility for the conditions that drive Central American migrants to the border.

    U.S. empire thrives on amnesia. The Trump administration cannot remember what it said last week, let alone the actions of presidential administrations long gone that sowed the seeds of today’s immigration crisis. There can be no common-sense immigration “debate” that conveniently ignores the history of U.S. intervention in Central America. Insisting on American values of inclusion and integration only bolsters the very myth of American exceptionalism, a narrative that has erased this nation’s imperial pursuits for over a century.
    “I get asked all the time, Why can’t Central Americans just stay in their country and strive for better?” says Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. “I want people to understand, Central Americans have been trying to do that for decades, and the United States put itself on the wrong side of those struggles, and now we are reaping the consequences.”
    See also.

    Americans may vaguely remember Oliver North, Iran/Contra and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, but have forgotten that, as The Guardian outlined in a retrospective piece on the conflict, “Contra guerrillas backed by President Ronald Reagan used Honduras as a base to attack Nicaragua’s Sandinista government in the 1980s.” From there it built; the U.S. continues to have a presence in Honduras, including military bases. It also failed to stop a coup in 2009, which overthrew a democratically elected president and further destabilized the country.
    The FIX to this problem is to HELP Central America, to help its economy, to rid its corruption, etc. Central Americans would MUCH prefer to stay home in Central America. They're primarily coming here because they can't stay home.

    And we pretty much caused this shit.

    HOW do we fix it? See this, for instance. Also this.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-28-2018 at 11:12 AM.

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