i get upset at most "media" how they basically claim they're objective but usually lean right. you heard zero facts about the tax cuts. why. because they planned to gain billions. everything you see is controlled by six companies, and you say what about the internet with new neutrality in jeopardy. that goes away. i try and it's getting harder to review things from multiple sources, trust little to nothing on my Facebook feed. view who advertising on the news you watch, so called "morning shows"like the today show though framed as news it's just a promo show for the network. show's like dr.OZ or Dr Phil are really infomercials if you think Dr Phil usn't getting a boat load of cash for rehab centers he promotes your being naive. I've noticed a new trend of local news stations pushing"free" mobile apps they really don't really provide you with a terms of service. i took the liberty of reverse engineering it, something i do for work on a daily basis, so why not. they are definitely data mining i did my local station http://www.ktvu.com/news just scratching the surface and am considering doing a paper om this for next years def con like i said i just started i'm going to "wire shark" it take a look at the packets, and use the WiFi pineapple to see what's "really" going on. I'll post my findings here if you guys are interested. look i get most of my news from the young Turks.is it liberal hell ya. but they are upfront about it short of it is pay attention to who advertises on your news as always "follow the money.