Stay with me here, because you're probably going to want to take issue with some of my phrasing in the next line. It's possible that there may be one good thing to all of this....and you just have to read up this page to see it. Noticing a trend?

Guys everywhere are starting to go "WAIT, HIM TOO!?!???!" and "men are monsters" and "I'm embarrassed to be a guy".

This shows awareness. This shows that more men are starting to understand the problem that women face. Suddenly, it's easier for guys to see why #metoo exists. To get why women - yes, even smart, physically fit women - are still frequently cautious about walking anywhere alone after dark. To comprehend why women may be hesitant to believe that your honest and innocent flirting (or even just politeness) isn't something more sinister or leading to something dangerous.

Good. Guys are starting to see the scope of the problem. Now, use that knowledge. Start calling out your friends, family, colleagues, etc, when they say or do something incredibly sexist, demeaning, objectifying, and so on. Be the change. Endeavor to create an entire society in which women wouldn't even think for a second that they have to be on their guard at all times. Is it likely that such a society will ever exist? Sadly, I doubt it. But if we all start acting and behaving like it can happen, things will at least get better.