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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    How much you wanna bet some angry fan like cashpiles is behind the Reznor tweet....
    how do we know its not you, bill? you seemed pretty interested in this happening yesterday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Can you imagine the fucking meltdown ETS would have if Trent ever got accused of wrongdoings. Lets just hope none of those groupies and strippers Trent was plowing through on The Downward Spiral tour dont ever come forward with accusations.....

  2. #572
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    Remember Marilyn Manson’s book? I haven’t read it in a long time, so my recollection could be off and well, also, consider the source.

    He seemed to portray TR as a prankster that definitely participated in his share of debauchery but weren’t there also parts where he claimed TR was “too nice” to women?

    I don’t know. I hope not. He’s my biggest hero, and definitely someone I respect and attempt to learn from.
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-28-2018 at 06:27 AM.

  3. #573
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    You guys still manage to give me a good laugh by facepalming my post again and again.
    The same people who said Maynard is a dick and a raper and called me "THOSE Tool fan who worship him" is now hoping Trent is not a raper, after some anonymous twitter account told the internet Trent raped her.

    Remain neutral, until you hear both sides of the story.
    Hold your fire, until you know where to shoot.
    Don't blame somebody who's not yet proven guilty.
    Two people facepalmed this. Two human beings. Unbelievable.

  4. #574
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    I can't believe we're actually discussing this, i haven't seen a faker tweet in a while.

    i mean come on. this is just a troll.

  5. #575
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    I got out of the prediction business after 2016. I'm encouraged that a reporter from the NY Daily News reached out to both tweeters to have them share their stories with him. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, etc. weren't all taken down by tweets - they were taken out by news reports from damn good reporters who spoke with their accusers, vetted their claims, and worked to see if there was continuity. There was. That's why these stories were nuclear bombs and started the Me Too movement.

    I've referenced George Takei and Aziz Ansari before and I'll do it again - a journalist was able to meet with Takei's accuser several times and found that their story kept changing until it became clear that while they still may have had a sexual encounter, the initial claims were now in dispute and likely weren't as severe as before. Exclusive: George Takei’s Accuser Has Changed His Story of Drugging and Assault

    I don't think Trent and Maynard are cancelled yet - Maynard is closer to that since I've found multiple stories about him being a creep during the Fragility 2.0 tour and I'm sure there will likely be others. But my thought is still this - a journalist needs to vet these claims and establish continuity before anything certain can be said. We didn't have tweets preceding a lot of the men taken down by Me Too because there were fully prepared stories and interviews ready to go when we found out about these trash men.

  6. #576
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    You guys still manage to give me a good laugh by facepalming my post again and again.
    The same people who said Maynard is a dick and a raper and called me "THOSE Tool fan who worship him" is now hoping Trent is not a raper, after some anonymous twitter account told the internet Trent raped her.

    Two people facepalmed this. Two human beings. Unbelievable.
    Nice cherry pick there, my man. The difference? Multiple stories that are very similar and detailed about MJK.

    Really good try, though. If you think I’d make excuses for TR if something was revealed, you’re...well, you’re you.
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-28-2018 at 08:04 AM.

  7. #577
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    All the ingredients for TR to have done something are there. It's entirely possible.

    That's part of the reason why I said the other day that it's starting to feel like anyone who hasn't been accused yet just hasn't been called out.

  8. #578
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    Quote Originally Posted by HWB View Post
    I can't believe we're actually discussing this, i haven't seen a faker tweet in a while.

    i mean come on. this is just a troll.
    Wow. With clairvoyance like that, Mueller should hire you to work on the special investigation. None of that pesky fact-finding or anything needed. "Yup, that tweet's real. Nope, that tweet's fake." We could have this Russia thing wrapped up in no time with your incredible ability to be 100% right about everything on the internet without knowing anything at all about the circumstances behind it. Get this man a job!

  9. #579
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    I don't post much on here but been reading since the first ETS started. Some of you really do need to wake up. From what I've seen it seems like some of you are desperate for these allegations to be true. The jury is still out on the MJK one but come on the Trent Reznor allegation is CLEARLY a troll. An account made an hour before the MJK one coupled with the fact there are scumbags all over 4chan talking about accusing not just Reznor but also other musicians a few days before this was posted. Not only is it a disgusting character assassination it's also making it a hundred times harder for genuine victims to be heard. Guilty until proven innocent get a grip ffs.

  10. #580
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Nice cherry pick there, my man. The difference? Multiple stories that are very similar and detailed about MJK.

    Really good try, though. If you think I’d make excuses for TR if something was revealed, you’re...well, you’re you.
    Why would I think you'd make excuses for TR? Be fair to everyone, that's my entire point.
    I could still choose to ignore you, like I should, but I'll tell you this one more time.

    I don't care if there are millions of detailed stories against Maynard. I don't care if a million people told me Maynard is a raper.
    Until Maynard is proven guilty in court, or he admits he did it, he's not to blame. Same goes for every single human. Get it?

  11. #581
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Get this man a job!
    thanks man i'll take it asap

  12. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    Why would I think you'd make excuses for TR? Be fair to everyone, that's my entire point.
    I could still choose to ignore you, like I should, but I'll tell you this one more time.

    I don't care if there are millions of detailed stories against Maynard. I don't care if a million people told me Maynard is a raper.
    Until Maynard is proven guilty in court, or he admits he did it, he's not to blame. Same goes for every single human. Get it?
    Weird. You didn’t choose to ignore me by assuming my other post was defending one person and not the other so why would you think about ignoring my retort? Maybe because your post was again low on the substance quotient. Glad you chose to respond, sir! Thank you so much for your valuable time!

  13. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Weird. You didn’t choose to ignore me by assuming my other post was defending one person and not the other so why would you think about ignoring my retort? Maybe because your post was again low on the substance quotient. Glad you chose to respond, sir! Thank you so much for your valuable time!
    You're welcome!
    I'm glad to let you know you're already on my ignore list, so please don't reply further.
    I don't fancy talking to ignorant people.

    +) Yet another facepalm! Now I understand that some people are truly beyond themselves. Well, I tried. Now I give up.
    Last edited by Lerxto; 06-28-2018 at 08:46 AM.

  14. #584
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    I would totally believe any accusations against Reznor from back in 1994. It's really sad, but as people were saying, this kind of behavior has been common for rock musicians for the longest time, and given his state during that period, it's entirely plausible he was no exception. (Especially if he was hanging out with Bowie, honestly.) Maybe not to the point of sending someone out to grab an underage girl every night, but as awful as it is to think, I would not be surprised at all if something like this happened once or twice.

    That said, I'm willing to bet that today's Reznor would never do such a thing and, if he remembers any such assault on his part, probably feels pretty damn bad about it. Obviously, that's not good enough for the victims -- nothing is -- but as far as the conversation about the art vs. the artist, I think we can take some amount of solace in the fact that he's a very different person now. (Though, if these allegations do turn serious, it will be very telling to see his reaction. It also must be said that if they are true, it's shitty it will have taken being called out on it to address them.)

    (In case anything I'm saying is unclear, I am by no means making excuses for Reznor if this did happen -- it would be just as awful as anyone else doing it. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised.)

  15. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post

    I don't care if there are millions of detailed stories against Maynard. I don't care if a million people told me Maynard is a raper.
    Until Maynard is proven guilty in court, or he admits he did it, he's not to blame. Same goes for every single human. Get it?
    P L E A S E just leave. If you truly go by this fucked up logic, then Trump isn’t guilty of anything either in your eyes? All those women’s stories of physical, sexual and/or verbal abuse arent to be taken seriously because it hasn’t been proven in court? Fuck off

  16. #586
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    The amount of manipulation and shifting happening in your heads is incredible. Hey did you know Taylor Hawkins assaulted me in 2010. Yeah I was at a show and in the bathroom. It was deeply upsetting, and these don't need to be full sentences to work anymore right, OK

    Also don't be assuming my tone in my message. That isnt detectable Carmen Sandiegos. I am really truly happy we see people speaking out about these horribly inappropriate gross behaviors, but, please some of these are legitimately one tweet random account "he touched me at location and date". It can be done as easily as what I said up there! Or did you need more details, I've not persisted the false report approach as people prefer I don't and I value why. I encourage we push for answers from the perp for these events. Did you suddenly think your fave musicians were just " saints"? Groupies are common and yea I draw the line at rape or assault too

    Let's at least remind ourselves each day that were going after everyone seemingly more accessible than Drumpf who is an actual sexual assaulter, mysoginist, and has many accounts of rape even from a 14yo girl. It is kinda sad on one angle to see us grill each other while this guy barely deals with any of his actual rape claims. I hate assault in any way ever, its just one angle of it
    Last edited by xmpx_; 06-28-2018 at 09:05 AM.

  17. #587
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    Quote Originally Posted by hologram parade View Post
    P L E A S E just leave. If you truly go by this fucked up logic, then Trump isn’t guilty of anything either in your eyes? All those women’s stories of physical, sexual and/or verbal abuse arent to be taken seriously because it hasn’t been proven in court? Fuck off
    I'm glad you brought up Trump. I'll try my best to not derail this thread into another Trump thread.

    All those women's stories of physical, sexual and verbal abuse are to be taken seriously. I don't know why you keep trying to interpret my words into your liking.
    We should pay attention to those stories. We should listen to them. We should investigate them.

    But we SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT blame Trump and hold him accountable for every single story that has been reported, because, what if it's not true?
    Have you ever considered that, you know, possibility?

    If so, you become the offender. You trashed Trump for what he hasn't done.
    I don't agree with, or endorse everything the man has done. Trump has said and done things.
    But he's not to be blamed until those "stories" are proved, in court or in person. Simple as that.

  18. #588
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    Listen, people who keep facepalming my posts.
    All men and women are innocent until proven guilty. End of story.
    Even if they are murderers. Unless they are caught red-handed, they are innocent. Until. Proven. Guilty.

    I'm not sure if this is the world I grew up in. I didn't know law and order is disregarded and witch hunt replaced it.

    Maynard could be found guilty after all. Anyone might. Point the blame then. No one will try to stop you. Not me at least.
    If not, take responsibility for all your actions. What can you do for him? You called him a rapist. What can you possibly do? What do you think would suffice?
    Know this before you type anything.
    Last edited by Lerxto; 06-28-2018 at 09:15 AM.

  19. #589
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    Witch hunt lol

    That’s just perfect.

  20. #590
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    Listen, people who keep facepalming my posts.
    All men and women are innocent until proven guilty. End of story.
    Even if they are murderers. Unless they are caught blood-handed, they are innocent. Until. Proven. Guilty.

    I'm not sure if this is the world I grew up in. I didn't know law and order is disregarded and witch hunt replaced it.
    I didn't realize an internet chat room could be confused with a court room. I didn't know someone old enough to use a computer unsupervised could miss the difference between them. Unfortunately, it's all too clear that this is the world I'm living in.

  21. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I didn't realize an internet chat room could be confused with a court room. I didn't know someone old enough to use a computer unsupervised could miss the difference between them. Unfortunately, it's all too clear that this is the world I'm living in.
    Internet chat room doesn't grant you immunity.
    I didn't know someone smart enough to like NIN can be so ignorant about the fact that what you say in the internet is what you say in reality. You can be indicted for it.

  22. #592
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    You people really don't care about the *alleged* offenders.

    Stop ruining their lives. Especially before anything concrete comes up.
    If there is one worse thing than being a rape victim, it's being accused of rape or any sexual offense when they didn't do it.

    They get torn down, insulted and considered worthless piece of shit.
    But then, when they are proved they are not guilty, all those people who threw insults on him are gone. You just don't care anymore! Good for you.
    Don't let that happen. Stop blaming people. Talk about it, but don't point the blame, not just yet.

  23. #593
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    I guess he really did want to fuck everyone in the world after all.

  24. #594
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    If there is one worse thing than being a rape victim, it's being accused of rape or any sexual offense when they didn't do it..
    Okay motherfucker I was raped when I was a child by a close family friend and nobody did anything about it and I'll be remembering that until the day I die, you want to tell me somebody falsely accused has it worse than that? You really want to sit there and start quantifying misery? Is that the path you want to go down? Because I guarantee you're going to lose, and the fact that you want to make it into a competition says a lot about you. You've made your point plenty and if rephrasing it every three posts is going to lead to shit like this, you should really kindly go ahead and shut the fuck up.

  25. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    You guys still manage to give me a good laugh by facepalming my post again and again.
    The same people who said Maynard is a dick and a raper and called me "THOSE Tool fan who worship him" is now hoping Trent is not a raper, after some anonymous twitter account told the internet Trent raped her.

    Two people facepalmed this. Two human beings. Unbelievable.
    Dear poro765, you are misunderstanding so many things. we've tried to explain to you what's wrong with your comments in this discussion. you keep coming back (after saying you're leaving) and beating a dead horse.

    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    You people really don't care about the *alleged* offenders.

    Stop ruining their lives. Especially before anything concrete comes up.
    If there is one worse thing than being a rape victim, it's being accused of rape or any sexual offense when they didn't do it.

    They get torn down, insulted and considered worthless piece of shit.
    But then, when they are proved they are not guilty, all those people who threw insults on him are gone. You just don't care anymore! Good for you.
    Don't let that happen. Stop blaming people. Talk about it, but don't point the blame, not just yet.
    OMG That is not worse. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. So many real offenders are not even caught or prosecuted or anything. You've already stated that you don't have a personal experience with sex assault so why the fuck do you think you can have opinion on what its like to be violated in that way and rank it against another personal violation? I will put it simply: you can be cleared of false charges but you can't be un-raped.

    AGAIN you keep speaking about something you know nothing about. You keep doing it. YOU! It's all about you! You're being targeted in the discussion with facepalms because you keep saying shit that's been explained to you.

  26. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Okay motherfucker I was raped when I was a child by a close family friend and nobody did anything about it and I'll be remembering that until the day I die, you want to tell me somebody falsely accused has it worse than that? You really want to sit there and start quantifying misery? Is that the path you want to go down? Because I guarantee you're going to lose, and the fact that you want to make it into a competition says a lot about you. You've made your point plenty and if rephrasing it every three posts is going to lead to shit like this, you should really kindly go ahead and shut the fuck up.
    I'm going to lose? You think I'm here to win?
    Just think of the innocent people and those who might still be innocent. Why is it so hard to do so?

  27. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    I'm going to lose? You think I'm here to win?
    Just think of the innocent people and those who might still be innocent. Why is it so hard to do so?
    Just think of the victims and those who might still be victims. Why is it so hard to do so?

  28. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Just think of the victims and those who might still be victims. Why is it so hard to do so?
    Two words: rape culture

  29. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Dear poro765, you are misunderstanding so many things. we've tried to explain to you what's wrong with your comments in this discussion. you keep coming back (after saying you're leaving) and beating a dead horse.

    OMG That is not worse. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. So many real offenders are not even caught or prosecuted or anything. You've already stated that you don't have a personal experience with sex assault so why the fuck do you think you can have opinion on what its like to be violated in that way and rank it against another personal violation? I will put it simply: you can be cleared of false charges but you can't be un-raped.

    AGAIN you keep speaking about something you know nothing about. You keep doing it. YOU! It's all about you! You're being targeted in the discussion with facepalms because you keep saying shit that's been explained to you.
    And I'm saying that explanation you're giving me is extremely personal and irrelevant.
    You can be cleared of false charges, but can you guarantee that man will be the same as before? No. It's the same as rape. That person can never be un-indicted.

    You keep telling me that I know nothing about this topic. But I do. As you might have noticed, one of my closest friends lost everything because a girl said he sexually harassed her. Of course it wasn't true. He committed suicide soon after.
    Now can I speak?

  30. #600
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    Quote Originally Posted by hologram parade View Post
    P L E A S E just leave. If you truly go by this fucked up logic, then Trump isn’t guilty of anything either in your eyes? All those women’s stories of physical, sexual and/or verbal abuse arent to be taken seriously because it hasn’t been proven in court? Fuck off
    He is saying take it seriously... as in wait for evidence and a verdict before deciding either way. That is taking things more seriously than assuming someone is innocent or assuming they're guilty

    You're replying as if he said something to the effect of "oh why should we believe these accusers"

    My take on all of this is... let the system deliver the ultimate verdict, but meanwhile - shock horror - you are allowed to voice your opinion on whether they are innocent or guilty.

    Whenever a me too accusation arises, there's people (always blokes) who act as if casual discussion is bound by US legal procedure. It isn't

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