Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
I'd like to post this just as something to ponder.

I will preface by saying, again, that I 100% believe this woman's story. As I generally do.

But...the Red Hen. You know, that restaurant that asked Sarah Sanders to please leave. It currently has over 15,000 reviews on yelp. Most of them negative. Funny thing is, it was a near 5-star restaurant until last week. But the owner did something that got Trump supporters' crusty panties in a twist, and so they took to the internet to post literally tens of thousands of fake reviews, fake photos, etc, online, in order to try to destroy someone. Similar things have happened at other restaurants. And on the other side of the political coin, people have been dumping on the pages of the baker who discriminates against gay couples.

My point is that this is 2018, and America is a dumpster fire. People are more frequently turning to the internet to lie through their teeth to bring down someone they don't like.

So if you see an anonymous person, with no evidence, make an extremely damning claim against a famous person...sadly, there is precedent to be skeptical now. It sucks. It makes it a lot harder to get justice. It makes it a lot harder for victims to find the courage to come forward. It's a huge fucking problem. But unfortunately, it's a real problem now. It's not a hypothetical or a what-if. Yes, mercifully it is still statistically just a fraction of a sliver of cases. But the fraction is, sadly, getting bigger, and that complicates things for everybody.

Again: I believe this person. But please don't jump down anyone's throat and tear them a new asshole for even suggesting that maybe something isn't as it seems on the surface, because deception has pretty much become our country's official standard operating procedure
Honestly, this summarizes my thoughts better than anything I can come up with.