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Thread: JFK assassination

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    I'm really sorry, I'm not spoiling for a fight here but there had been assassinations, attempts and executions carried out by both sides by this point in the cold war... various plots against Castro, the Rosenbergs etc
    So there is a conspiracy related to no security? (There was, literally, very very little security. But there hadn't been much up until that point, nobody had tried to shoot the President in a 100 years.)

    Pretty much NOBODY back then (American citizens, I mean) thought "OMG he should have been in an armored bulletproof car with FBI snipers in every window downtown." That's like my Mom being pissed at Air Traffic Controllers for not "doing something" to stop the terrorist hijackers on Sept 11, even though nobody had ever flown a jumbo jet into a skyscraper, using it as a giant flying bomb full of jet fuel. We learn from our mistakes, hopefully.

    The friggin POPE was shot and now has to ride around in the bulletproof Popemobile. But he didn't for many many years.

    JFK was warned not to go to San Antonio, but he received these warnings all the time. There were far more American nuts wanting to kill JFK than Russians or Cubans. Lincoln received the same warnings and had the same risks, but the "luck of the draw" (um, no pun intended) is what it is, and that day his luck ran out.

    This is interesting, though: http://www.history.com/news/jfk-assa...sified-release <--- warning, there is a graphic photo of the car seat where JFK was killed, ugh

    If the Mexican CIA operatives knew of the possibility that Oswald was out to kill Kennedy, the risk existed in every city in America, and what JFK's team should have done was keep him at home if they couldn't keep tabs on Oswald. Unless the Mexican operatives didn't even bother telling the D.C. CIA team. It's more than just a matter of putting security in every building on the parade route; it's putting the President in a friggin' convertible, etc. The whole thing smells like a deliberate operation, which is why we have so many conspiracy theories of the CIA using Oswald -- a person allegedly known by intelligence people as wanting to kill Kennedy -- and putting Oswald in the pawn position to get what they wanted. Allegedly. Also, Oswald insisted - even on national television - that he DID NOT shoot JFK. Then, he never got a trial.

    dun dun DUN ...
    Last edited by allegro; 11-22-2017 at 01:23 PM.

  2. #32
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    No, no conspiracy (as I said, I think Oswald acted alone), like I said I just think they clowned it up. It was possibly the 2nd worst period of tension in global history, and you've got an open top car driving slowly past uncombed buildings. Hindsight is 20/20, but that's incredible

    To draw a 9/11 comparison, it's more akin to the security apparatus ignoring o'neill/alec stations warnings in the run up to 9/11. Staggering, but more a sign of incompetence than conspiracy

  3. #33
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    Oh, well, yes, incompetency, we have always had (and still have) plenty of that!! I think it's also a matter of arrogance, really. And naïveté.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's more than just a matter of putting security in every building on the parade route; it's putting the President in a friggin' convertible, etc..
    Kennedy frequently rode with the drop top down, and in fact insisted on it himself when the Secret Service encouraged him not to. He often did this when the weather was clear and didn't even want the secret service on the car's stepping panels next to him because he thought they got in the way between him and the crowds.

  5. #35
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    I think, today, that the secret service would override a President’s desire to do that, but they’re now equipped with 20/20 hindsight.

    But knowing JFK did that sure made it easier to kill him?
    Last edited by allegro; 11-29-2017 at 05:35 AM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think, today, that the secret service would override a President’s desire to do that, but they’re now equipped with 20/20 hindsight.

    But knowing JFK did that sure made it easier to kill him?
    I just don't get how that sort of thing is even an issue of hindsight. I mean, three others had already been killed. You're already in a scenario where nearly 1 in 10 presidents have been assassinated. The newspaper in Dallas had a "Wanted for Treason" advertisement taken out when he was visiting. What were they thinking? "Hey, maybe fire won't be hot if we touch it this time?"

    I just can't grasp how anyone in a position of authority went "nah it's cool, ride around in a convertible in a route that we can't secure". Not just in Dallas, mind you. Anywhere.

  7. #37
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    Being a coast whore I found this interesting. I still think our own government did it though

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I just don't get how that sort of thing is even an issue of hindsight. I mean, three others had already been killed. You're already in a scenario where nearly 1 in 10 presidents have been assassinated. The newspaper in Dallas had a "Wanted for Treason" advertisement taken out when he was visiting. What were they thinking? "Hey, maybe fire won't be hot if we touch it this time?"

    I just can't grasp how anyone in a position of authority went "nah it's cool, ride around in a convertible in a route that we can't secure". Not just in Dallas, mind you. Anywhere.
    What were they thinking? The right hated Jack in the south because Johnson was their guy. Still the hate Jack was getting was nothing compared to Obama and Now the left on Trump(Russia narrative is covering for hillary's crimes)

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Witch View Post
    (Russia narrative is covering for hillary's crimes)
    Calling @sweeterthan : can we move this to the "conspiracy theories" thread where it was clearly intended to be posted?

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Calling @sweeterthan: can we move this to the "conspiracy theories" thread where it was clearly intended to be posted?

    Haha. The mainstream media is one big huge conspiracy theory nowadays. Its strange watching it. Almost as if we are watching shadows on a cave wall. But yes, the mainstream corporate media is definitely telling you the truth every single day. Yikes!

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Witch View Post
    Haha. The mainstream media is one big huge conspiracy theory nowadays. Its strange watching it. Almost as if we are watching shadows on a cave wall. But yes, the mainstream corporate media is definitely telling you the truth every single day. Yikes!
    Oh shit. Ha. Here we go.

  12. #42
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    Anyway, back on topic: did you guys need this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.ade492d6cb7b

    Trump is blocking some of the JFK files from being released until 2021.
    And they wonder why people question the official account.

    The files MAY just prove, idk, something about spies who infiltrated russia. I guess it could be anything.

    But this sure does have the gears in my head turning

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Anyway, back on topic: did you guys need this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.ade492d6cb7b

    Trump is blocking some of the JFK files from being released until 2021.
    And they wonder why people question the official account.

    The files MAY just prove, idk, something about spies who infiltrated russia. I guess it could be anything.

    But this sure does have the gears in my head turning
    I always wonder about things like this. Like...it happened over half a century ago. I'm under the impression - and correct me if I'm wrong - that the US Government classifies documents to various levels depending on whether their exposure could hurt the nation's interests. Unless there's a big ass lie that is being covered up, what could they possibly still be keeping as classified? I can't imagine there's any sort of security protocols, agent names, technology, etc, that wouldn't be safe to declassify by now. So what's the holdup?

    It just seems like...if there's not something interesting, then what are they waiting for? And if it is something interesting....what is it?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I always wonder about things like this. Like...it happened over half a century ago. I'm under the impression - and correct me if I'm wrong - that the US Government classifies documents to various levels depending on whether their exposure could hurt the nation's interests. Unless there's a big ass lie that is being covered up, what could they possibly still be keeping as classified? I can't imagine there's any sort of security protocols, agent names, technology, etc, that wouldn't be safe to declassify by now. So what's the holdup?

    It just seems like...if there's not something interesting, then what are they waiting for? And if it is something interesting....what is it?
    right, i hear you.
    There's the possibility that maybe it could expose something we did that would infuriate another country I guess?

    But aside from that, man. What could it possibly be?
    I bet they keep on refusing to release them.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Anyway, back on topic: did you guys need this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.ade492d6cb7b

    Trump is blocking some of the JFK files from being released until 2021.
    And they wonder why people question the official account.

    The files MAY just prove, idk, something about spies who infiltrated russia. I guess it could be anything.

    But this sure does have the gears in my head turning
    Wrong. It was Trump who was trying to release them all and The agencies were blocking it. They want redactions

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Witch View Post
    Wrong. It was Trump who was trying to release them all and The agencies were blocking it. They want redactions
    right, but it was ultimately Trumps decision.

    They had to convince him. And I figure they showed or told him something that made him agree.
    Trump seems to do whatever he wants and he did want to release them, so now I REALLY want to know what convinced him. I'm that much more interested.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    right, but it was ultimately Trumps decision.

    They had to convince him. And I figure they showed or told him something that made him agree.
    Trump seems to do whatever he wants and he did want to release them, so now I REALLY want to know what convinced him. I'm that much more interested.

    Being that Trump is the first president elected since JFK and not some deep state clown I know he is under A LOT of pressure. He's got the right turning on him and he's got a fake russia narrative to deal with (assange is a russian agent now?) i truly believe Trump and Q want to release the info but I am also sure he wants to avoid being in the same type of info. Great president, doing a great job imo

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