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Thread: 2017.07.31 - New York, NY @ Webster Hall

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    2017.07.31 - New York, NY @ Webster Hall

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    They opened with Somewhat Damaged and I thought it was "the night". But I had to settle for an amazing and unexpected show. Band sounded perfect.

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    Second great show in as many nights, and certainly the most unexpected (timing-wise, that is). Very aggressive encore-free 90 minutes that left me so drenched I was worried about getting a cab afterwards. The temperature certainly made me appreciate the "breaks" that much more, particularly She's Gone Away and a repeat of The Lovers, though Atticus's little The Loop Closes interlude really, really left me wishing they'd done the full track. An extremely minor quibble, to be sure. So glad to have lucked out and made it in!

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    I just can't right now. But coming into this weekend only expecting to see NIN on Sunday turned into a full weekend starting with Cortini and Telefon on Saturday, Panorama Sunday and ending with this tonight. Is an experience I'll never forget.

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    Highlights were Mariqueen throwing her fist in the air on "Fist Fuck" and the lights randomly being turned off to total darkness during a few songs.

  6. #6
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    I can't even. That was easily the best show I've ever seen.

  7. #7
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    Woah, what an anxiety-ridden day and awesome night! Just got home. First of all, here's what I got from the night for you guys:

    FYI Hurt was NOT played, and Atticuss performed about two minutes of The Loop Closes (not listed).

    These are my recordings....video is very watchable but not perfect 1080 HD. Sound is excellent though on account of my external iphone mic that plugs in:

    More video coming in a little bit.

    I was sleeping in & missed the 10am email on account of the late night Sunday from Panorama, not seeing it till 11:30am. Couldn't get tix, but started plugging away at my contacts. Got one for myself, and then luckily was NOT scummed out by a dude off Craigslist for another ticket for my friend (cost $250 though). But dude showed and we got in.

    Tobacco was great music, but a completely pointless live endeavor imo. I will def. download and listen at home (perfect for doing work/reading), but watching them on stage was pointless. Synthy beats (some stuff kinda upbeat, some stuff more slow and dark) with heavy use of Roger Troutman-esque talk box vocals over top so as too sound very computerized.

    NIN came on at 9:10 and played straight till 10:40. band sounded tight, Trent's vocals were on point. We were all dripping sweat in there. Having a good chunk of their lighting rig crammed on that stage made for some badass lighting/sensory overload at times. Great Destroyer without any video screens was interesting.

    She's Gone Away sounded great! So happy I could be there for it's first live performance. Highlights of course were Somewhat Damaged, Sanctified, all the new material & The Loop Closes (so unexpected). One "complaint" I guess for the show would be...what was the point of booking it if we aren't gonna get really interesting with the song selection? What we got was awesome, and he did drop some of the stalest stuff in favor of others that alot of us have been hoping for this tour based on the printed setlists. I guess he just wanted another show, and one with less constraints than the festivals so they could sneak in a few of the tracks they'd been rehearsing.

    No unique merch, no poster. Line and ticket process at the venue seems to have gone painlessly unless some of you had horror stories after 6:30. I got on the line at like 5:20 and was in the club at like 6:45.

    Mariqueen putting her hands in the air during HLAH ftw!
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 08-18-2018 at 11:35 PM.

  8. #8
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    Mariqueen was going nuts the entire show. It was awesome.

  9. #9
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    side note: NIN have had some great, great shows at Webster Hall over the years, going way way back. Fitting that they snuck in one last show before AEG takes over, renovates the place for 18 months and potentially ruins the charm of this historic venue. I hope they don't ruin the character of the place. It def. is in need of major work, but the place has some magic dripping out of every crack.

    I was surprised he didn't acknowledge as such, considering that's partly why I thought they might have booked the show here.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 08-01-2017 at 12:38 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    . I hope they don't ruin the character of the place. It def. is in need of major work, but the place has some magic dripping out of every crack.

    like the magical, bouncing floor? lol

  11. #11
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    No, we can def. go about fixing that haha. Somewhat Damaged & 1,000,000 were terrifying!

    Maybe a floor is supposed to have some give? lol

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    I hope the video that they recorded during the first few songs surfaces.

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    I'm a live NIN virgin despite formerly being pretty obsessed with NIN as a kid and teen, and getting into a huge amount of wonderful music based on TR's recommendations and music related to that, and also recording a ton of my own music solo-style after playing in bands didn't really feel comfortable for me. NIN has had an insanely big influence on my life. I always checked in over the years but wasn't totally sure about seeing NIN so many years after I originally planned to (there was a cancelled Fragility date the night after the MSG show, and then there was another ... five year gap and I sorta got into other music, even though I always checked in to see what he was up to).

    MY GOD THAT WAS SO INCREDIBLE. I don't know if I've ever had that much fun at a show, period, in my entire life. And I'm in my early 30s now. The fans were incredible. I don't know if I've ever, ever experienced such a wonderful, communal experience in my life like that. I was a weakling when I was younger, so I'm not sure I would have held up in the pit when I was a teenager, but it was so, so much fun. I didn't even feel nervous about getting kicked or whatever.

    As someone who was way too young to go to a show when TDS came out, and really sadly missed out on the Fragility tour, I loved the setlist. I can't believe I got to hear an old-style Somewhat Damaged (I saw that he was doing a reworked version of it for awhile?) I get that it was super-hit heavy and maybe not the most exciting stuff for die-hards (I mean, ... I'd have loved a show of deep cuts, too, or like ... maybe a Fragile show, heh, but I have no complaints), but hearing a lot of those songs live that I just heard alone in my room for, I guess, decades now, with the lyrics just being screamed by at least a quarter of the people around me, was really, really special. I cannot believe I got to see them for the first time in a venue that was probably like what they used to regularly play in the early 90s before NIN got insanely big? I was about three people from the rail for most of the show, but felt like I needed to rehydrate so moved to the back for Reptile and back up to the front for the end; everyone seemed drenched in sweat. I pretty much love the new EPs and it was amazing to get to hear Trent scream "Burning Bright" through a megaphone, and also see She's Gone Away debut. I was really excited to hear "The Loop Closes," damn the tease, hehe.

    The lighting was great – it reminded me of a really old interview/press piece where the journalist mentioned that Trent had re-programmed the TDS era lighting show because he thought the original sucked, basically? – just total sensory overload in a club that size.

    AAAH, so good. Probably like one of the best nights of my life. Can't believe I got to go.

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    Total madness:

    Last edited by bobbie solo; 08-01-2017 at 02:23 AM.

  15. #15
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    Such a great night!!!!!!! I had to drive 8hrs total there and back but so worth it thanks to my ets friends for giving me the heads up when tix went on sale my 39th NIN show !!!!!

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    I was on the rail in front of Trent. I am covered in bruises and at one point I got a nasty stinger and wasn't able to move my hand. In other words: it was awesome!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ash512 View Post
    Highlights were Mariqueen throwing her fist in the air on "Fist Fuck" and the lights randomly being turned off to total darkness during a few songs.
    You should have seen the guy on the lighting board. OMG, he was frantically busting his ass to get it going again.

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    Oh my god, that was fucking awesome!

    I can't believe how many people managed to squeeze in and didn't pass out from the heat! My friend and I were drenched in sweat. When we left, we saw a guy in the subway SnapChat recording his friend twisting out the sweat from his t-shirt.

    Opening with "Somewhat Damaged" was definitely the highlight for me, and I thought we were all going to die when the lights went out when "Burn" came on and everyone rushed to the pit! Haha

    I wonder why they didn't finish off with "Hurt", but probably better to end the show on a high note.

  19. #19
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    Show #43 for me. Every time Trent comes back from a break, I think "I'm over this." I can't do the traveling, the waiting. I'm too old. I don't fit in. But a miracle puts tickets within my reach and I'm there. Somewhat Damaged starts with the smoke and the onslaught of light and sound. Trent screams and the sweaty melange of bodies screams and jumps together in response. And I realize that something very precious to me was missing. Try as I might to fill the void with other things, this is it.

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    Good to meet Failure and his friends...glad my +1 didn't go to waste. The 4 of us ended up being separated in the madness but I think we all ended up roughly 2-3 people from the rail. I thought the new songs translated really well live, including the use of the voice recorder and megaphone. Overall the band was really tight and didn't miss a beat when the lights went out. It was my 8th show and was a shitload of fun. I really hope they consider a club / theater tour in 2018.

    Also, glad Bobbie Solo was able to make it in.

  21. #21
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    @ScreamingSlave I think we met on line. Are you from Worcester?
    @cdm thanks man. Glad you got nice & close despite the later arrival!

    "Hope we didn't fuck up anyone's Monday night plans"

  22. #22
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    Thanks again cdm; it was great meeting you.

    Yeah, the first 3 songs were absolute chaos/madness. I didn't even have intentions of getting close, but I literally ended up dead center 3 rows off the rail (instantaneously). It's almost like my "wide frame" gravitated there in the ocean of sweaty human mass. Anyhow, the whole experience was quite physical. My arms, legs, ribs, and back are all aching today. And man, it was hot (must have been 100 degrees in the thick of things). Having on suit pants and a dress shirt was not optimal (they are basically ruined), but I have to say that it was fortuitous to be wearing heavy duty, wooden-soled dress shoes. Kept me balanced and stuck to the floor! Speaking of which, I thought we were going to fall right through during 1,000,000. And Burning Bright was absolutely huge! That chorus/post-chorus part is much better/cleaner in a live setting.

    And Trent; what is all this talk about 2018?? We still have time for a North American Fall/Club tour....

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    I was all the way up front, maybe two people behind the rail (right behind @Franki eteardrop actually...that's his wife holding the setlist above). But by being just slightly to the left of the dead center crowd, it was perfectly chill the whole show other than Somewhat Damaged, MotP & Gave Up. The pushing nonsense was happening just a few feet over but barely affected me and everyone around me. Worked out great.

    Trent has a little smirk on his face when the lights finally came back on during Burn. I was awaiting what his reaction was gonna be when/if they ever came back on haha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    @ScreamingSlave I think we met on line. Are you from Worcester?
    @cdm thanks man. Glad you got nice & close despite the later arrival!

    "Hope we didn't fuck up anyone's Monday night plans"
    Yes that was me from Worcester area drove in from MA

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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    No, we can def. go about fixing that haha. Somewhat Damaged & 1,000,000 were terrifying!

    Maybe a floor is supposed to have some give? lol
    I was jumping around during SD with everyone, but then in the intervening moments between that and 1M, I guess I remembered the floor again, and when everybody started back up for 1M I completely believed for a few minutes that the floor would collapse, and I moved more to the right of the stage. It was fucking scary! Haha

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  26. #26
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    I've been out all day exploring - our last day here in NY - but want to write this before I forget.
    Amazing night. I feel just a teensy bit bad for how much I paid for those tickets. If I had been less anxious, I could have waited a couple hours, as I saw the prices on Stubhub fell once it was closer to the time of the show. I never did get an email from the NIN camp, though, and as was documented in the other thread, I only opened up my phone and found out about the show around 1 PM - well after they had gone on sale and already sold out. Oh well. Life is short. I don't regret money spent on great memories. I'm very happy my husband and I got to be there. This was my sixth time seeing NIN live.
    I did worry myself stupid all afternoon about the tickets being fakes - even though there was the supposed protection in place with StubHub for my money back, I obviously wanted to go more. When we got in line there *was* a girl going through the line with a printed out list, asking for names. There was no name printed on my tickets. She was not reassuring at all, and told me flatly "well, there's only a 50/50 chance these are real and you'll be getting in." I wanted to punch her in the face right then. Haha. She also said there would be an ID check against the tickets at the door, but there never was! So a lot of confusing back and forth info. We got to talking to the couple behind us in line, super nice, and they at least took my mind off the worry until we got in. When the tickets scanned and they waved me on through to be patted down, I almost cried from relief. The couple we'd been talking to started cheering.
    Absolute highlights of the night for me were Somewhat Damaged as an opener (AWESOME), She's Gone Away, and BURN! I'll have to check, but I don't think I've seen that one played since the first time I saw NIN - in 2005! Everyone in the crowd was cheerful and seemed incredibly excited to be there. I did talk to two different couples and one girl that all said they knew about last night's show almost a week in advance. All were NYC locals, and all of them had a friend, or a friend of a friend tip them off ahead of time, saying to "be ready Monday morning."

    I loved Webster Hall, and I'm glad I got to experience it before it's renovated. But that floor did scare the shit out of me! We were dead center, about 8 people back when SD started, and moved over to the right after 1M. It was strange not to get Hurt, though. I still love it as a closer. It's the first time I've seen them that they *didnt* play it.

    Awesome night that I will never forget.

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    Here's some of my footage from last nights show.


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    Panorama was my first NIN experience, this the second. I was also too young to attend the Fragile era tour and too self-conscious a teenager to go see the With Teeth/Wave Goodbye tours by myself. I feel so lucky to have snagged a ticket to such a small show, I still feel like i'm flying high from last night's energy. I'm so happy I got to witness the power of Somewhat Damaged, WHAT AN OPENER. It met and exceeded all expectation from the live footage i've seen online. And The Wretched, WOW. I'm a sucker for the Broken era, so when Gave Up and Wish came up, I totally lost it. The new songs fit right in with the rest of the set. It's extraordinary to see the band so tight and ferocious and after so many years. I have to say though, the highlight was seeing Finck do his thing. His energy is infectious, watching him contort his face and body as he played elevated my experience to a whole other level! I can't imagine how the NIN show worked without him before. I am so envious of all of you who've seen them play for years now, now I have to try and make up for all the shows I haven't seen.

    Also, from the shows I've been to at Webster Hall I can confirm that the floor has always bounced...don't know if that means it was meant to be that way or was built incorrectly...

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    Now that I'm back home in Texas, I can post more about the show. I'm going to preface this with a non-NIN story. A few years before I was born, my mom had a baby that she put up for adoption. He actually reached out to us three years ago when I was 21. We saw him that year, and haven't seen him since, but we did talk to him often. He lives in Brooklyn. So when Panorama got announced, it was a perfect opportunity. My mom (who is also a big NIN fan) and I flew up on Thursday and met my brother and spent most of the last several days with him with the exception of Panorama since he's not a big NIN fan. So we walked by Webster on saturday, and I looked at my mom and brother and said "I would fucking kill to see NIN in that club." I even posted that on my snapchat story. So fast forward to monday morning. I woke up at 10:18ish and saw that the show sold out and I was devastated. But my brother is awesome and convinced me to find a way to go. He knew I had to go to Webster, so I managed to score a 200 ticket on Ebay to solo the show. It was worth every fucking penny. I didn't particularly care for Tobacco. I did look up at the balcony and saw Trent take the picture that he put on his instagram, so that was cool. The forty minutes between Tobacco and NIN took forever. But holy fucking shit, when the lights went out and the chirping sound at the beginning of Somewhat Damaged started, I fucking lost my mind. I never believed that I would get to see my all time favorite band in such a small venue, as they never play tiny venues like that in Dallas. That was the first show in years that I had absolutely no idea what was going to be played. While the set wasn't as long as I was hoping for, it was awesome still. Somewhat Damaged, Reptile, The Wretched, Sanctified, and The Great Destroyer were my highlights. Easily the best show I have ever been too.

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    Gotta light?

    This clip isn't really doing Alle's bassplaying much justice. Would have loved if the matriarch herself would have sauntered out for this, provided backup vox, and then left like it was another day at the office. The roof would have shook..

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