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Thread: 2017.07.30 - New York City, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

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    2017.07.30 - New York City, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

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    2017.07.30 - New York City, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

    Great show. Great sound. Set list was pretty decent for a festival. Only complaint is it ended earlier than it had to. Great to meet everyone.
    Last edited by somewhat_; 07-30-2017 at 10:24 PM.

  3. #3
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    I had a good time! Really great to just lose yourself in the performance for awhile. Also, here's to the dude who was super surprised and then excited that Hurt was the encore - I'm glad it made your night

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  4. #4
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    Great show, beautiful evening, pretty ok crowd on the VIP side. I'm incredibly glad I went in (mostly) spoiler-free, as hearing The Lovers was just the sort of surprise I needed to really elevate the experience. I need to sleep on this and gather the rest of my thoughts, but I hope everyone else had a blast as well.

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    Amazing show. I was a little worried that it would be the typical festival crowd full of bros and girls with flowers in their hair wearing short shorts but was pleasantly surprised at the amount of NIN fans. I must of picked a good spot since everybody around me was singing along and having a great time. Reptile was huge and The Wretched was great as always. The only downside was the little fight that started up during I Can't Give Everything Away other than that no complaints. After seeing NIN tonight it was obvious that they are on another level compared to every other band or act that performed today. Oh and I loved The Lovers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by quietime View Post
    The only downside was the little fight that started up during I Can't Give Everything Away other than that no complaints.
    That's kind of crazy. I was actually thinking how remarkably quiet everyone remained. It made for such an intimate performance in such a large crowd. Guessing you were on the opposite side of VIP?

    Really great show overall. All of the new stuff was amazing. Looking forward to next years non-festival shows.

    I got excited for a moment when I spotted MQ, but alas she was not there as a performer.

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    Killer show. The crowd was respectful for the most part and was into the whole thing. Hearing his cover of the final Blackstar song in person was chill-inducing; it sounds like nothing you'd expect a Nails song to sound like, but it works well. Maybe they can adopt this as theirs to honor Bowie with, in the way Cash adopted Hurt and made it his own.

    Walked right past Leviathant on my way out post-show, and pretty sure I saw Sarah K, too. All in all, much better than the other two or three festival shows I've seen them do!

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    2017.07.30 - New York City, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

    Had a good time hanging with @kleiner352 and @Sarah K almost all day yesterday and the night before at the TTA/Alessandro show. Thanks for making my solo venture a little less solo! Also good to briefly meet @magnolia and @RJK . Hope everyone enjoyed the show!

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    The usual setlist but great energy. I ended up about two people away from the rail without even noticing it: people kept pushing me forward. And by the way, fuck you to the huge douchebags elbowing their way through the crowd.

    The highlights for me were the new songs, The Lovers being my favourite.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somewhat_ View Post
    Also good to briefly meet @magnolia and @RJK . Hope everyone enjoyed the show!
    Good to meet you three as well! I would have liked to come chat some more with you guys, but my husband and I went and explored more of the food, before deciding to settle into the GA side.

    So yeah, bought VIP for the day, not sorry I did either, but we went and grabbed a spot along the side barrier in GA a little before Glass Animals started, and then worked our way up enough that I could see @sarah k across the way by the time ATCQ started. Before NIN came out, I left the barrier and got more into the crowd, but during the show I turned and noticed I think around Burning Bright that we had been pushed back almost all the way over to the barrier again. Ha.

    It was a killer show. The crowd was into it the whole time, my feet lost touch with the ground for quite a bit of the show, and the energy was just amazing. I kind of wanted more from the set list after watching Bakersfield and FYF, and I still think they should have played SD and/or SGA - they had plenty of time - but of course I forget that watching the show from a computer versus actually being there makes all the difference. Every song hit hard, and I sang my heart out along with everyone else in the crowd - it didn't matter that I'd already seen Hand That Feeds, Hurt, etc every other time I've seen NIN live. They were still just as powerful.

    After Tribe left and before NIN started I was happy to overhear some high school looking kids in front of me eagerly explaining to their friends that "this is the best live show you'll ever see" and that they "shouldn't miss it for the world." I sometimes think that NIN doesn't resonate with younger crowds anymore, but from what I saw yesterday, I don't think I will worry about that anymore.

    Overall, extremely happy we flew all the way out from Texas for this. I do have the day-after-sads, though, (anybody else get those?!), after looking forward to this for the last 7 months, and now it's over and done with... but now to look forward to Riot Fest!

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by quietime View Post
    The only downside was the little fight that started up during I Can't Give Everything Away other than that no complaints.
    i was up front by atticus- it seemed someone was having seizures and they needed a medic. was this the commotion you're talking about? definitely took me out of enjoying the song properly, but wasn't a fight. for the most part, pretty tame crowd.

    also: NO SHOUTING DURING HURT. i was impressed and honestly moved <3.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    also: NO SHOUTING DURING HURT. i was impressed and honestly moved <3.
    I heard only one shout during Hurt, but it honestly sort of warmed my heart -
    Right after Trent sang "I am still right here", some guy shouted "YEAH YOU ARE!"

    Considering the passing of Chris Cornell this year, it was a moment where I felt very, very thankful that Trent is still here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    it seemed someone was having seizures and they needed a medic. was this the commotion you're talking about?
    No but that sounds horrible hope they are ok. I was dead center not up front like you but close enough I like to take in the whole scene. Anyway a fight broke out behind me between two guys something about talking during the performance.

    Another thing that annoyed me was a group of people who would scream shout every time somebody would try to record any video. They would openly say stuff like "we're only doing this to ruin your video" then laugh and cackle. I don't get that at all. People should just let everybody enjoy themselves as long as it's not harming anybody. Who cares if someone wants a 30 sec video to post on FB. Enjoy the show and move on.

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    2017.07.30 - New York City, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

    Quote Originally Posted by magnolia View Post
    Good to meet you three as well! I would have liked to come chat some more with you guys, but my husband and I went and explored more of the food, before deciding to settle into the GA side.

    Overall, extremely happy we flew all the way out from Texas for this. I do have the day-after-sads, though, (anybody else get those?!), after looking forward to this for the last 7 months, and now it's over and done with... but now to look forward to Riot Fest!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I definitely get a little bummed out the day after.... especially today now that I know there is a club show tonight and I'm at the airport flying home in an hour.

    This makes my riot fest decision much tougher. I was telling myself it would be ok to skip because it would most likely be the same set list and I've seen nin so many times. But now there has to be a possibility of a club show the day after and my family life kind of prevents me from making a spontaneous day of decision to drive 5 hours to see a show.
    Last edited by somewhat_; 08-01-2017 at 03:52 AM.

  15. #15
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    So, after avoiding any setlist spoilers, and arranging to bus in from way upstate NY to make to Panorama on Sunday (since this happened to fall on the couple of weeks that I'm not in New Jersey), I am so beyond happy that I spent the money / went through the trouble of trekking out to see the show. The other acts I caught at the festival were great - I feel particularly fortunate to have seen Tribe's excellent set - but Nails as usual lived up to my high expectations.

    The opening visual of the NIN logo forming piece by piece a la the opening titles of Alien? Amazing tone-setter, and Branches/Bones makes for a killer live opener. All the new material they played sounded terrific but The Lovers (holy shiiiit) and Burning Bright were probably the best of them; the use of the tape recorder and megaphone was just so tactile, it felt perfectly tailored to the style of the EPs. Other highlights were of course the emotional Bowie cover from Blackstar, my first time seeing The Great Destroyer, and a particularly moving rendition of Hurt that wasn't bogged down by too many yelling idiots. The rest of the set, though familiar, sounded phenomenal (The Wretched and Reptile in particular were on fire) and I had an amazing time and eagerly await this lineup's first foray into dedicated touring.

    Hearing about the impromptu Webster Hall show as I waited for my bus back upstate, there was a pang of bitterness, but in the grand scheme of things, I have been an extremely lucky, fortunate NIN fan. I've seen them almost a dozen times - including their last show at Webster Hall, the legendary Downward Spiral set - and I hope some folks who haven't had the chance to experience them in a club get to taste that magic tonight.

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    I legit cried during the Bowie tribute.... knew it might be coming but still hearing it live was a experience that can't translate into words. The whole show was incredible. I will never, NEVER get tired of hearing The Frail/The Wretched! The only down moment for me was the chick behind me trying to get to rail. We got our spot at 4pm in VIP, she arrived at 9:10 and kept trying to jockey in front of me. that ended fairly quickly. Otherwise... a stellar night!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    Hearing his cover of the final Blackstar song in person was chill-inducing; it sounds like nothing you'd expect a Nails song to sound like, but it works well.
    I liked the piped in backing vocals from Bowie as well. Haunting.

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    There was zero reason for anyone to pony up for VIP. I hope not too many of you did. This festival is the newest & most poorly attended of the 3 big ones they're trying to get off the ground in the NYC area (along with Gov Ball & The Meadows). This one does the worst bc of it being smack dab in the middle of summer, plus the lineups haven't been massive yet.

    That being said, we reaped the benefits of this festival being a bit more low key! Getting around the site was a breeze. Get up close for Tribe & then NIN was easy peasy. I was maybe 75-100 feet back from the barrier with minimal effort. My friends came later on and met up with my group easily as well.

    Crowd was very well-behaved as said above. During the Bowie cover it was almost silent around me. Same went for The Lovers, The Frail & most of SICNH (little bit of screaming/cheering in between vocals...standard stuff we've all heard before during that song & Hurt). I think it's a combo of the fans getting older, the show was late on a Sunday night, and the weather was perfect.

    Only real moshing was during MotP.

    Branches/Bones is an absolute ripper live.

    Tribe & Cloud Nothings killed it. Hope you guys caught them:

    Their drummer Jayzon Gerycz is a monster. So fucking fast.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 08-01-2017 at 11:54 AM.

  19. #19
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    tl;dr - I didn't want to fucking go to a festival, but I had an amazing time, met some really cool people from ETS, and thought the band sounded the best that I've ever heard.

    I got a VIP ticket, as they were released back when I like, had a full time job and all of that. Haha. Not having to use porta-potties is worth a LOT to me. Plus the lounge areas were pretty cool. It was nice to have spots to sit down and relax before we had to start looking for our spot. Was it worth an extra $150 or whatever? Most likely not. But I don't really regret it or anything, either. I've paid $300 for a single NIN show before, so meh. This is the one thing in life that I have allowed myself to blow stupid cash on, because nothing else comes close to making me as happy as these experiences.

    I really, really wanted to go into this show with as few spoilers as possible. I knew that there were basically no visuals and that they did the Bowie song, but other than that, I was going in blind. I'm very impressed with myself that I was able to avoid everything, as willpower is most definitely not one of my strengths. It was so fun not knowing what was going to come next. Out of the new material the only one that I was hoping for that wasn't played was This Isn't the Place. Other than that track, The Lovers, Less Than, and Burning Bright were the ones that I wanted the most, and I got them.

    I think that after a certain point, shows start to blend together a little bit. But when Reptile fully kicked in, I just could not believe it. I wish it was possible to translate how fucking massive that sounded to the people who were not able to be there. That is a split second that I will remember forever. After the show I was talking about it to people and got goosebumps. I was talking about it with a friend today, and the same thing happened. I had never really understood everyone's super-love for Reptile before that very moment. Now I absolutely get it. That was the first time I had ever caught that track at a show.

    Atticus looks super nervous or something, but I think he added a lot, because aside from a few flubs on Tront's part, they sounded incredibly in sync. Trant is 52 and outperforming people half his age by miles and miles. Nearly 30 years into NIN, and it is still exciting and special. I think Tension was the best *show* I've ever been to. But this was one of the best *concerts* I've ever been to. I thought that I would be a bit bored by the limited visuals, but I wasn't at all. It forced me to pay closer attention to the people on the stage. I still love the crazy ass light shows, but I also really enjoyed this set, too. I think that for a festival show, it was a pretty badass setlist. I was kinda dreading having to go to a festival, but that shit turned out to be pretty, pretty, pretty alright.

    It was so good to meet @kleiner352 and introduce them to NYC. It was also nice getting to hang out with @somewhat_. The three of us also attended the TTA/Cortini show the night before and got to meet both of them. This was my first experience with meeting any members (thought I didn't really meet Josh, just listened as others spoke to him), and I didn't even act like an asshole or anything. This was also my first time at a NIN show with people since the very first one that I went to - all of the other ones I've hit have been solo ventures. So it was great to have people to pass the time with. Thank you both so much! I also briefly met @RJK at the Saturday night show and he is the nicest person on the planet for being super kind and giving me a pick that he got at the NIN show!

    This whole weekend just reaffirmed a lot of good shit for me. 2016 was a fantastic year for me, and 2017 has been nothing short of heartbreaking and fucking horrible. This was BY FAR the highlight of my year. My cheeks hurt that night from smiling so much, and my throat hurt from the yelling/singing combo that I was doing. This is something that I desperately needed, as there really hasn't been all that much to smile about recently.

    I hope they play Burning Bright forever. For months I have been looking forward to Robin wailing away on that shit, and it absolutely did not disappoint. I was unsure of how it would translate to a live setting, and it blew away all of my expectations and then some. Me having emotional responses to songs is not unusual, but that is usually due to outside influences and associations that I have with them. But the first time I ever heard this song, it totally made me cry a little bit. Same with hearing it live. I have no explanation as to why this song brings out so many feelings for me, but it sure as shit does.

    I feel lucky as shit to have attended this show and for the opportunity to meet not only the folks I hung out with this weekend, but all of the rest of you that I've met along the way. I don't know if all bands have like a super close group of fans like this or if we are a weird outlier, but I am so thankful. People I've met via this board have become friends, have looked out for me, and have provided me with some pretty awesome opportunities and experiences. You can't really ask for much more than that. Thanks for being here and understanding.
    Last edited by Sarah K; 08-01-2017 at 10:42 PM.

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    This was my favorite time at a NIN show I've ever had, and the list of reasons are long, but rather than write a full show review or mention things I've already brought up elsewhere, I'll just list a few of them:

    Being on the rail for NIN is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It outdid seeing Dillinger on the rail, even. The lack of big screens only added to the experience, and I think the decision to remove the lights was a wonderful way of removing the distractions of the big glowing screens we all carry around in our hands all day in 2017 that constantly give us more reasons to feel anxiety. It took the band and the audience and put us in a very connected, present and physical world during a time period of digital paranoia and virtual isolation and I think it speaks to the themes of both EPs very well.

    I'm sure they'll bring back the big fuck-your-eyeballs visuals next year, but I am beyond glad I saw a show without them, and I didn't miss them at all. As someone who used footage of Lights in the Sky as a way to get into the band's live shows, that surprised me heavily. Keeping the set so aggressive and intense helped maintain that sense of constant mental presence and allowed for almost no points where you'd feel distracted, want to look around of think of anything else. The crowd got it, the band was on fire and no songs felt boring, tired or dated. I've never seen this band playing at such an intensity before and it really feels like the dangerous energy of the 90's band and the calculated professionalism of the modern one have completely intertwined to create something vibrant, vital and original again.

    A big part of what made this so special to me was that it was my first time leaving Florida, and it couldn't have happened too soon. Getting on a plane and going by myself to see a city I've dreamed of since I was a little kid and take it all in, to meet two members of my favorite band in an historic venue and to then see that band perform right in front of me the night after was magical, and it was a series of firsts that I think will never be outdone in my life. Thank you so, so much @Sarah K for making this experience so possible and wonderful for me, and I'm still so sad I couldn't snag you a Webster ticket before I had to go as a thank you. It was a whirlwind of experiences that I will never forget, and when life is full of so many days we will never remember, to have several in a row where every second is going to be permanent in my mind is just wonderful. It's a beautiful city full of beautiful people and you helped me see some of the best of it and feel immediately comfortable; so many people would never even think of taking somebody in and showing them around, let alone indulging in every whim, random desire to explore and impulse-based decision to eat like their body is made of pure trash as you did, but it seemed like it was nothing to you and that says so much about who you are.

    On that note it brings up another big part of what made the show so special -- all of the amazing people I got to meet. Every concert always has us form those temporary concert buddies, but NIN shows always seem to lead to me meeting the best, most passionate and beautiful people, full of warmth, friendliness, love and support and this show was full of those connections and interactions. I'd never met anybody from this board before, and getting to meet Sarah, @somewhat_, @magnolia, @RJK, @halo33 (whose Year Zero remixes played a big part in my development as a fan for this band) and so many others was incredible. Every single person was unique, funny, interesting and lovely and I can never get over how amazing it is that a band so full of darkness, loneliness and detachment can lead to so much human connection, friendliness and energy.

    I cannot wait to travel for this band again and to meet so many more of the fantastic people that gather together to watch Trent Reznor yell about being honey onstage for a while.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 08-03-2017 at 04:06 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I'd never met anybody from this board before, and getting to meet Sarah, @somewhat_, @magnolia, @RJK, @halo33 (whose Year Zero remixes played a big part in my development as a fan for this band) and so many others was incredible. Every single person was unique, funny, interesting and lovely and I can never get over how amazing it is that a band so full of darkness, loneliness and detachment can lead to so much human connection, friendliness and energy.
    Couldn't have said it better myself. I am beyond flattered that my remixes mean something to you. As I mentioned to you at the show, Trent allowing us that opportunity to play with his music in that way gave me the confidence to become a songwriter and composer. The fact that it resonated with anyone at all is something that will always mean the world to me. I'm glad you had a great time and popped your rail cherry.

    After 77 shows over 22 years, I can easily say, that going to the shows isn't just about seeing NIN. It's about seeing and hanging out with all the friends we've made along the way. It's a cheesy Grateful Dead sorta thing we got going on, and I cherish it.

    You are my family. #nin-laws

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    @halo33 can't wait to see you at another show sometime. The Robin water baptism you gave me is always going to be one of my peak NIN live memories from now on, haha.

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    My memory is a lil hazy, and maybe @RJK can confirm, but I think I caught another Robin bottle at Webster too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by halo33 View Post
    My memory is a lil hazy, and maybe @RJK can confirm, but I think I caught another Robin bottle at Webster too.
    You most definitely did!

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    I'm increasingly convinced Robin is secretly on a mission to hydrate every man, woman and child within the tristate area of any given show

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    Oh I also rubbed and hit a blue ball with ETS members. A+ - would participate in group CBT again.

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    I guess we all have Robin waterbottles.

    (Santa Barbara, 2009)


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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealNs1 View Post
    I guess we all have Robin waterbottles.

    (Santa Barbara, 2009)

    Want to change my username to Robin Waterbottles now

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    Haven't posted in a while, but usually I throw something in the tour journal after any show I go to. It was really a great festival set, biggest complaint would be that they didn't slip in an extra encore song or 2 before Hurt, I think the show ended around 10:45 so there was definitely time for it and although Hurt is a crowd favorite I always feel a little bummed out when I see Robin come out with the acoustic because I know the show is over.

    Possibly the best part of the show was the crowd. I was on Atticus' side of the stage probably about 20 people back, where it was definitely tame, but I couldn't believe how quiet the festival crowd was for SICNH and the Bowie cover. Also, reading reviews of the LA shows it didn't sound like the Lovers went over great live, but it was one of the highlights for me. Shoutout to the guy working the merch table who gave me a heads up on the Webster Hall show, but I just wasn't able to go Monday night.

    Seeing one of these festival shows seems like a true bonus since there are only 4 on the calendar for this year, I can't wait til next year for the more extensive tour.

    Sidenote- This was my 9th show and my first time getting The Frail/The Wretched. These two songs have been pretty common on just about every tour since The Fragile, so I definitely thought it was strange that I went 8 straight shows without it.

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