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Thread: Add Violence Back Cover...ARG?

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRanged691 View Post
    I'm now more convinced that number is meant to be the zip code and not something else.
    These things sort of stand out when you look around Casa Grande

  2. #242
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    I'm interested in what the label for the meter above "Tolerance" and "Bias" is. If we're calling that "Panel J" - There's still more to be seen on it - not much though. See the new Add Violence t-shirt.

    Also, an image on (top right) shows the spines of various albums. They don't seem to be in a discernable order...unless they are. If there's to be a larger story inferred by the nin catalog, then year zero is at the very end. Immediately preceded by With Teeth.

    So if I'm correct here, I think we're looking at (in order right to left) Broken, TDS, Natural Born Killers, Welcome Oblivion, The Fragile, With Teeth and Year Zero. Thoughts?
    Last edited by slammy79; 07-17-2017 at 09:12 PM. Reason: Thanks for the correction cdm!

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by slammy79 View Post
    So if I'm correct here, I think we're looking at (in order right to left) Broken, TDS, Natural Born Killers, Welcome Oblivion, The Fragile, NTAE and Year Zero. Thoughts?
    The Fragile...With Teeth...Year Zero

  4. #244
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    Found a "K" floating around all by itself in the Less Than music video (not a part of the breaking apart lyrics, since it's when he sings "welcome oblivion"). Making the assumption it's connected to the K on the album art.
    Probably nothing, but may as well mention it.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 07-17-2017 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #245
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    Don't know about this, but it made me look closer to the NIN store and it looks like "Anxiety" is a big part of whatever it is.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    Actually Groundhog Day meets The Matrix.
    Every Day is Exactly the Same

  7. #247
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    Is it Friday yet!?

  8. #248
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    Hi everyone, first time poster. I used to post here under a name that I can't remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malashaan View Post
    A somewhat disorganized collection of thoughts follows.
    The Big K: It is very prominent and stands out in that it doesn't serve any obvious function, unlike the other components. It could be a manufacturer's logo (which in itself could be relevant), but it is in a somewhat odd location for that. It could also be a label added by the controller indicating it is unit K, suggesting there at least 10 other units. These could be modules for the simulation (e.g., the block above of which we can see half is module J), or could indicate several distinct simulation systems running simultaneously. In the latter case, does that mean there is something special about K (a rogue simulation?) or is it just one example of a wider scheme?
    I believe the K is a label and it stands for "Kesdjan" which is another name for the astral body. Some religious philosophers define the astral body as that which controls the physical body and is the vessel for the soul. Many religions including most kinds of Christianity subscribe to the idea that we are born without identity. Our identity is built upon a blank slate, and it is not our essence but rather a reflection of our experiences (i.e. it's just "the idea of you"). It is often said that an outside antagonist with some level of divine knowledge (Satan in Christianity) could be able shape our experiences and therefore shape our identity such that we might destroy our selves or others. Notice the first album cover is a blank slate with those little tic marks on it. Notice the same tic marks appear on the the Add Violence cover, indicating that something has been built upon the original substrate. It has developed into a machine that controls the physical body, and all of the controls are set in ways so as to cause harm. We cannot change the controls easily because that would require a kind of awakening which is difficult to attain ("can't wake up"). So that is typically not what happens (i.e. waking up and becoming free is typically "not the actual events").

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    Actually Groundhog Day meets The Matrix.
    There is no soon.

  10. #250
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    Wow... someone used the numbers as GPS coordinates and it took them to a creepy ass van with the outline of a hand... a hand much like the 'presence'.

    One hell of a coincidence!

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Found a "K" floating around all by itself in the Less Than music video (not a part of the breaking apart lyrics, since it's when he sings "welcome oblivion").
    Probably nothing, but may as well mention it.
    Has anyone noticed the red text that flashes VERY quickly at different parts of the video? For instance, at :17 [ I CAN'T SEEM TO WAKE UP ] and at :26 [ I THOUGHT IT WOULD FIX ME ]

    Forgive me if it's been brought up before / elsewhere.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by slammy79 View Post
    I'm interested in what the label for the meter above "Tolerance" and "Bias" is. If we're calling that "Panel J" - There's still more to be seen on it - not much though. See the new Add Violence t-shirt.

    Also, an image on (top right) shows the spines of various albums. They don't seem to be in a discernable order...unless they are. If there's to be a larger story inferred by the nin catalog, then year zero is at the very end. Immediately preceded by With Teeth.

    So if I'm correct here, I think we're looking at (in order right to left) Broken, TDS, Natural Born Killers, Welcome Oblivion, The Fragile, With Teeth and Year Zero. Thoughts?
    Thats actually completely chronological but with htda thrown in the middle.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Has anyone noticed the red text that flashes VERY quickly at different parts of the video? For instance, at :17 [ I CAN'T SEEM TO WAKE UP ] and at :26 [ I THOUGHT IT WOULD FIX ME ]

    Forgive me if it's been brought up before / elsewhere.

    I know that was actually mentioned (and briefly discussed, "briefly" because this was before we knew there actually was something more to all of this) in the topic for Less Than.

  14. #254
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    Yeah. I had confused NTAE for With Teeth originally. So maybe it's not what's there, but what isn't there?

  15. #255
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    Nice coincidence?

    The "NEXT WEEK" tweet was a day before the 70th anniversary of the Roswell incident.

  16. #256
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    Has anyone gone through the NTAE physical component and tried to relate it to the cover at all?

    I'm assuming that NTAE is just that...NTAE, so there's probably not much to it until the future components come out.

    Last edited by 2020k; 07-17-2017 at 09:59 PM.

  17. #257
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    Are there any clues in the NTAE physical component?

  18. #258
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    Just checking if anyone tried calling (851)220-2022?

  19. #259
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    I think the value for apperception on the bottom scale is more likely to be ~26 than ~19. While the left hand number inn the scale is 0, the top scale is linear, and the bottom is as well in all th other major subdivisions. Unless you created a totally artificial set of units with an arbitrary change in definition at 30, the bottom number can't mathematically be anything other than 20. Either is possible, but it seems more likely to me that the bottom is just (incorrectly) marked 0 as the lowest value than the lower scale uses such a bizarre unit that has arbitrary changes in magnitude.

    I also played around with the numbers a bit. You can get 7 digits from the bottom scale on each dial. That could be a phone number. I tried both combinations (19 or 26 for Apperception) of 7 using Casa Grande as the area code ad assuming the dials should be read top to bottom, left to right. One was a dead line, but reported as being connected to Benson, AZ. The other went to someone's cell voicemail and was clearly just a private. I decided to not try other random combinations after that - no need to harass strangers without more to go on...

    I tried (851)220-2022 just now: "your call cannot be completed as dialled." Not sure how that is different to the number I got a dead line on. My guess would be that the latter is a valid number that has been disconnected.
    Last edited by Malashaan; 07-17-2017 at 10:11 PM.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fadeout54321 View Post
    I think this needs to be paid attention to and not get lost in the depths of this thread. I think that this is right on as a plus/minus situation. Somehow this relates to the overall puzzle and the 5 segments they are on, how exactly is beyond me.

    Minus: MORALE
    Plus: DISORDER

    On another thought it is interesting that BIAS is lighted in the upper panel and then there is a knob or plug port or something at the top of the second panel.
    <end lurking>

    I think you are right about PL=Plus and MI=Minus. If we take Plus as Increase and Minus as Decrease it makes sense.

    The label (i.e.: Apperception) for each knob is the dependent variable (DV). The knob represents the independent variables (IV). The knob is used to select the IV. The IV that is selected influences the DV and determines if the DV increases (PL) or decreases (MI).

    Therefore, the machine is:

    Apperception (PL): Setting Apperception to Oblivion increases Apperception. Apperception is "the mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already possesses." Therefore, by setting Apperception to Oblivion, you are endlessly assimilating new ideas into your body of ideas and increasing Apperception. (Interpretatoin: if you are being told things that are "not the actual events" you will start assimilating "fake" ideas into your body of ideas.)

    Satisfaction (MI): Setting Satisfaction to Inertia decreases Satisfaction. Inertia is "a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged." Satisfactoin has been set to do nothing or remain unchanged which is leading it to decrease. If you are given the same level of Satisfaction, over time you will satiate to that level of satisfactoin and you will perceive a decrease in satisfaction.

    Morale (MI): Setting Morale to Isolate decreases Morale. Morale is being isolated from the system, and therefore there will be a decrease in Morale. Immoral behaviors will increase.

    Disorder (PL): Setting Disorder to Regress will increase Disorder. If we are regressing (i.e.: losing skills (particularly critical thinking skills due to increases in Apperception), behaving in more immoral ways) we can expect an increase in Disorder.

    Submission (PL): Setting Submission to Restrain increases Submission. In addition to all the aforementioned Submissoin has been set to Restrain. This seems self explanatory: if you are restrained you will be submissive.

    All of these settings seem to reflect the current political state (i.e.: President Trump, "fake news," and media coverage of it all). They all also fit in with the political context of Year Zero.

    I think we are are either getting an alternative perspective on the events of Year Zero, or something changed in the timeline (i.e.: Deviations, Not the Actual Events) but we are still approaching Year Zero, albeit in a different way.

    Narrative wise, my interpretation is that NTAE is intentionally ambiguous. Everyone is still asleep. The character assumes tries to deny it, none of this is really happening. Burning Bright lets loose the chaos and the presence/bad guy/tyranny takes over begins the chaos, possibly using this machine. Very analogous to The Great Destroyer, possibly the point at which The Great Destroyer takes control.

    Less Than begins commentary on the events that are occurring. I expect/imagine/hope that ADD VIOLENCE will be more direct and to the point with regard to the narrative. The Great Destroyer is in charge and using this machine to ADD VIOLENCE to the story.

    <resume lurking>
    Last edited by psyfy16; 07-17-2017 at 10:30 PM.

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by izo View Post
    Dissecting the car on google maps in case it is a hint/clue:

    1: The Presence?

    2: (question marks represent illegible letters)
    ?B ?
    CA EYE

    3. The numbers look to read 335 or 375?

    4. Initials JE. Unsure of significance/if there is any

    5. Skulls artwork. Unsure of significance/if there is any

    6. Unidentified art. Unsure of significance/if there is any
    My wife has determined that the sign in the upper right of the van is "B____ CASEY'S MEDICINE SHOW".

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    My wife has determined that the sign in the upper right of the van is "B____ CASEY'S MEDICINE SHOW".
    "Ben Casey" was a medical drama back in the 60's, according to the googles. That van is just fucking weird.

    EDIT: Just checked the Wikipedia real quick: "The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols ", , , , " on a chalkboard"

    ...hand and symbols? I don't have time to over-analyze this tonight.
    Last edited by Bajoobatron; 07-17-2017 at 10:30 PM.

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Anyone else think Trent's lurking and giggling at us going crazy over this stuff?
    Hi Trent. Get back to rehearsals, and please play in Buffalo for the first time this millennium. We miss you.
    I've seen Nine Inch Nails 23 times (soon to be 24). They've played in Buffalo 2x. I've been a fan since '92, but I've never seen them play here. Here's hoping.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    I've seen Nine Inch Nails 23 times (soon to be 24). They've played in Buffalo 2x. I've been a fan since '92, but I've never seen them play here. Here's hoping.
    That feeling when you've seen NIN more often in another country than in your home state.

  25. #265
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    So it's likely nothing, but I went to every URL from the YZ campaign and aside from 2 that seemed to be bought from someone else all of them directed to 42 Entertainment (the people who ran the last ARG), however the website leads to forbidden screen.

    P.S. I'm a fucking newb here, and it's been forever since I used traditional forums like this. How the hell do I just post an image?
    Last edited by Hesitation_Marks; 07-17-2017 at 11:33 PM.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hesitation_Marks View Post
    ...How the hell do I just post an image?
    It's easiest to rehost your image on something like imgur. Copy the link to the image and use the "insert image" button.

  27. #267
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    Ah the year zero days

    Just a question
    anyone try try mixing the videos for Burning bright (field on fire) with the video for less than?
    just a guess. I always found it funny that Burning bright was only video static. And less than is all gameplay with flashes of text and bits.
    just an idea. If I didn't have work at 5am I'd try it
    Last edited by W.O.R.M; 07-17-2017 at 11:31 PM.

  28. #268
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    It's easiest to rehost your image on something like imgur. Copy the link to the image and use the "insert image" button.
    That's exactly where it's hosted! haha.

  29. #269
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    I'm so excited to get into all of this, as I never had anything to do with the YZ stuff (and being from New Zealand, couldn't have done much anyway)!
    With the previous things like this, was it mainly around visual clues, or were there also clues imbedded in things?
    I thought I may have been onto something with the AV front cover, with the GPS co-ords and all of the metadata. Nothing like that in the back cover though.

  30. #270
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    It's been forever since I've been on here and I couldn't remember my old username. Been scrolling through this whole thread and had 2 questions (apologies if these were already covered): Has anyone looked at the and source code yet? Also, it kinda looks like there is some writing in red ink (very worn) on clear tape in a couple of spots on the picture - I haven't been able to figure out what it is, if it's anything at all...

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