Guess its my turn to bitch about why I hate this, i'm apologizing in advance if i fuck up and accidentally offend anyone

Alright, first of all, im a very poor person. I don't have a job, I only get paid from Disability due to having both Aspergers and severe depression. But the thing is, because of all the bills and shit i have to buy keep myself from starving and living in a van down by the river, I only get to keep $50....a month.....thats it, with a 22$ check that comes every month so it's really $77. $77 a month isn't really gonna buy you shit really.

Now mind you, I have no problems supporting Trent at all, I bought all of this with those $77, so it's not that I don't want to, but the evens and circumstances surrounding pricing and this stupid fucking "physical world" thing is a problem for me and im sure a lot of other people for a following number of reasons.

Gas money. I'm not fucking driving all the way from Portland to Vegas, getting a ticket, driving all the way back...wait till the date, drive all the fucking way back when I could of only done it once. I get it, it's probably less likely to get ripped off, but, as i've already read, hasn't stopped from having scalpers.

I dont drive. That's my mom who does that and she works. I dont think her job will let her take the day off to let me go see my favorite band, just a hunch

Not everyone is social, and it's not because they are "on their fucking phone" all the time. I get it, he wants people to meet people and interact, I get it, he has good intentions with it. Problem is with me and a lot of people is that im Asocial (what people think Anti-Social means but it's actually not) and a recluse. There is a difference between "being lazy and not wanting to go out because your too fucking lazy" and "I don't want to go outside because I hate how people treated me, I hate most people and it physically makes me uncomfortable" which is what I have. Most of the social interaction is with stuff like you guys. Trust me, I would love to meet all you guys, honestly, I would (I'm so much easier to talk to IRL than online too)

I'm still gonna buy Bad Witch, but unless some miracle happens and a closer date comes by, it's just not gonna happen, and it pisses me off because I WANT TO GO. I WANT TO GO SO FUCKING BADLY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

So yeah, rant over. Sorry.