Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
I pretty much only wear it with a jacket on that obscures it. If someone knows the band they recognize it, if not they don't think I'm a Nazi. I definitely wouldn't feel right wearing it anywhere that an actual shooting had happened recently.

I live in Vegas, and before the shooting maybe two weeks before the shooting I was wearing my ADD VIOLENCE shirt while I was out running errands, I got asked about it quite a bit. I just said its the title of a new album from NIN (I know its an EP but it just made explaining it easier). I actually didn't like the attention I got from it.
I'm going to wear my "Used To Stand For Something" shirt because Vegas even though this is a purple state leaning towards red, for the most part people here are sick of Trump and think he is an idiot like two thirds of the country. The "used to stand for something" wasn't meant for the Trump administration, but as they said suddenly seems appropriate.